347 search results for "lying"

On the Other Side of the Table: Interviewing

by Amanda Viana, Head Editor, INALJ Massachusetts On the Other Side of the Table: Interviewing Not very long after starting my current position I assisted the Library Director in interviewing candidates for a Circulation Supervisor position. It was my first time on the “other side” of the table, and I found the process very informative.…

On Library and Information Technicians: a 101 guide

by Lauren Bourdages, Head Editor, INALJ Ontario On Library and Information Technicians I know that a good portion of you INALJ followers are Americans, and I know that you don’t really have Library and Information Technicians, you have what you call paraprofessionals, and I also know that in my experience even a lot of Canadian…

We are all in the same boat

by Scottie Kapel, Head Editor, INALJ Oregon We are all in the same boat Hello, readers! I struggled with a topic for this blog post, initially planning to write about interview attire but ultimately deciding that many people who are better equipped to dispense sartorial advice than I have already covered this. While thinking about…

Grass is Greener?

by Richard James, Head Editor, INALJ Delaware Grass is Greener? In the corporate/commercial world, it’s becoming a reasonable expectation that many employees, particularly younger ones, are not going to commit long-term to their new employer. Cultural and economic shifts on both sides of the employer/employee divide have taken us a long way from the type…

Ann Marie Leonard …Success Story

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Ann. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Ann Marie:  My answer is a bit more complicated…

Ryan Jones …In Six

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions Reposted from 4/6/12 & 8/30/12 My interview with success story Ryan Naomi: How did you find your current job? Ryan: I found my current position at the Maine State Library Job List. I really wanted…

Sofia Becerra-Licha …Success Story

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Sofia. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Sofia:  ArchivesGig and the Music Library Association’s job list. (It’s possible…

January 2013 Roundup

What a great month it has been! We reached 700,000 page views the fourth week of January! Twenty-two fans reported to us that they found jobs! In January we wrapped up the Daily Jobs Digest as a pdf and looked towards launching states pages in February. Some fast stats for January 2013: 721,640 total INALJ.com…

Tom Nielsen of SLA Solo Division …In Six

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with Tom. Naomi:  How did you come to work for SLA?  (technically, I’m a volunteer with SLA). Tom:  When I started working…

Rebecca Vogler …Success Story

All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Rebecca. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Rebecca:  Unlike a previous recent hire at Holland America that you interviewed back in December, I had no clue cruise ships had libraries until about two months ago.  I…

Sabrina Holley-Williams …Success Story

All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Sabrina. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Sabrina:  After 11 years in the same job, my position was eliminated as part of a University-wide restructuring (along with 25% of the law library staff, almost all of whom had 10+ years…

Amelia Kallaher …Success Story

All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Amelia. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Amelia:  I found my current position by applying for a job for Southwest Florida College at their Fort Myers, FL campus. Unfortunately the college never filled that position, but…

Visakha Seon …Success Story

All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Visakha. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Visakha:  I was not having any luck landing a traditional library dream job. I was also not willing to relocate so I knew I had to think outside the…

Stefanie Caloia …Success Story

All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Stefanie.   Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Stefanie:  At the SAA annual meeting in Chicago, I placed my resume at the Networking Cafe, but honestly did not expect anything to come of it. My future…

Mandy Babirad …Success Story

All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Mandy. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Mandy:  I moved to New York City a couple of months ago shortly after I graduated with my MSIS. I didn’t have a job lined up, I had no…

November Roundup (600,000+ views)

What a great month it has been! We are now at 606,894 page views after this month! Twenty-one fans found jobs this month.  If you find a job email me at ineedalibraryjob at gmail.com In November 2011 the daily INALJ digest was around 150 pages long. Now it often 200+ pages by Friday. Some fast…

Kristin Moo …Success Story

Naomi House’s interview with success story, Kristin. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Kristin:  I met a CPL branch manager while working on a class project. As I interviewed him for my assignment, we talked a bit about my career goals and experience. He ended up recommending me to the coordinator of the…

Monique Lowe …Success Story

My interview with success story, Monique Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Monique:  Since a couple months before graduating (August 2011) I put a great deal of focus on the job hunt. I utilized my school’s employment site (iTrack), list servs and other employment websites. I was still working part time for U of M…

Liz Thompson …Success Story

My interview with success story, Liz Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Liz:  I scoured the online resources (INALJ and ala.org to name but a few) weekly.  I also volunteered for as many professional events and groups as my time allowed.  I’ve heard that professional networking is crucial to finding and being offered…

Rosalyn Alleman …Success Story

My interview with success story, Rosalyn Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Rosalyn :  A former superior approached me earlier this year about taking on a customer service assessment and improvement project in the FMCSA. When I found out my contract at the NTL was ending September 30, I followed up on it, and was hired in October by Phase…

Elena Gleason …Success Story

My interview with success story, Elena Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Elena:  The story of how I found my job is pretty ordinary, which just goes to show that you don’t need to have an “in” or a special approach in order to land a job. When I was job hunting, I…

September Roundup (500,000 views!)

(reposted from 10/1/2012)  What a great month it has been! We reached 500,000 page views on September 27th, before we were even 1 year old! Thirty-nine fans found jobs which is up from twenty-six last September. In September 2011 the daily INALJ digest was around 96 pages long. Now it often 200+ pages by Friday.…

August Roundup

What a great month it has been! Forty-eight fans found jobs which is up from thirty-seven last August. In August 2011 the daily INALJ digest was around 97 pages long. Now it often 200+ pages by Friday. Some fast stats for August 2012: over 10,400 Tweets milestone reached 2,507 Twitter followers 4,703 Facebook fans 2,022…

Naomi House, MLIS

Being the change: innovating and creating solutions from the grassroots up. Finding and filling a need on the fly. Connecting info pros with job opportunities. Nearly 20 years of experience in libraries, information centers, and related fields. Social media strategist and former CMO. Crowdfunding and patrimony/heritage supporter. Naomi House, MLIS  Work Experience / INALJ Partnerships…

Rebecca Lashinski …In Six

My interview with success story, Rebecca Naomi: How did you find your current job? Rebecca: I either found this one on INALJ or the Minnesota Library Jobline. I’ve been looking since I graduated, and this one finally came through and I could not be more excited. Naomi: Favorite library you have been to? Rebecca: I…