Tag Archive for inalj connecticut

5 Creative writing tips to enhance your communication skills

by Kristin Charles-Scaringi previously published 11/12/2014 5 Creative writing tips to enhance your communication skills Before I took my seat at the reference desk of a public library I could be found at a computer writing. I found that my professional background as a journalist and public relations writer, as well as my experience as a creative…

Crowdsourcing, Digital Volunteering and Science

Crowdsourcing, Digital Volunteering and Science by Gabrielle Spiers, Senior Editor One of the great things about the internet is that it brings people together from all over the world and allows them to collaborate on projects. Many people have heard of the Citizen Archivist Dashboard, which is part of the National Archives. It allows people…

Tips for a successful internship or practicum

Tips for a successful internship or practicum by Gabrielle Spiers, Senior Editor   As a former intern who did a practicum during library school I have experience from the the LIS student perspective. I know my LIS program is far from the only one to require a practicum. Additionally, I currently run an internship program…

Library School: Some Thoughts in Hindsight

Library School: Some Thoughts in Hindsight by Gabrielle Spiers, Senior Editor   I graduated from library school in August 2012 which I realize is not really that long ago. However I feel it is just long enough ago that I am able to reflect on the experience with the distance and perspective I did not…

Find a Mentor, Be a Mentor

by Valarie Swayze, Senior Editor, INALJ Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware Find a Mentor, Be a Mentor Serving as a mentor is an excellent opportunity to serve others that can also contribute to your own personal and professional growth. A mentor can be anyone who is willing to invest time and commit to helping one…

Cover Letters & Resumes: Perfecting the Basics

by Valarie Swayze, Senior Editor, INALJ Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware Cover Letters & Resumes: Perfecting the Basics Here is a compilation of tools to help you get your cover letter and resume prepared for your next job application. These resources offer a myriad of opinions for formatting, how to convey your personality, and what…

Where are the Books? A Cruise Ship Library

by Jennifer Crutchfield, former Head Editor, INALJ Connecticutpreviously published 10/31/13 Where are the Books? A Cruise Ship Library  Recently, I went on a week-long cruise to Bermuda. One of the first places we visited was the library. I was excited to see what the library looked like.  The room was beautiful with comfortable seating. I…

Ask the Teens! Five Resources to Help Build a Teen Advisory Board

by Valarie Swayze, Senior Editor, INALJ Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware Ask the Teens! Five Resources to Help Build a Teen Advisory Board The library offers a unique experience to each member of the community. Similarly, each member of the community can offer a special contribution to the library. Teens are a talented group…

9 Tips for Getting Back to Work!

by Valarie Swayze, Senior Editor, INALJ Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware 9 Tips for Getting Back to Work! This is a very exciting time for me as I plan my transition back to the field of librarianship. Leaving my dream job as an archivist in a museum library was a difficult decision for me:…

Lifelong learners make great librarians

by Kristin Charles-Scaringi, Senior Assistant, INALJ CT Lifelong learners make great librarians Librarians are usually by nature curious, smart, and eager to help others. These qualities are important as we staff libraries in the 21st century. The library is a cultural hub where people go to learn and find new information. In my three years as a…

Tips to be professionally successful

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Tips to be professionally successful Being successful in our profession is what we all strive for. Whether in a library setting or any professional setting, keeping ourselves focused on being successful at what we do is important in our professional development. I would like to share some tips I use daily…

Professional Development: Helpful Websites

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Professional Development: Helpful Websites Looking for professional development opportunities has been a priority of mine since I graduated with my MLS about five years ago. Since then I’ve been trying to find as many ways as possible to keep myself updated on developments within the library field. I have been specifically…

2 Differences between Corporate and Academic Libraries

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut 2 Differences between Corporate and Academic Libraries I have been working as a corporate librarian for several months and wanted to share a couple points of comparison that I have found to be the biggest differences between a small academic library and a corporate library. These only my…

Resume Building While Searching for a Job

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Resume Building While Searching for a Job Building your resume doesn’t have to be put aside because you can’t find a job at the moment. Use your free time wisely and refine your skills as an information professional. Here are a few tips that I have found helpful…

Professional Development in the Workplace

. . . . by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Professional Development in the Workplace Keeping yourself current with library trends and technologies is crucial to furthering your career as a librarian. Professional development in the workplace is a great way to challenge yourself and keep your information professional skills sharp. It is up…

My Top 5 historical places to visit in Hartford, CT

Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut My Top 5 historical places to visit in Hartford, CT It’s the time of year when many families are looking for exciting and educational places to visit. Because of this, I wanted to explore my top five places I love to visit in Hartford. The Connecticut Historical Society is…

Being open to jobs in different library environments

Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Being open to jobs in different library environments Being open to different library work environments is something I am finding useful in my library job search journey. When I went to school to become a librarian, I always thought I would be an Archivist and work at some historical…

Finding and Explaining Your Strengths

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Finding and Explaining Your Strengths Finding your strengths and knowing how to explain them can be an excellent resource in finding a new job. It may seem like a simple idea, but I find that during hard times, it is easy to forget what you’re good at and…

Preparing for a job interview

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Preparing for a job interview Hi everyone! I am currently getting ready for the rare occurrence of a job interview, which is coming up in a few days. I am really excited about the interview because it is with a great company, but I’m also really nervous because…

On the Job Hunt in CT

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut On the Job Hunt in CT Hi CT library and information science professionals! Let’s talk about our job situations. I feel like the amount of job openings is getting a little better.  I graduated in 2008 with my MLIS with an archives management specialization and have been searching…