Hi everyone! I am currently getting ready for the rare occurrence of a job interview, which is coming up in a few days. I am really excited about the interview because it is with a great company, but I’m also really nervous because I feel like I do not perform as well as I should during the interview process. I’m a shy person and I get really intimidated sitting in front of someone talking about myself. This time I want to nail it and make the interviewers really want me for the position. I thought I would share some of my thoughts on getting ready for an interview and how I am preparing for this particular interview.
One thing I am really trying to do this time is practice! I feel like this is extremely useful to me because I tend to freeze up when asked a question. Practice is making me feel comfortable with many of the questions I will probably get asked. An example of this would be the dreaded “Tell me about yourself” question. My goodness, where do you start? I guess that is different for everyone, but for me I’m probably going to start with the past five years because this is when I graduated with my Master’s and got my first job.
Another thing I did to prepare for this interview is go through each and every qualification the institution is looking for and write down examples of each action I have taken that fulfills their need. I actually write down all my answers. I find that for me answers really sink into my head when I write them down. I understand this is time consuming and not for everyone. I watched a great YouTube video on how to ace an interview (It really is a good one!). In that video, the presenter describes that when you are preparing for an interview, you should answer questions using PAR, which stands for Problem, Action, Result. I found this very helpful. It helped my gather my thoughts together on what I wanted to say.
These are only a few suggestions, but to get the full scope of the interview process watch this video:
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