Tag Archive for blog

Non-Library Positions on Your Resume

by Diana La Femina, Head Editor, INALJ South Carolina Non-Library Positions on Your Resume Let’s talk a bit about looking outside the field for job experience. I know as well as anyone else just how hard it can be to get a professional position without a good deal of experience first (it’s a Catch-22, and…

Can I Put That On My Resume?

by Shelley Macon, Head Editor, INALJ Florida Can I Put That On My Resume? It’s been a long time since I have had an actual “job.”   And by “job” I mean – a reoccurring time of work that is accompanied by a salary which is paid in money (as opposed to macaroni art and sticky-faced…

Should You Go to That (Non-Library) Conference?

by Kate Kosturski, Head Editor, INALJ New York State Should You Go to That (Non-Library) Conference? My fellow INALJ editor Sarah Dixon talked about attending the ALA conference in her latest blog post – and hers is not the first I have seen, so conference season is upon us. But, conferences are expensive, and a…

On Library Advocacy: You Don’t Need to Work There to Support Your Library

by Fallon Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Oklahoma On Library Advocacy: You Don’t Need to Work There to Support Your Library Recently, there has been a kerfuffle in the library world over an article written by Michael Rosenblum for Huffpost (seen here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-rosenblum/whats-a-library_b_3239502.html) and what that means for libraries as a whole. I will admit that…

3 #TweetChats You Should be Following

by Africa Hands, Head Editor, INALJ Kentucky 3 #TweetChats You Should be Following: using hashtags in Twitter for learning (Editor’s Update: you can now participate Monday’s at 9pm ET with us on #inaljchat) Have you participated in a tweet chat? Tweet chats are chat sessions that happen regularly on Twitter using a particular hashtag. Chat…

Managing Your References Team

by Christina Wilson, Head Editor, INALJ Alberta Managing Your References Team: a necessary soft skill At some point in your quest for the perfect position, you will be asked to provide references.    I think of my references as my team.  They are a trusted group of colleagues who know my work style and achievements and…

MLIS and Motherhood

by Dawn Thompson, Head Editor, INALJ Ohio MLIS and Motherhood While attending graduate school my partner and I decided to try and have our first baby. We’d seen lots of friends go through the process and figured that we’d have just as much if not more trouble so we didn’t need to worry too much…

Crafting a Superb Cover Letter

by Alexandra Janvey, Head Editor, INALJ Iowa Crafting a Superb Cover Letter Cover letters are an important part of the job application process. Your cover letter can have a very strong influence on prospective employers, as it’s the first item employers read. Therefore, your cover letter is the basis of the prospective employer’s first impression.…

Outside-the-Box Jobs in Maine and Beyond

by Kristen Jaques, Head Editor, INALJ Maine Outside-the-Box Jobs in Maine and Beyond Hello, jobseekers!  If you’ve been perusing the job listings on the beautiful and fascinating INALJ Maine page lately, you may have noticed that I post an assortment of jobs which do not feature the word “library” or “librarian” in the title, and…

My On-Campus Interview: Lessons Learned

by Lisa Huntsha, Head Editor, INALJ Sweden My On-Campus Interview: Lessons Learned After reading R.C. Miessler’s  post regarding on-campus interviewing, I thought it might be worthwhile to share my experience. A little over a year ago I interviewed for, and landed, a position on a college campus. My interview lasted 2 full days, I met…

Scary New Things #1: Go to a Conference

by Nena Schvaneveldt, Head Editor, INALJ Utah Scary New Things #1: Go to a Conference Well, I have begun my journey into doing scary new things: I attended the Utah Library Association conference. I’m starting locally because I want to meet local librarians, and I thought that jumping into ALA Annual as my first conference…

Lauren Swain Mosley, archivist at Jacksonville Historical Society

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions by Scottie Kapel, Head Editor, INALJ Oregon Interview with Lauren Swain Mosley, archivist at Jacksonville Historical Society Lauren Swain Mosley is the archivist for the Jacksonville Historical Society. She began working at the institution as…

Landing a Job the “Old School Way”

by Genise Gorman, Head Editor, INALJ Arkansas Landing a Job the “Old School Way” Technology is a great way to look for a job, but in today’s economy why not try a different approach to your job search, the “old school way.”  Listed below are several approaches to finding a job using old school job…

Creating your brand as a job searcher

by Stephanie Leigh Taylor, Head Editor, INALJ British Columbia Creating your brand as a job searcher When we’re looking for a job, especially these days, it’s tough to have your personality come through on an online application form.  This is where branding yourself online, using social media and blogging, are definite aids in the job…

Meet Sylvia Bly: INALJ California Assistant Editor

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions by Kiersten Bryant, Head Editor, INALJ California Meet Sylvia Bly: INALJ California Assistant Editor Kiersten:  How did you find your current job? Sylvia: Through Indeed.com, as well as subscribing to job postings from Wayne State…

Summer Reading Magic: Bring on the Kids ..and the DIRT!

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Summer Reading Magic: Bring on the Kids ..and the DIRT! It’s that mystical time of year again where libraries and their staff are working diligently and quickly to finalize and implement their library summer reading program. As a children’s librarian and one who handles teen programming, I…

18 Tips for Writing a Manual for Work

by Holly Lipschultz 18 Tips for Writing a Manual for Work I’m one of those Hermione-types of people who read manuals. If I need to learn something, my first order of business is to read the manual. Give me a job manual, and I’ll read by tomorrow morning. And if there is no manual or…

Seeking a Library Job While Employed

by Veda Darby Soberman, Head Editor, INALJ Hawaii Seeking a Library Job While Employed Many of us are lucky enough to be in the process of hunting for our dream library jobs while currently employed either in another library job or at a job in a different field.  Even if you think you already have…

Poppy Louthan … Youth Services Librarian

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions by Melanie Masserant, Head Editor, INALJ NYC Poppy Louthan … Youth Services Librarian 1. Please tell INALJ readers about your position and responsibilities at Sacramento Public Library. I’m a Youth Services Librarian and Volunteer Coordinator…

4 Tips for Editing Your Resume and Cover Letter

by Amanda May, Head Editor, INALJ North Dakota 4 Tips for Editing Your Resume and Cover Letter This past spring, I participated in my first library search committee.  After being the “job searcher” for so long, it was really interesting to be on the other side of the process.  I’ve read so many articles on…

Defeating Discrepancies

by Courtney Butler, Head Editor, INALJ Idaho Defeating Discrepancies Without naming any names, let’s just say I recently visited several libraries in several different geographical regions, and the discrepancy in quality between the institutions got me thinking about library funding strategies. Why has it been deemed acceptable for large, rich communities to have state of…

How to Deliver a Presentation: Lessons from MARAC

by Rebecca Crago, Head Editor, INALJ Virginia How to Deliver a Presentation: Lessons from MARAC At the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) last April I attended a half-day seminar called “Let’s Go On With the Show: Skills for Developing and Delivering Conference Presentations.” The title alone grabbed my attention, but I had to register because…

Scholarships for Everyone! – Funding your MLIS or MLS

by Sandra Hoyer, Head Editor, INALJ Washington Scholarships for Everyone! – Funding your MLIS or MLS Everyone knows how pricey a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) or Master of Library Science (MLS) program can be. Here are some excellent sites that feature a variety of  different scholarships and fellowships to help fund your…