
How Do You Know When it is Time to Go?

How Do You Know When it is Time to Go? by Rebekah Kati, Senior Assistant, INALJ North Carolina   Leaving a job that you have put significant time and emotional investment into can be difficult to contemplate and it is easy to miss the warning signs – I know it was for me!  I felt…

Why do you want to be a librarian?

Why do you want to be a librarian? by Cassidy Charles, Senior Assistant, INALJ NYC   The question comes up in graduate school orientation, conference happy hours, professional development workshops, and job interviews: Why do you want to be a librarian? The answer can be as simple or complex as you want to make it.…

Ask a Special Librarian – February Edition

Ask a Special Librarian Tracy Z. Maleeff Library Resources Manager at Duane Morris LLP in Philadelphia @LibrarySherpa & Lucky for you, the special librarian saw a shadow and now we have at least six more weeks of the “Ask a Special Librarian” column! I was thrilled to see the great response from my inaugural installment of…

6 Career Journaling Techniques: Get Started Today!

6 Career Journaling Techniques: Get Started Today! by Valarie Swayze, Senior Editor  Have you ever kept a travel diary, fitness log, or a personal journal? Each helps us reflect on activities and can serve as a source of motivation in the future. A career journal is simply a record of your professional experiences kept on…

3 Writing Resources for LIS Job Seekers and MLIS Applicants

Writing Resources for LIS Job Seekers and MLIS Applicants by Oscar Giurcovich, Senior Editor   Error-free resumes and cover letters are paramount in the job hunt. I think this is more important than ever in our everyday world of texting and social media where acronyms and shorthand rule. Unfortunately, the spelling and grammar checkers in…

References Available Upon Request

References Available Upon Request by Deeba Rehman, Senior Assistant INALJ Mississippi Have you seen that line at the end of a resume “References available upon request”? There are a lot of negative implications with that line – you are trying to fill up space to make up for lack of experience, you didn’t take time…

Fixing What’s Broken: the Importance of Feedback

by Ruth Kitchin Tillman previously published 2/11/14 Fixing What’s Broken: the Importance of Feedback As I bid farewell to library school, I’ve been reflecting on aspects of my experience which were sub-optimal and what might be done to fix them. While the plural of anecdote isn’t data, I was able to glean certain similarities, through…

Don’t Get Chopped in Your Job Search

by Kate Kosturski previously published 1/31/14 Don’t Get Chopped in Your Job Search My partner and I are big fans of the Food Network show Chopped.  If you’re not familiar with the program, it is a cooking competition featuring four chefs who have to prepare three meals (appetizer, entree, and dessert) with mystery ingredients –…

10 MILLION page views!

by Naomi House, MLIS 10 MILLION page views! We did it!  We reached 10 million page views today, just 3 years into this website (4 years + all together)!  Thanks to all our fans and volunteers over the past few years. We are THRILLED to have helped so many find jobs and hope that many MANY…

The 8 Best Reader’s Advisory Websites

by Rebecca Tischler previously published 3/20/14 The 8 Best Reader’s Advisory Websites As librarians, we’re supposed to be familiar with all of the books so that we can make recommendations, share new books and introduce our patrons to all these new and spectacular stories. The only problem with that is that there is no time to read…

8 tips to pay your way to ALA

8 tips to pay your way to ALA by Angie Solis, Senior Editor   Each year librarians all across the world are invited to attend ALA’s Annual and Mid-Winter Conferences.  But at $255.00 (super early bird special) for the ALA Annual Conference plus hotel and airfare we’re looking at a nice chunk of change to…

Library Makerspaces: libraries are places to learn and create

Library Makerspaces: libraries are places to learn and create by Erin Kinney, Senior Assistant, INALJ Wyoming   Makerspaces, also known as hackerspaces, hackspaces, or fablabs, are DIY creative spaces where people gather to invent, create, and learn.  As David Lankes said “imagine libraries are places to learn and create, not consume and check out.” Library makerspaces have been…

Life as a Librarian aboard the Training Ship ‘Empire State VI’

Life as a Librarian aboard the Training Ship ‘Empire State VI’ By Laurel Angrist If you’ve ever felt like putting your MLS degree to good use towards an unusual opportunity, now may be your chance. State University of New York’s Maritime College is now accepting applicants for the position of Ship’s Librarian, a unique chance to…

6 Tips to Beef Up Your Resumé

by Sean O’Brien, former Head Editor, INALJ Colorado previously published 3/20/13 & 3/25/14 6 Tips to Beef Up Your Resumé So, you’ve beefed up your work history, found a great resource for job listings, and now you’re itching to get out there and start applying for jobs.  However, sending out applications can be one of…

My #PositiveVibes Campaign

My #PositiveVibes Campaign By Leigh Milligan, Senior Editor Why #PositiveVibes? This all started during an #INALJchat on positivity on the job search. My good buddy Claire Schmieder then fellow senior editor now volunteer coordinator, tweeted at me during the chat #PositiveVibes. I got a really good feeling from that, and then it hit me, why…

5 Songs to Get You Moving

5 Songs to Get You Moving By Naomi Gonzales, Senior Assistant, INALJ Virginia Okay, admit it. Even though you LOVE what you do, there are some days you just can’t get yourself out of bed or in the right mindset for the job. Sometimes you wake up and the will to work just isn’t there. So…

January 2015 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

A great beginning to 2015! What a great month!  Another year, and getting better!  Why? Because in 2015 INALJ has a fantastic new Leadership Team, lead by Rachael Altman and Jennifer Devine, with Kate Kosturski, Ashley Mancill, Claire Schmieder and Stephanie Sendaula! Here are the top 25 INALJ articles and top 10 interviews in 2014!…

INALJ Volunteers for 2016: Seeking Canada & non-US volunteers

SEEKING VOLUNTEERS for INALJ Round 1: Canada Content Editors + Submissions and Formatting Editors (non-Canada) Seeking volunteers for the following positions in February: Canada Content Editors– unpaid volunteers to format jobs for assigned Canadian provinces – 3 days a week, 1 hr each day.  1 calendar year commitment. Submissions Content Editors– unpaid volunteers to format…

Librarians and Mass Media – Where are the Role Models?

Librarians and Mass Media – Where are the Role Models? By Lisa Iannucci, Senior Editor   I would like to think that we librarians lead fairly interesting lives. But apparently the powers that be in the entertainment industry seem to think we are capable of much more. A recent keyword search of the estimable yielded…

Top 25 INALJ Articles of 2014

by Naomi House, MLIS Top 25 INALJ Articles of 2014 We are very lucky at INALJ to have some amazing bloggers and guest bloggers.  In 2014 these were the most widely read articles/blog posts.  At the very end of this posting you will find the top 125 blog posts for 2014 along with their page…

Show Our Value

By Sarah Morrison, Senior Assistant, INALJ Alberta and INALJ Manitoba Show Our Value When I first started at library school, I really didn’t know if my previous experiences would be useful – how relevant will a Master’s degree in a bunch of dead languages and a 3 year stint in retail management (albeit in a…

How I Survived Library School

by Oscar Giurcovich, Senior Editor   How I Survived Library School For my first blog post, I thought I’d talk about something that has recently happened in my life: finishing library school. Before I continue, let’s set the scene: I live in a state that does not have a MLIS-type program, so I had to…

Large Job Boards and Recruitment Agencies: Some Thoughts

by Gabrielle Spiers, Senior Editor Large Job Boards and Recruitment Agencies: Some Thoughts   When searching for jobs I have always looked for jobs and applied for them. I know that some industries have headhunters and I have certainly used temp agencies in my pre-library life for temporary work mostly in the non-profit world . In…