Tag Archive for article

Musings on Vocational Anxiety

by R.C. Miessler, Head Editor, INALJ Indiana Musings on Vocational Anxiety As I sit at the computer, the patio door open, sipping bourbon, listening to the polyglot cries of  insects and animals at dusk, and trying to deal with a looming deadline and job application fatigue, I think about the future. I think about my…

Asking for the Support You Need

by Diana La Femina, Head Editor, INALJ South Carolina Asking for the Support You Need Every month I need to write a blog post with advice to you, and every month I’m faced with the same problem: I don’t feel I’m qualified to be giving advice. Oh, I can tell cautionary tales (“don’t do what…

Considerations for an MLIS Abroad

. .  by Matthew Tansek, Head Editor, INALJ Rhode Island Considerations for an MLIS Abroad Looking for a more exotic local to complete your library and information science degree, but worried that you may not be able to get a job back here in the states?  Have no fear, I’m going to give you all…

Anxiety-Free Interview Wardrobe in 20 Pieces or Less

. . by Veda Darby Soberman, Head Editor, INALJ Hawaii Anxiety-Free Interview Wardrobe in 20 Pieces or Less Dressing for an interview can be a challenge. I enjoy fashion, and I usually know how to put together a great outfit, but something about dressing for a job interview can throw me for a loop. I…

Great Summer’s End Reads

. . by Renee Holden, Head Editor, INALJ Nebraska Great Summer’s End Reads We often have patrons frequent the reference desk around this time of year who are looking for some great books to read before the summer ends.  Here are my top five books to enjoy before the summer passes us by and fall…

3 Things to Consider after Receiving a Job Offer

by Brad McNally, Head Editor, INALJ Ohio 3 Things to Consider after Receiving a Job Offer For those that are unemployed and looking for a job in information sciences (or any field), the answer to that question might be “accept as soon as possible.” For those that are currently employed and looking, the answer may…

Should I Stay, or Should I Go Now?

by Alexis Rohlfing, Head Editor, INALJ New Hampshire Should I Stay, or Should I Go Now? Two weeks ago I found myself in the odd position of having to decide if I really wanted a mini-promotion. This is a situation that I’m sure others have run into: you’re not working as an information professional, but…

3 Job Search Lessons from Baking

by Alexandra Janvey, Head Editor, INALJ Iowa 3 Job Search Lessons from Baking  Organization  The first step to baking like a professional is being well organized. Things run much smoother and faster when all the ingredients and equipment you need are laid out on the kitchen counter before you even start to bake. Ensuring you…

The Other Side of the Desk: From an Interviewer’s Perspective

by Sean O’Brien, Head Editor, INALJ Colorado The Other Side of the Desk: From an Interviewer’s Perspective The fall semester is here, which means I have just finished yet another round of student worker interviews. I’ve been doing this for a little while now, and I’ve interviewed quite a few candidates. Some interviews have gone…

At the Crossroads: Taking the Next Step Post-MLIS

by Amanda Viana, Head Editor, INALJ Massachusetts At the Crossroads: Taking the Next Step Post-MLIS  In my library career, I’ve had a lot of different roles: volunteer, friend, part-time page, Library Assistant, Information Services Librarian, Library Trustee, and most recently, Assistant Director. Despite having graduated with my MLIS less than two years ago, lately I’ve…

My Bucket List of Libraries – US Edition

by Fallon Zschiegner-Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Arkansas My Bucket List of Libraries – US Edition I have always loved libraries and I am the stereotypical 90’s child who fell in love with them through Matilda and Beauty and the Beast (you can’t deny wanting Belle’s library when you watched that movie for the first time!).…

Five Things I Learned While Searching for a Job

by Rebekah Kati, Head Editor, INALJ North Carolina Five Things I Learned While Searching for a Job After two and a half years of searching, I began my new job in mid-August. As you can imagine, I filled out countless job applications and had many interviews during this time. I learned a lot about job…

Job Searching by the Book

by Stephanie Taylor, Head Editor, INALJ British Columbia Job Searching by the Book I was having coffee with someone I knew in high school, and we were talking about our jobs. I recently landed a pretty sweet job in a my field (library technician) at a time when a lot of people just starting out…

Spotlight on Libraries – London

by Sarah Parramore, Head Editor, INALJ Middle East/Arabian Gulf Spotlight on Libraries – London What is it? The British Library Where is it?  96 Euston Road, London, England Why should you visit? Got some spare time? This library holds over 150 million items, and according to their website, would take you well over 80,000 years…

Bring Your Hobbies to Work!

by Elinor Crosby, Head Editor, INALJ Nova Scotia Bring Your Hobbies to Work! As a recent graduate and a recent hire at a local public library, I am still learning the ropes at my job. In order to learn as much as possible during my part-time hours every week, I have been taking as much…

Library and Information Science Business Cards

. . . . by Courtney Baron, Head Editor, INALJ Georgia Library and Information Science Business Cards I’m planning to go to my first conference this fall and I’d like to print business cards for the occasion. Many employers provide business cards for their employees, but if you are a library student like me or…

Professional Development in the Workplace

. . . . by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Professional Development in the Workplace Keeping yourself current with library trends and technologies is crucial to furthering your career as a librarian. Professional development in the workplace is a great way to challenge yourself and keep your information professional skills sharp. It is up…

Libraries in Movies

by Courtney Butler, Head Editor, INALJ Idaho Libraries in Movies I love doing movie marathons – especially themed ones. I was recently thinking of doing such a themed marathon to commemorate my official entrance into the library profession post-degree and voilà! I came up with a list of my five favorite movies that involve libraries,…

A Trip to the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum

by Scottie Kapel, Head Editor, INALJ Oregon A Trip to the St. Johnsbury Athenaeum I recently returned from a trip to Vermont with a new love for billboard-free interstates, Subaru Outbacks, and cheese (admittedly, that last one is not a newfound love). Although each day of the trip was great, my favorite afternoon was spent visiting…

5 Copyright Resources

by Amanda May, Head Editor, INALJ North Dakota 5 Copyright Resources Since finishing library school in May, I find that I am much more confident working as an information professional.  There is still one word that scares me though, and it’s copyright.  I’m definitely no expert in copyright, but I do have a few resources…

4 Websites to Keep You Up-to-Date with Tech

by Yandee Vazquez, Head Editor, INALJ Texas 4 Websites to Keep You Up-to-Date with Tech Keeping up with technology is hard. There’s a lot going on from one day to the next and many sources claiming the newest updates and discoveries – it’s difficult to know where to turn. And it is important to turn…

Is the eBook Craze Over?

by Nicole Usiondek, Head Editor, INALJ Michigan Is the eBook Craze Over? Recent data is suggesting that the eBook craze is over. I was resistant to eBook readers when they first came out. After testing out the Amazon Kindle App on my phone for a few months, I realized I would be able to adjust…

About That Dream Job…

by Nena Schvaneveldt, Head Editor, INALJ Utah About That Dream Job… I know people say to follow your dreams, and that will make you happy. I went to library school with a dream job and a plan. I would work as a teen librarian in a busy public library. Two and a half years out…