

by Sara Dixon, Head Editor, INALJ Kansas Resolutions It’s that time of year again. Time to reflect on the last twelve months and consider what seemingly small, and yet attainable improvements we can make over the next twelve months. I used to not make New Year’s Resolutions, I think because it was too easy to…

Volunteering in Local Government

by Rebecca Vogler, Head Editor, INALJ Nevada Volunteering in Local Government In the summer of 2010, as I was getting close to finishing my undergraduate program and begin my exciting journey into the world of library science that following January, I was given a bit of advice that I believe has helped me tremendously ever…

Being Thankful

by Diana La Femina, Head Editor, INALJ South Carolina Being Thankful This should probably have been November’s blog, but it still holds true. Actually, I think I may have already written about this, but even if I have it definitely needs to be repeated. If you’re like me (and most people, I assume) then it’s…

What I Learned From the Year of Scary Things

by Nena Schvaneveldt, former Head Editor, INALJ Utah What I Learned From the Year of Scary Things It’s the end of the year/ beginning of a new one, which can only mean reflective lists. I’ve had a year of facing some pretty terrifying things. I know I’m feeling reflective, so here’s a list of scary…

Be Your Own Best Advocate: in the job search and beyond

by Rebekah Kati, Head Editor, INALJ North Carolina Be Your Own Best Advocate: in the job search and beyond I had a lot of trouble advocating for myself during my job search.  I’m a pretty quiet, modest person and I hated illuminating my accomplishments and contributions to projects in cover letters and interviews.  I always…

15 Days to OLA

by Lauren Bourdages, Head Editor, INALJ Ontario 15 Days to OLA  In the summer I applied to be part of the askON Text Reference Pilot project because I wanted to get some direct experience in providing reference services. For those of you who aren’t familiar with askON, 28 public and college libraries in the Province…

A Year at INALJ

by Shelley Macon, former Head Editor, INALJ Florida A Year at INALJ A year ago I was scrolling through facebook and noticed a shout out for volunteers to be state editors of INALJ.  And truthfully, I noticed it, but I just kept right on scrolling and didn’t give it another thought.  Then I went on…

3 Articles on Job Searching During the Holiday Season

by Ryan Nitz, Head Editor, INALJ Alaska 3 Articles on Job Searching During the Holiday Season We’re all so busy during the holiday season, it can be tempting to take some time off from the job hunt to relax, catch up with friends and family, or simply to keep up with all the craziness. No…

5 Things I’d Like to Learn in 2014

by Claire Schmieder, Head Editor, INALJ NJ 5 Things I’d Like to Learn in 2014 I am really bad at making, and then following through with, New Year’s resolutions. If I do make them, I start feeling like there is all sorts of pressure on me to get started, so I start hiding from my…

Volunteering for INALJ

by Nicole Usiondek, former INALJ Michigan Head Editor Volunteering for INALJ I’m sure many of you are wondering what it is like to volunteer for I Need a Library Job. I can tell you it is an experience that I am so grateful for and have not regretted once. As a Head Editor I spend…

Another Take on Temping

by Beth Gemella, INALJ California Assistant  Another Take on Temping Temporary jobs are good for making money while you are looking for a permanent job, but another way to view them is as paid training for your future positions.  Here are a few ideas to get the most out of your temporary position. Take advantage…

New urls for Jobs Pages

by Naomi House Good morning and welcome back/aboard to all the new state/province/country/region Head Editors! In late November and all through December experienced some technical difficulties.  It seems we were sharing so many jobs and so many links that our hosting site basically was blocking us from updating regularly.  When I called they figured…

Updating pages, Updating links

by Naomi House Over the next few days I will be migrating all individual jobs pages to new urls and deleting the old pages.  This is a fresh reboot inspired by some of the technical problems our hosting company was having.  Fear not, nothing will be deleted without first having the replacement up and running.…

December 2013 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

Over 3.75 million total page views reached in December! What a great month!  we reached over 3.75 million page views at! December’s busiest day was 12,895 views on 12/3, and our busiest week had 69,787 views the 49th week of the year, and for the month had 241,055 views! Some fast stats for December…

INALJ Needs You!

by Naomi House INALJ Needs You!  (to stay open) Hi Everyone!  What a fantastic year!!!  I have worked with some incredible and dedicated librarians and staffers on this INALJ project.  Our #1 goal is connecting you guys with job openings in our field and outside the box.  For personal reasons many head editors are leaving…

An Ideas List (in 6) for your New Year

by Sarah Roark Schott, Head Editor, INALJ Arizona An Ideas List (in 6) for your New Year For many of us the thought of beginning a new year looking for a new library job is daunting. Instead of a list of tips to get healthy, I thought I would come up with a list of…

Job Hunting Over the Holidays

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Job Hunting Over the Holidays It seems like job postings have really slowed down over the past few weeks, at least in Wyoming. I would expect hiring takes a backseat during this busy season, which can be difficult for job seekers. Rather than becoming disheartened in one’s search, I…

New Year’s Resolutions: LIS Edition

by Sandra Hoyer, Head Editor, INALJ Washington New Year’s Resolutions: LIS Edition It’s that time of the year again. The time to look back on all the year’s events and truly think about what you might want the New Year to bring. Join me as these fellow LIS professionals think about what’s to come in 2014.…

Cleaning House: Preparing for a New Year

by Yandee Vazquez, Head Editor, INALJ Texas Cleaning House: Preparing for a New Year 2014 is right around the corner, and with the parties and well-wishes come the slew of New Year’s resolutions. “Next year I’ll do ‘this’ better or ‘I’ll finally finish ‘that’ project.” I can be a little backwards, so what I like…

Our Volunteers & Happy Holidays

For the next three days only a smattering of our pages will have updated jobs. This is because my volunteers work all year and for all holidays I like them to not feel pressure to update, but instead to focus on themselves, their friends and families. has around 180 volunteers at any one time…

Deck the Shelves This Holiday Season!

by Renee Holden, Head Editor, INALJ Nebraska Deck the Shelves This Holiday Season! I am a collection development librarian in a public library that also specializes in reader’s advisory for my library.  Around the holidays, I get a lot of patrons that are looking for some books to get themselves in the holiday spirit.  I…

Spirit of Giving: 16 Charities to Consider

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Spirit of Giving: 16 Charities to Consider Are you in the Spirit of giving this holiday season? Or do you not know what you should get your Library and Information friends this Christmas? Consider making a donation to a charity which has a mission of providing information and…

Network at the Holiday Party Hop

by Ashley Mancill, Head Editor, INALJ Alabama Network at the Holiday Party Hop Andy Williams calls it the most wonderful time of the year, but just because it’s the holiday season doesn’t mean you should put off your job search until January. Although it may seem as if the only companies hiring during December are…

Surviving Christmas

by Elinor Crosby, Head Editor, INALJ Nova Scotia Surviving Christmas For a variety reasons, I don’t celebrate Christmas. We didn’t celebrate it when I was growing up, so I have no Christmas traditions or even any emotional attachment to Christmas at all. Christmas mainly makes me feel awkward, which in turn makes me just want…