Tag Archive for blog

10 Inspiring Pinterest Collections Created by Libraries and Librarians

by Kiersten Bryant, former Head Editor, INALJ California Originally published 3/1/13 10 Inspiring Pinterest Collections Created by Libraries and Librarians Something that I have realized while job searching is that there are a lot of interesting places that information professionals can use their skills – places that I had never heard of or knew existed.…

Taking a Career Inventory

by Christina Wilson, Head Editor of INALJ Alberta and INALJ Manitoba Taking a Career Inventory The beginning of a new year is a reminder to reflect on your career over the last year.  It’s also a good time to conduct an inventory how things went over the preceding year.  What went well?  Of which accomplishments…

How to Create an Awesome Twitter Account

by Fallon Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Arkansas How to Create an Awesome Twitter Account What a great year INALJ has had! In just a short time, we’ve created a great resource for library job seekers and a small LIS community that’s growing every day. Sometime around the middle of the year, many of us head…

So You’re Thinking about being a Head Editor…

by Nena Schvaneveldt, Lauren Bourdages, and Kate Kosturski So You’re Thinking about being a Head Editor… About a year ago, a plucky group of people said yes to a new venture – being head editors on states pages on INALJ. Some are staying, some are going, leaving openings for future Head Editors. If you’re thinking…

Celebrate Banned Books Year Round!

by Leigh Milligan, Head Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania Celebrate Banned Books Year Round! So a few weeks ago I was shopping at my favorite tea shop in Historic Smithville NJ when I found this gem: Which then reminded me I never wrote part 2 of my 2 -part Banned Books Week Blog, so here it is!…

Staying Sharp While You Search

by Emma Pinault, Head Editor, INALJ Delaware Staying Sharp While You Search If you don’t find a librarian position soon after you finish library school, it can be a challenge to keep your skills sharp and your knowledge of the field up to date during an extended job search. This can be even harder if…

Reflecting on my first year as a Head Editor

by Amanda Viana, Head Editor, INALJ Massachusetts Reflecting on my first year as a Head Editor As the end of the year approaches I, like most people, have found myself reflecting on the past year. It hasn’t quite been a year since I started as the Head Editor of the INALJ MA page, but a…

Pre-planning for a Low Stress First Day

by Veda Darby Soberman, Head Editor, INALJ Hawaii Pre-planning for a Low Stress First Day “You’ve got the job!” is what we all hope to hear eventually.  After your job search journey ends with a new position, you are likely to be a bundle of excitement and nervous energy on your first day.  The last…

February Resolutions

by Diana La Femina, Head Editor, INALJ South Carolina February Resolutions New Year’s Resolutions are beautiful things. They’re full of hope and optimism. We make lofty goals and envision our success. And then February rolls around, and most people look back at their resolutions and see failure in one short month. Perhaps your resolution was…

A Year in Review: my own

by R.C.Miessler, Head Editor, INALJ Indiana A Year in Review: my own So, 2013 wasn’t the year I was hoping it would be. A year after graduating, I didn’t score a professional library gig (although I was able to turn my volunteer work into a part time job in a library). However, I had plenty…

5 Things I’ve Learned as a INALJ Head Editor

by Courtney Baron, Head Editor, INALJ Georgia 5 Things I’ve Learned as a INALJ Head Editor I’ve served as the Head Editor of Georgia since the state pages went live early last year, so I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve learned. 1) It’s hard to get a library job. You probably know…

Coming to ALA Midwinter? Here are some tips that might help

by Holly Boyer, Head Editor, INALJ Virginia Coming to ALA Midwinter? Here are some tips that might help ALA’s Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia is coming up later this month. If you haven’t been before, the Midwinter conference is an excellent introduction to ALA’s conferences. It’s smaller than Annual which means it’s a little easier to…

Sleep Better – Work Smarter

by Ruth Lincoln, Head Editor, INALJ DC Sleep Better – Work Smarter Does it ever feel your to-do list grows exponentially? Between work, school, volunteering, job hunting, professional development, families, and maybe a personal life, I know we all wish there were more hours in a day. BuzzFeed explains it well as the #1 “Shocking…

15 Online Sources for Images

by Alexandra Janvey, Head Editor, INALJ Iowa 15 Online Sources for Images accessCeramics (http://accessceramics.org/) – A growing collection of contemporary ceramic images by recognized artists that is designed to enhance ceramics education worldwide. It is designed for use by artists, art educators, scholars, and the general public and fills a void in contemporary ceramics digital…

Free Online Reference Resources for Librarians

by Amanda May, former head editor, INALJ North Dakota Free Online Reference Resources for Librarians When sitting at the reference desk, I try my best to direct patrons to the library’s resources, but sometimes, I find an online resource that may best fulfill their needs.  These are some of my favorites. Merriam-Webster is one of…


by Sara Dixon, Head Editor, INALJ Kansas Resolutions It’s that time of year again. Time to reflect on the last twelve months and consider what seemingly small, and yet attainable improvements we can make over the next twelve months. I used to not make New Year’s Resolutions, I think because it was too easy to…

Volunteering in Local Government

by Rebecca Vogler, Head Editor, INALJ Nevada Volunteering in Local Government In the summer of 2010, as I was getting close to finishing my undergraduate program and begin my exciting journey into the world of library science that following January, I was given a bit of advice that I believe has helped me tremendously ever…

Being Thankful

by Diana La Femina, Head Editor, INALJ South Carolina Being Thankful This should probably have been November’s blog, but it still holds true. Actually, I think I may have already written about this, but even if I have it definitely needs to be repeated. If you’re like me (and most people, I assume) then it’s…

What I Learned From the Year of Scary Things

by Nena Schvaneveldt, former Head Editor, INALJ Utah What I Learned From the Year of Scary Things It’s the end of the year/ beginning of a new one, which can only mean reflective lists. I’ve had a year of facing some pretty terrifying things. I know I’m feeling reflective, so here’s a list of scary…