70 search results for "rejection"

A Thank You Post to the Rejection Phone Call

by R.C. Miessler, former Head Editor, INALJ Indiana republished from 12/4/13 & 11/24/14 A Thank You Post to the Rejection Phone Call It might be that my favorite season is upon us, that I’m just feeling the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, or maybe the cynic in me is getting soft, but I feel…

7 Tips for Moving Past Job Search Rejection

7 Tips for Moving Past Job Search Rejection by Erin Kinney, Senior Assistant, INALJ Wyoming There are several strategies for coping with rejection of any kind, not just during the job hunt. Rejection on the job hunt has been covered on INALJ, but a refresher is always good. Process Your Emotions It is natural to feel angry…

Response to Rejection: A Networking Opportunity

by Veda Darby Soberman, former Head Editor, INALJ Hawaii previously published 8/7/13 Response to Rejection: A Networking Opportunity All job seekers will have been rejected for a position or two…or many.  Those letters, phone calls or emails can each feel like a stab in the heart of to one’s hopes and dreams, but it doesn’t…

Dealing with Rejection During the Job Search

by Rebekah Kati, Senior Assistant, INALJ North Carolina Dealing with Rejection During the Job Search One of the few certainties in the job hunt is that you will receive a rejection letter. Or two. Or hundreds. These polite but ultimately vague missives can be discouraging to even the most seasoned job hunter. As the rejection letters pile…

A Rejection Letter to the Rejection Letter

by R.C. Miessler, Head Editor, INALJ Indiana previously published 7/8/13 A Rejection Letter to the Rejection Letter Dear HR Departments, I regret to inform you that getting four job rejection letters last week was a bit of a downer. My applications weren’t really close to each other timewise, but I figure that since the new…

Dealing with Rejection

by Gabrielle Spiers,  Head Editor, INALJ Montana Dealing with Rejection Let’s face it: rejection sucks.  Rejection for your carefully composed cover letter and tailored resume stings but it hurts even more when it is after an interview. It makes it feel more personal somehow.  Since I have dealt with a few job rejections in my…

Traveling While Broke: Library Conferences and Scholarships

Aisha Conner-Gaten is standing wearing a blue shirt and against a white background. She is holding a round red sign that says the words Ask a Librarian, the text is white.

by Aisha Conner-Gaten Traveling While Broke: Library Conferences and Scholarships For librarians and information folks, conference attendance can provide essential opportunities for networking, professional development, and, of course, gainful employment. Unfortunately, those seeking new jobs or just better pay cannot often afford conference housing and air travel that accompany exorbitant registration fees. Some conferences totals…

Respectfully Declining a Job Offer

by Sarah Deringer, former Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Respectfully Declining a Job Offer There are times when you cannot accept a job offer. Whether it is because you do not feel like you fit into the culture, the job does not fit into your life goals, or the salary or benefits are not enough, you…

December 2015 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

15 million page views! What a great month!  December stats often get overlooked as everyone looks at their end of year stats, but we had a darn good December! Our busiest day in December had 20,964 views on 12/1, and our busiest week had 106,365 views, and our month had 402,184 views! We reached 15 million page…

November 2015 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

14.5 million page views! What a great month!  On a personal note I celebrated my 10th wedding anniversary to my husband, Sana, and we decided to relocate, temporarily back to Washington, DC. Our busiest day in November had 21,081 views on 11/3, and our busiest week had 105,070 views, and our month had 415,565 views! We reached…

Highly Desired: Straightforward Library Job Ads

by R.C. Miessler, former Head Editor, INALJ Indiana previously published 8/16/13 & 9/25/14 Highly Desired: Straightforward Library Job Ads When searching for jobs, sometimes the requirements seem ridiculous. Some job listings appear to be a list of all the library buzzwords and trends over the past 10 years, which can be a bit discouraging when trying…

The (Pregnant) Elephant in the Room

The (Pregnant) Elephant in the Room by Jen Park My husband and I had tried for a long time to have a baby. When I finally became pregnant I was in my last term of library school. I was thrilled and very, very nervous about applying for positions. Although I was working part-time in a…

Resilience During (and Beyond) the Job Hunt

Resilience During (and Beyond) the Job Hunt by Julia Feerrar I once applied for a job that, in many ways, felt like it had been made just for me. I progressed through a phone interview and then an on-campus interview, feeling confident and excited. While of course I knew that there must be quite a…

Top 25 INALJ Articles of 2014

by Naomi House, MLIS Top 25 INALJ Articles of 2014 We are very lucky at INALJ to have some amazing bloggers and guest bloggers.  In 2014 these were the most widely read articles/blog posts.  At the very end of this posting you will find the top 125 blog posts for 2014 along with their page…

Gaining New Perspectives During Hiring Woes

by Angela Piccola, Assistant, INALJ Virtual Work Gaining New Perspectives During Hiring Woes When I found INALJ, the amount of resources and overall camaraderie almost overwhelmed me because it showed there is hope in this field. With the lists of alternative career keywords that fit within our skillset and the pages of updated jobs, it means so…

October 2014 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

Another fantastic month! 8.5 million page views in total! What a great month!  Another fantastic October! Our busiest day in October was 20,482 views on 10/14, and our busiest week had 111,599 views, and our month was 486,486 views! We also hit 8.5 million page views in total. Fantastic!  Also some big news, I was appointed to a…

The Job Hunter’s Lament

by Mary-Michelle Moore, Senior Editor previously published 8/29/13 The Job Hunter’s Lament Being a job hunter is not easy. In any economy, in any environment, this is one of the hardest things that you can undergo, job searching is tough. When you think about it, your job influences the rest of your life and relationships…

Supporting Your Friends Through Their Library Job Search

by Amy Steinbauer, Senior Assistant, INALJ California Supporting Your Friends Through Their Library Job Search Congrats- you have a job! Bonus points if you are actually working in the field that you wanted to! I am one of those lucky ones. I have a library job, which (mostly) I love. I get to feel that bittersweet glee when…

Acing the job interview: Post-interview tips

by Angie Solis, Senior Assistant, INALJ Missouri  Acing the job interview: Post-interview tips (pt 4 of 4) I hope that throughout this series you have learned at least one thing to help you through the interview process. Since we started on this journey we have talked about pre-interview prep, personal and professional interview prep and surviving the interview.…

4 Things to Keep in Mind during a Difficult Job Search

by Sean O’Brien, former Head Editor, INALJ Colorado previously published 10/10/13 4 Things to Keep in Mind during a Difficult Job Search I have been trying to avoid writing this sort of posting for some time, mostly because the other article authors have done a pretty good job discussing it. However, I know that the…