Carla Sarratt …Success Story

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions

My interview with success story and former INALJ Assistant Editor, Carla

Naomi:  How did you find your current job?
Carla:  I found the position on when I was performing my nightly INALJ duties in August.  It was listed as an intern position, but the title is librarian.

Naomi:  Favorite library you have been to?
Carla:  This question is just as hard now as it was a year ago.  I made it to Denmark and saw amazing public, academic, and special library spaces.  I still love Imaginon in Charlotte, North Carolina also because of the interactive spaces and items for children and young adults.  Pictured is the outside of a great public library in Copenhagen that opened in 2011 as well as pictures of the children’s and teen rooms.

Naomi:  Favorite book? 
Carla:  I will shine the spotlight on some of my favorite books that I’ve read in the last year to make it easier on me.  Copper Sun by Sharon Draper, Douglass’ Women by Jewell Parker Rhodes, The Secrets of Mary Bowser by Lois Leveen, Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky, Celeste’s Harlem Renaissance by Eleanora Tate, and When Washington Was in Vogue:  A Love Story by Edward Christopher Williams.  Edward Christopher Williams was the first professional African American librarian from my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio.  He wrote this novel during the Harlem Renaissance and it was discovered several years ago under the name of Davy Carr.

Naomi:  Favorite thing about libraries/ library technology?
Carla:  Since I started library science school last fall, I have come to love the many cool Facebook and Pinterest pages that are out there celebrating libraries, librarians, information, books, bookworms, and all other related items.  It is amazing and wonderful to see libraries and librarians celebrated in social media spaces.

Naomi:  Any websites or feeds or blogs we should be following?
Carla:  Little Known Black Librarian Facts,  LISNews, and Hiring Librarians.

Naomi:  Best piece of job hunting advice?
Carla:  Apply to the positions that have meaning to you and will fulfill you as a person and a librarian.  Take your time writing that resume and cover letter.  Sell yourself as the only person who can do that job.  Match the requirements word for word in your resume and highlight those requirements in the cover letter.


(from 10/19/2012) In the final weeks of her Master of Library Science program at North Carolina Central University, Carla Sarratt is thrilled to have a job before she puts on her cap and gown in December.  In addition to her new librarian job, she still interns at the State Library of North Carolina’s Government and Heritage Library.  This semester she combined her new first love Pinterest with a project for her Special Library class to create a Pinterest page for the Government and Heritage Library.  Carla was previously interviewed for our In Six series.


Previously published on 10/19/2012