Tag Archive for blog

What Does a Librarian Do?

by Rebecca Tischler, Senior Editor, INALJ North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon What Does a Librarian Do? A while ago, I wrote an article about the 5 Things That People Don’t Realize their Librarians Do, and one of my grad school teachers pointed out that I had not included the most important duty of a…

How to List Your Accomplishments

by Diana La Femina, Senior Editor, INALJ Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, New Brunswick, Manitoba, British Columbia, Alberta How to List Your Accomplishments In my last blog post I talked at length about what should go into your resume. Now, I want to discuss how to list accomplishments. You’ve heard it over and over again: you…

Associating with State and Regional Associations

by Cassidy Charles, Senior Assistant, INALJ NYC Associating with State and Regional Associations Last Spring, Mary-Michelle Moore wrote a series about Professional Organizations. She highlighted the different division in ALA, diverse professional LIS associations, and additional professional LIS associations. When looking down the long list of professional organizations to connect with you may want to consider reaching out…

Find a Mentor, Be a Mentor

by Valarie Swayze, Senior Editor, INALJ Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware Find a Mentor, Be a Mentor Serving as a mentor is an excellent opportunity to serve others that can also contribute to your own personal and professional growth. A mentor can be anyone who is willing to invest time and commit to helping one…

Jennifer Lau-Bond…ipl2 Manager of Reference Services

by Leigh Milligan, Senior Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee Jennifer Lau-Bond…ipl2 Manager of Reference Services I have been volunteering with the Internet Public Library (ipl2) since I started library classes at Drexel University in 2009. I loved volunteering with the ipl2 so much, I continued volunteering after I graduated and…

Opening a Library, the Future of Librarianship, and Teaching—Interview with Tracy Hall

by Ashley Mancill, Senior Assistant, INALJ Alabama Opening a Library, the Future of Librarianship, and Teaching—Interview with Tracy Hall Tracy Hall is the library director for Spanish Fort Public Library, a long-awaited addition to the small Alabama community set to open in Spring 2015. Tracy previously served the staff and student body at Virginia Tech as the Information Literacy Instruction…

Luck Is the Residue of Design

by Claire Schmieder, Senior Editor, INALJ NYC, INALJ New York State, and INALJ Texas Luck Is the Residue of Design Branch Rickey began his Major League Baseball career with the St. Louis Browns and the New York Highlanders in the early 1900s. He wasn’t a strong player and quickly left the MLB to attend college at the…

How to Avoid HR’s Wall of Shame. Job Application Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs (advice from non-library HR pros)

by Josh Rimmer, Senior Editor, INALJ Missouri, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Kentucky, Louisiana How to Avoid HR’s Wall of Shame. Job Application Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs  (advice from non-library HR pros) Definitively not a prestigious accomplishment to include on your resume, but mistakes do happen. Did you come across an ideal job opportunity and…

November 2014 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

Another fantastic month! What a great month!  Another fantastic November! Our busiest day in November was 20,353 views on 11/3, and our busiest week had 110,721 views, and our month was 421,532 views! We also hit 8.9 million page views in total. Fantastic!  My big news for the month was the launch of my new community and crowdfunding website,…

What Kind of Librarian am I?

by Jennifer Reisch, Senior Assistant, INALJ NYC What Kind of Librarian am I? As a rule I do not take the quizzes that people post on Facebook. You know the ones: Which mythological creature are you? Who is your alter ego? What kind of golf swing are you? How New York are you? What character from Downton Abbey are…

On Culture Fit and the Job Search

by Rebekah Kati, Senior Assistant, INALJ North Carolina On Culture Fit and the Job Search Whenever I was rejected from a job, my friends and family would try to reassure me that it would not have been a good fit anyway. Often, this was true, but it made me muse on the idea of a “good fit”…

Access for all: library resources for patrons with disabilities

by Stephanie Noell, Senior Editor, INALJ UK, Nunavut, Yukon, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Access for all: library resources for patrons with disabilities We in the information professions are devoted to access to information for all. Information professionals spend much of their time locating and evaluating new resources and technologies and presenting them to…

The “Social” Librarian

by Heidi Greathouse, Senior Assistant, INALJ New Mexico The “Social” Librarian I’ve been working as a cataloger at a university since March of this year. In the last 8 months, I have learned how important it is to be a “social librarian”. This basically means forming important relationships with the faculty, students, and other employees. The benefit…

Creating a Library Oasis

by Rebecca Kluberdanz, Senior Editor, INALJ Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey,  New Mexico, and Wyoming Creating a Library Oasis The civil unrest going on in Ferguson, MO right now is no doubt scary but there is one important thing I have learned during all this turmoil. The role of a library can truly never be defined. In the wake of all this destruction…

Roll With the Changes

by Lisa Iannucci, Senior Assistant, INALJ New Jersey Roll With the Changes In the current employment environment, it’s important to be flexible, and to expect the unexpected, especially if your interests within the field are as varied as mine. I’ve been working in two academic libraries for over a year as well as doing volunteer archival work. Cobbling…

Retail Customer Service Skills in the Library

by Erin Kinney, Senior Assistant, INALJ Wyoming Retail Customer Service Skills in the Library I recently took a seasonal job at a national retailer. This retailer prides itself on exemplary customer service. This got me thinking of how such customer service skills could be applied to a library setting. Respect This retailer has cashiers that look…

Dr. Candace Aiani: Library Director at Taipei American School

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions by Whitney Zahar, Senior Assistant, INALJ Pennsylvania Interview with Dr. Candace Aiani: Library Director at Taipei American School Have you ever imagined working as a librarian in another country? Several colleagues on the INALJ blog have…

So What CAN a Librarian Do Outside the Library?

by Kate Kosturski, Senior Editor, INALJ Ontario and INALJ Quebec So What CAN a Librarian Do Outside the Library? Last month, I wrote about all the types of non-traditional library jobs that are out there for the MLS degree holder – and I do hope you got some good ideas for your own job search. But, I am sure many…

My INALJ U.K. Success Story

by Suzanne Schultz Pick, Senior Assistant, INALJ UK My INALJ U.K. Success Story I went on holiday to Florida at the end of September, as we usually do, so I wasn’t checking up on job posts for a good two weeks. I arrived back in England on the morning of the 7th October, and went straight back to…

Foodie Mysteries

by Renee Holden, former Head Editor, INALJ Nebraska previously published 11/25/13 Foodie Mysteries I am a collection development librarian in a public library that also specializes in reader’s advisory for my library. Around the holidays, I get a lot of patrons that are looking for some good foodie mysteries. There is just something about gorging…

Federal Job Application 101

by Holly Boyer, Senior Editor, INALJ Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia  Federal Job Application 101 Let’s say in your quest to find a job (any job in your field!) you stumble across the perfect dream job for you. Yay! I know how exciting this is and that you’ve already told all your family and friends. So…

Five Tips for Interviewing Candidates Who Use a Wheelchair

by Leigh Milligan, Senior Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee Five Tips for Interviewing Candidates Who Use a Wheelchair In September I wrote the blog, Five Tips on Going on an Interview in A Wheelchair. The blog actually was a success, and I received some very positive feedback. One of…