Tag Archive for blog

Library and Information Science Business Cards

. . . . by Courtney Baron, Head Editor, INALJ Georgia Library and Information Science Business Cards I’m planning to go to my first conference this fall and I’d like to print business cards for the occasion. Many employers provide business cards for their employees, but if you are a library student like me or…

Professional Development in the Workplace

. . . . by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Professional Development in the Workplace Keeping yourself current with library trends and technologies is crucial to furthering your career as a librarian. Professional development in the workplace is a great way to challenge yourself and keep your information professional skills sharp. It is up…

Libraries in Movies

by Courtney Butler, Head Editor, INALJ Idaho Libraries in Movies I love doing movie marathons – especially themed ones. I was recently thinking of doing such a themed marathon to commemorate my official entrance into the library profession post-degree and voilà! I came up with a list of my five favorite movies that involve libraries,…

A Trip to the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum

by Scottie Kapel, Head Editor, INALJ Oregon A Trip to the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum I recently returned from a trip to Vermont with a new love for billboard-free interstates, Subaru Outbacks, and cheese (admittedly, that last one is not a newfound love). Although each day of the trip was great, my favorite afternoon was spent visiting…

5 Copyright Resources

by Amanda May, Head Editor, INALJ North Dakota 5 Copyright Resources Since finishing library school in May, I find that I am much more confident working as an information professional.  There is still one word that scares me though, and it’s copyright.  I’m definitely no expert in copyright, but I do have a few resources…

4 Websites to Keep You Up-to-Date with Tech

by Yandee Vazquez, Head Editor, INALJ Texas 4 Websites to Keep You Up-to-Date with Tech Keeping up with technology is hard. There’s a lot going on from one day to the next and many sources claiming the newest updates and discoveries – it’s difficult to know where to turn. And it is important to turn…

Is the eBook Craze Over?

by Nicole Usiondek, Head Editor, INALJ Michigan Is the eBook Craze Over? Recent data is suggesting that the eBook craze is over. I was resistant to eBook readers when they first came out. After testing out the Amazon Kindle App on my phone for a few months, I realized I would be able to adjust…

About That Dream Job…

by Nena Schvaneveldt, Head Editor, INALJ Utah About That Dream Job… I know people say to follow your dreams, and that will make you happy. I went to library school with a dream job and a plan. I would work as a teen librarian in a busy public library. Two and a half years out…

Beggars Can’t Be Choosers

by Claire Schmieder, Head Editor, INALJ New Jersey Beggars Can’t Be Choosers Here are a few things I’ve learned during my seven-month (and, as of yet, continuing) job search: 1. Because I can’t relocate, my search may take me a little longer. I am not in a position to move, nor am I willing to…

All About Mentoring

by Kate Kosturski, Head Editor, INALJ NYC All About Mentoring When I attended Drupal Camp CT earlier this month (read my wrap-up here), our keynote focused on mentorship, and the importance of mentors in the Drupal community. The keynote speaker, DrupalEasy co-founder Mike Anello, believes highly in the value of mentoring – for both mentor…

Working the Job Hunt (While Working a Job), Part 1

by Alexis Stapp, Head Editor, INALJ Minnesota Working the Job Hunt (While Working a Job), Part 1 Some of you out there surely must be in the position of looking for a new job when you already have one. The job hunting process while already employed can be tricky – it is, after all, practically…

Have You Heard of Little Free Library?

by Lisa Huntsha, Head Editor, INALJ Sweden Have You Heard of Little Free Library? You’ve seen those “take a penny, leave a penny” dishes at stores. Well, this is the same concept, but with books. Perhaps you’ve seen something similar at train stations or coffee shops – a shelf or book rack inviting you to…

Back to School? Or Not Back to School?

by Shelley Macon, Head Editor, INALJ Florida Back to School? Or Not Back to School? I don’t know about you, but it is back to school time in my house.  The last few weeks have been a flurry of shopping for school supplies, clothes, supplies, shoes, and supplies.  Did I mention supplies? The back to…

Breaking Out: Non-Traditional Jobs for Library Technicians

. . . by Lauren Bourdages, Head Editor, INALJ Ontario Breaking Out: Non-Traditional Jobs for Library Technicians There’s a lot of talk out there about non-traditional LIS jobs for librarians. For example: 61 Non-Librarian Jobs for LIS Grads The ALA’s Non-Traditional Jobs for Librarians page The Where We’re Going: Non-Traditional Careers for LIS Graduates slideshare…

Should You Leave the MLS off Your Resume?

by Sarah Roark Schott, Head Editor, INALJ Arizona Should You Leave the MLS off Your Resume? I recently left my job in Arizona and moved to another state. The move is slightly temporary; I only plan on living here for a year unless my partner or I find amazing positions here. Unfortunately library or archive…

Interview with Janssen of Everyday Reading

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions . . by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Interview with Janssen of Everyday Reading Emily’s interview with Janssen, of the blog Everday-Reading.com, who started blogging in 2006 to chronicle the books they were reading and…

Do It Anyway

by Sarah Porter, Head Editor, INALJ California Do It Anyway Do you ever find your “dream job” posted, and feel discouraged from applying for it after reading a long list of qualifications? Some of the wish lists of requirements are so long and comprehensive that only a highly intelligent robot set on world domination could…

Back to the Book Shelf: This Librarian’s “To-Read” List

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Back to the Book Shelf: This Librarian’s “To-Read” List If you are anything like me, you have plenty of books on the shelf to read but are always looking for more. I recently ran across a Pinterest item that describes the situation perfectly. It reads, “Abibliophobia: (n). The…

Great Sci-Fi for Those Who Don’t Like Sci-Fi

by Renee Holden, Head Editor, INALJ Nebraska Great Sci-Fi for Those Who Don’t Like Sci-Fi I used to read sci-fi books as a kid, but when I became a teenager I traded sci-fi stories for the passion of teen romance books. As a reader’s advisory librarian, I talk to adults who like me fell out of…

Cardmunch, store business cards on your phone

. . . by Duda Trickovic, . Head Editor, INALJ New Brunswick and INALJ Prince Edward Island Cardmunch, a new way to store business cards on your phone In today’s digital world I am still getting a lot of information on paper. I am trying to convert everything in digital form but that is not always easy. One of the…

Why You Must Travel

by Mychal Ludwig, Head Editor, INALJ New Mexico Why You Must Travel Full disclosure: I’m writing this from atop a hillside overlooking Laboucherre Bay on the most North Western point of Prince of Wales Island, Alaska.   Currently on vacation in what I like to call Baja Alaska, technically volunteering for an archaeologist friend on…

Overcoming Procrastination

by Elinor Crosby, Head Editor, INALJ Nova Scotia Overcoming Procrastination Hello, my name is Elinor and I am a procrastinator. I’ve been getting better as I get older, but I’ve always been an at-the-last-possible-minute kinda gal. As a child I found my schoolwork easy, so I spent my time reading instead, and then did my work…