
Working at Library and Your Health

By Elena Bubelich, Head Editor, INALJ Quebec  Working at Library and Your Health I’d like to talk about a subject that nobody discusses before and during our education at MLIS program: our health. We listen to attentively to everything about potential salary, benefits, and career progress, but nobody talks with us about the potential impact…

Cross-Training with MOOCs

by Jess Bruckner, Assistant Editor, INALJ Wisconsin Cross-Training with MOOCs Today, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are shaking up the educational landscape due to the surging popularity of distance education platforms such as Coursera, Udacity, and EdX. These dynamic platforms have the potential to be game changers for librarians, allowing them to self-educate outside their…

The Comparison Trap

by Diana La Femina, Head Editor, INALJ South Carolina The Comparison Trap I’ve written about finding your strengths, about tracking your accomplishments, and about taking risks and following through. I know some of these are rather generic and obvious, but sometimes it’s the obvious things that need to be brought into conversation or else we’ll…

Keep in Touch with Your References

by Tiffany Newton, Head Editor, INALJ Missouri  Keep in Touch with Your References  One of the most important parts of getting a job is your references. Usually prospective employers will wait until after the interview to call your references, but occasionally, they will call before. I just spoke with one of my references, Keith, and…

Spotlight on Libraries – Istanbul, Turkey

by Sarah Parramore, Head Editor, INALJ Middle East/Arabian Gulf Spotlight on Libraries – Istanbul, Turkey What is it? Istanbul Museum of Modern Art Library Where is it?  Istanbul, Turkey Meclis-i Mebusan Cad. Liman İşletmeleri Sahası Antrepo No: 4, 34433 Karaköy – İSTANBUL Tel: +90 212 334 73 00 Why should you visit? No doubt, Istanbul’s rich…

What to Read While Waiting for Season 4 of Downton Abbey …

by Roselle Pendergast, Head Editor, INALJ Minnesota What to Read While Waiting for Season 4 of Downton Abbey to Start in January 2014?  I’m sure many of us are eagerly waiting for the start of Downton Abbey’s 4th season, which starts January 5th 2014 on PBS’s Masterpiece Classic. I’ve been finding myself reading Jane Austen’s…

Oh, Sit!

by Stephanie Taylor, Head Editor, British Columbia Oh, Sit! Gone are the days when job searching meant actually walking the streets, moving and shaking, hustling your groove. Much to the chagrin of my parents, job searching in 2013 is done sitting on your gluteus maximus while you pore over job websites (like this one!) with…

Gearing up for a Phone Interview

by Claire Schmieder, Head Editor, INALJ New Jersey Gearing up for a Phone Interview I recently had my first ever phone interview. Obviously, I was excited – and seriously nervous. (I am not what you would call a “phone person.”) The only way for me to relax enough for the phone call was to prepare…

October 2013 Roundup (INALJ Stats )

3.3 million total page views & over 322,000 page views this month alone!   October was incredible!  It was our 3rd busiest month ever at!  October’s busiest day was 13,704 views on 10/1, and our busiest week had 76,666 views the 40th week of the year, and for the month had 322,197 views! Some fast stats…

Library-Themed Music for the Soul

by Sandra Hoyer, Head Editor, INALJ Washington Library-Themed Music for the Soul I find that music, above almost anything else, always has the power to shift my mood to a more positive place. Here are ten fun/silly/rocking/serious library-related tunes to get you through any lumps, bumps, library woes, or plain old slow days.   Time…

Location, Location, Location: If I Can Make It There…?

by Kate Kosturski, Head Editor, INALJ NYC Location, Location, Location: If I Can Make It There…? While I was at New York Comic-Con this weekend, I received the following email: I did my MLIS at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I moved to New York to pursue an internship for school at an archive and then…

Stand Up! Everything You Need to Know about a Standing Desk

by Ruth Lincoln, Head Editor INALJ Washington, DC Stand Up! Everything You Need to Know about a Standing Desk While our jobs as information professionals can run the gamut, we often find ourselves sitting. A lot. All that sitting can take a toll. For the past six months, I’ve been working behind a standing desk,…

Support Open Access Week (All Year ‘Round)!

by R.C. Miessler, Head Editor, INALJ Indiana Support Open Access Week (All Year ‘Round)! Open Access Week was October 21-27 this year, but it’s not too late to get involved. If you’re new to the idea of OA, there are numerous open access resources available for librarians; the Open Education Database has a two-part list of resources,…

Trick and a Treat!

by Naomi House, MLIS Trick and a Treat! As many of you know I was laid off after the furlough when my contract ended at the federal library I work at.  Good news, yesterday I got a call and as of today we are all back at work with a new contract.  A treat on…

The Best Not Quite Free Apps for Reference

by Fallon Zschiegner-Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Arkansas  The Best Not Quite Free Apps for Reference We’ve all seen the lists of free apps out there (I cannot say enough great things about the 40 free apps presentation I went to at Annual this year), but what about those that are fabulous apps but aren’t free?…

Beyond Basic Tech Programs for Libraries

by Brad McNally, Head Editor, INALJ Ohio Beyond Basic Tech Programs for Libraries In recent months, I’ve worked with a large number of people regarding technology in the library. While it is absolutely wonderful that libraries can offer basic computer skills courses, there are patrons that would like to go beyond that and explore deeper…

Success! (On Program Planning)

by Scottie Kapel, Head Editor, INALJ Oregon Success! Last month I wrote an article about my worries as a first-time program planner. If you’ll recall, the event was Teen Read Week, and I’m back today to recap the week’s events and address if my concerns came to fruition. What events should we schedule? While planning…

Local vs. National Conferences

by Sara Dixon, Head Editor, INALJ Kansas  Local vs. National Conferences  Last weekend, I attended the Kansas Library Association Annual Conference, my first conference as a gainfully employed public librarian. And. It. Was. Awesome. It was great to meet so many librarians in situations similar to mine. I found out that my “small” town library…

Cover Letters – Best Practices

by Mary-Michelle Moore, Head Editor, INALJ Vermont Cover Letters – Best Practices Your cover letter may be as important, if not more important, than your resume in a hiring packet.  It is an initial writing sample as well as your introduction to the search committee.  Many people create a boilerplate cover letter to send out…

One Librarian’s Holiday Reading List

by Kristen Jaques, Head Editor, INALJ Maine One Librarian’s Holiday Reading List  It is said that some dedicated professionals have a hard time learning not to “bring their work home with them.” As a public librarian and book hoarder, I am no exception. While my lovable, zany patrons will not be getting my home address…

Illicit Activity in the Library – the PORN!

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Illicit Activity in the Library – the PORN! And it happens…again! There is always someone, without fail, who just seems to not understand the concept of (please choose one of the choices listed: decency, privacy, common sense, propriety, FREE WI-FI IS NOT FOR PORN VIEWAGE). I honestly…

New York ComicCon: A Rewarding Experience for Librarians

by Leigh Milligan, Head Editor, INALJ Wisconsin New York Comic Con: A Rewarding Experience for Librarians On October 10th, I attended New York Comic Con (NYCC) for the first time. I have always heard about it and wanted to go, but never had an opportunity to until this year. NYCC includes pop culture related vendors and artists, as…

Unplug and Recharge

by Ryan Nitz, Head Editor, INALJ Alaska Unplug and Recharge As a result of the recent government shutdown, I’ve had the opportunity to step away from technology throughout the day a bit more than I usually would. I’ve noticed that not having to be in front of a screen for a significant part of the…