
Internet Resources for Education

by Michele Frasier-Robinson, Head Editor, INALJ Oklahoma Internet Resources for Education As an academic librarian, one of my responsibilities is creating and maintaining subject research guides for multiple disciplines. Part of this task requires locating quality Internet resources to add to each guide. Thus, I am always on the hunt for accurate and reliable Internet…

Your Biggest Weakness in 4

by Diana La Femina, Head Editor, INALJ South Carolina Your Biggest Weakness in 4 The point of an interview is to sell yourself. That should be the goal of every answer you give. You’re the best person for this position, the only choice, and this is why. But how do you answer the dreaded weakness…

Post-Thanksgiving: A Reflection on What I’m Thankful For

by Yandee Vazquez, Head Editor, INALJ Texas Post-Thanksgiving: A Reflection on What I’m Thankful For With Thanksgiving behind us and the holidays ahead, I wanted to take some time to reflect and thank those that have helped smooth the path of my library science education, job search, and job. Sometimes I forget to acknowledge how…

Public Libraries: The Compromise

by Rebecca Tischler, Head Editor, INALJ Tennessee Public Libraries: The Compromise I recently read an article on the MacLean’s website called, “Thanks for the Tip, I’ll Get It on Amazon,” by  Brian Bethune, which explained that even though bookstores are having problems with sales, people still come into the stores to browse, or to ask…

Jobs Pages & Contact Us Forms: Fixing and Fixed

Hi Everyone, We have had some issues updating the jobs pages this week, and we are working on the technical difficulties.  All currently maintained states have been able to update a few times a week for now, and we have created a work-around for Massachusetts and Ontario, temp pages.  All to get those jobs to…

How to Be Happy

by Julie Watson, INALJ Pennsylvania Head Editor How to Be Happy Student loan debt. A tight job market. Rejection letters. Uncertainty. Stress. Worry. Fed-up. Frustrated. Happy? No, “happy” is not a word often associated with job-seekers. Do you dream of the day when you land your dream job (or let’s face it, any job)? That…

November 2013 Roundup (INALJ Stats )

Over 3.5 million total page views reached in November! What a great month!  we reached over 3.5 million page views at!  November’s busiest day was 13,879 views on 11/18, and our busiest week had 73,380 views the 45th week of the year, and for the month had 281,501 views! Some fast stats for November 2013:…

5 Tips on Combating the Big Bad Stress Monster

by Leigh Milligan, Head Editor, INALJ Wisconsin 5 Tips on Combating the Big Bad Stress Monster With the holidays coming up, it sure can be the most wonderful time of the year, but also, the most stressful time of the year.  The hustle-bustle of gift buying, event planning, cooking holiday meals can all contribute to…

Go Ahead, Be a Little Bossy

by Fallon Zschiegner-Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Arkansas Go Ahead, Be a Little Bossy If you had told me a year ago that I would not only be doing metadata in my non-library job but that I would WANT to do metadata…well, I would have laughed in your face. Yet, in the three months since I’ve…

Unique Library Programs: Stuffed Animal Sleepover

by Brad McNally, Head Editor, INALJ Ohio Unique Library Programs: Stuffed Animal Sleepover Before I worked in my current position in higher education institution, I was working in the children’s department of a public library. I think one of the coolest programs we ever were able to pull off was the Stuffed Animal Sleepover Story…

Avoiding Managerial Mistakes with Cooperation and Consistency

by Courtney Butler, Head Editor, INALJ Idaho  Avoiding Managerial Mistakes with Cooperation and Consistency I am in a supervisory position for the first time in my professional career, and it is interesting being on the other side. We have all had bosses and supervisors that were belittling, incompetent, unrealistic, or just plain unpleasant to work…

5 Things I’m Grateful For (Librarian Edition)

by Mary-Michelle Moore, Head Editor, INALJ Vermont 5 Things I’m Grateful For (Librarian Edition) It’s the end of the year – which means that it’s time to start reflecting on what has happened this past year and to start making plans for the upcoming one. It’s also the season to take reflection on what I’m…

A Multi-Title Book Club

by Ashley Crace, Head Editor, INALJ West Virginia A Multi-Title Book Club Like many of you reading INALJ articles, I LOVE book clubs. I love talking about books with other people who love talking about books. One of my favorite aspects of public librarianship is the opportunity to take part in and even lead book clubs. This…

Getting the Most from Your Workout

by Lisa Huntsha, Head Editor, INALJ Sweden Getting the Most from Your Workout   If you’re like me, you frequently let yourself skip the gym because you have more pressing things to do. Stop that. Here are some suggestions for making your workout doubly productive so you won’t have any more excuses: Listen to a podcast.…

Staying Focused during the Job Hunt

by Gabrielle Spiers, Head Editor, INALJ Montana Staying Focused during the Job Hunt I was on LinkedIn not that long ago and I came across this article about job crushes. The article really resonated with me because I have been doing that for a long time. So what is job crush? It is when you imagine…

Story Time Resources

by Shelley Macon, Head Editor, INALJ Florida Story Time Resources It is not easy to put together cute, clever, and effective story time programs week after week. Even the best of us run out of ideas or can use a little inspiration every now and then. Not to mention the fact that it can be…

5 Free Online Reference Resources

by Amanda May, Head Editor, INALJ North Dakota 5 Free Online Reference Resources There are a lot of great free resources on the Internet that can be used during reference transactions.  Here are five of my favorites: Healthline BodyMaps – This site allows users to explore the human body in 3D.  BodyMaps includes male and…

5 LIS Items on My Holiday Wish List

by Courtney Baron, Head Editor, INALJ Georgia 5 LIS Items on My Holiday Wish List It’s that time of the year! The holidays are approaching. While normally I look forward to having some time off from my insane schedule, for those of us who are job hunting, it can bring increased anxiety and disappointment. I’ve…

All about Accreditation

by Kate Kosturski, Head Editor, INALJ NYC All about Accreditation Do you know what library school accreditation is? Perhaps you are applying to library school and heard how important it is to go to an “ALA Accredited Library School.” Or you may have perused job listings on INALJ and noticed that one of the requirements…

Conference Qualms

by Scottie Kapel, Head Editor, INALJ Oregon  Conference Qualms I’m writing this from a table at the back of the exhibitors hall at the AASL 16th National Conference in Hartford, CT. This is my first conference, and so far the experience has been very rewarding, in terms of both stimulating sessions and generous swag. Thanks…

Four Rules for Book Club Success

by Amanda Viana, Head Editor, INALJ Massachusetts Four Rules for Book Club Success When I started my first professional position about a year and a half ago, I had to take over some duties which were totally new to me. One of the most important was facilitating the library’s two book clubs. Not only were…

2 Differences between Corporate and Academic Libraries

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut 2 Differences between Corporate and Academic Libraries I have been working as a corporate librarian for several months and wanted to share a couple points of comparison that I have found to be the biggest differences between a small academic library and a corporate library. These only my…