Tag Archive for inalj quebec

Rise Like a Phoenix: The Story of the Glasgow School of Art

Rise Like a Phoenix: The Story of the Glasgow School of Art by Kate Kosturski, Volunteer Coordinator and Senior Editor, INALJ Ontario and INALJ Quebec While we in the States were settling in for the Memorial Day weekend 2014, our friends across the pond in Glasgow, Scotland, were watching one of the most historic educational buildings, a beautiful example…

Speed Mentoring: Why all the Rush?

Speed Mentoring:  Why all the Rush? by Kate Kosturski, Senior Editor and Volunteer Coordinator The 2015 American Library Association Midwinter Meeting was quite an adventure – and this is outside of travel woes leaving Chicago, the Super Bowl, and the inevitable post-conference crud.   One adventure I participated in for the second time of late was…

So What CAN a Librarian Do Outside the Library?

by Kate Kosturski, Senior Editor, INALJ Ontario and INALJ Quebec So What CAN a Librarian Do Outside the Library? Last month, I wrote about all the types of non-traditional library jobs that are out there for the MLS degree holder – and I do hope you got some good ideas for your own job search. But, I am sure many…

If You Want A Library Job, Look Outside the Library!

by Kate Kosturski, Senior Editor, INALJ Ontario and INALJ Quebec If You Want A Library Job, Look Outside the Library! Although our site has the word “library” in the title, we are so much more than jobs in a library. And often, we get feedback from friends and fans asking us to stick a little more to that word –…

Let’s Get Digital (Humanities)

by Kate Kosturski, Senior Editor, INALJ Ontario and INALJ Quebec Let’s Get Digital (Humanities) When one often thinks of research in the humanities, the following quote from Friends comes to mind: Joey: What the hell does a paleontologist need a beeper for? Monica: Is it, like, for dinosaur emergencies? “Help! Come quick, they’re still extinct!” In other words, the…

Interview with Olga Statnaia, Quebec Public Librarian

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions by Elena Bubelich, former Senior Assistant, INALJ Quebec Interview with Olga Statnaia, Quebec Public Librarian In this blog post I would like to continue to share experience of job search of some graduates of MLIS programs in…

Easy Tips for Time Management – er, Maximizing Your Productivity

by Kate Kosturski, Senior Editor, INALJ Ontario and INALJ Quebec Easy Tips for Time Management – er, Maximizing Your Productivity The Doctor and the TARDIS.   Cher’s belief that she could turn back time.   Marty McFly in Back to the Future. Bill and Ted and their Excellent Adventures.    All these people make the concept of time travel – and by…

Real Job Titles of Information Specialists in French

by Elena Bubelich, Senior Assistant, INALJ Quebec previously published 8/15/13 Real Job Titles of Information Specialists in French Since I’ve volunteered for I Need A Library Job, I have language issues. Quebec is a French-speaking province, so I assume that the most of the audience of INALJ Quebec are French-speaking too. As a result, I think…

Change Does Not and Will Not Suck

by Kate Kosturski, Senior Editor, INALJ Ontario and INALJ Quebec Change Does Not and Will Not Suck You may have noticed that we went through a few changes here at INALJ last month – state page editors replaced by senior editors, and what on earth are these new senior assistant jobs? This was a subtle change,…

Mykola Krupko, Hospital Librarian

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions By Elena Bubelich, Head Editor, INALJ Quebec  Mykola Krupko, Hospital Librarian In this blog post I would like to continue to share experience of job search of some graduates of MLIS programs in Quebec, Canada. In…

Meet Josiane Doucet-Alarie

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions By Elena Bubelich, Head Editor, INALJ Quebec  Meet Josiane Doucet-Alarie In this blog post I’d like to introduce my assistant who has helped me to find job offers since November 2013. That month the page of…

Working at Library and Your Health

By Elena Bubelich, Head Editor, INALJ Quebec  Working at Library and Your Health I’d like to talk about a subject that nobody discusses before and during our education at MLIS program: our health. We listen to attentively to everything about potential salary, benefits, and career progress, but nobody talks with us about the potential impact…

My First Job after Graduation

by Elena Bubelich, Head Editor, INALJ Quebec My First Job after Graduation So, I have now my first real job at the library. Since August, I’ve been working in a private school library as an assistant. I’d like to share in this article my impressions about the job interview, about my place of employment, and…

Free Online Tools for Job Searching

by Elena Bubelich, Head Editor, INALJ Quebec Resuming Free Online Tools for Job Searches In my previous blog postings, I’ve presented some free tools for searching for jobs, so in this article I would like to resume this theme and to tell a little bit about other tools. So, 1. One of the most usual…

Searching for Jobs Using Apps

by Elena Bubelich, Head Editor, INALJ Quebec Searching for Jobs Using Apps (for smartphones and tablets) Over the last few years, smartphones and tablets have become accessible for most people. For owners of these devices they have even become an essential tool, especially after many useful applications appeared (here application means software for a mobile…