347 search results for "lying"

School Librarians Not Done Learning

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi School Librarians Not Done Learning: 5 Professional Development Resources In the LIS 644 class I currently attend, an assignment brought to my attention the various professional development resources available to school librarians. As a future school librarian, I believe that learning is a continual process that involves applying…

Professional Organizations: Divisions of the ALA

by Mary-Michelle Moore, Head Editor, INALJ Vermont Professional Organizations: Divisions of the ALA This is part one of a three part series on professional organizations. Part two will be available on June 21, and part three on June 28. The American Library Association is the largest and most inclusive professional organization in our field and…

Long Distance Librarian

by Marlena Barber, Head Editor, INALJ Tennessee Long Distance Librarian While I was searching for work, I read many posts online from fellow information professionals who were seeking advice on how to secure a position out of state.  Many posts I read were from those who were disheartened at perceived and real lack of opportunities…

Nico Carver …Success Story

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions My interview with success story Nico Naomi: How did you find your current job? Nico: I first saw the job listed on the inalj daily digest (now all online)! I immediately knew I wanted to…

Crafting a Superb Cover Letter

by Alexandra Janvey, Head Editor, INALJ Iowa Crafting a Superb Cover Letter Cover letters are an important part of the job application process. Your cover letter can have a very strong influence on prospective employers, as it’s the first item employers read. Therefore, your cover letter is the basis of the prospective employer’s first impression.…

May 2013 Roundup (INALJ Stats )

Phenomenal growth!  INALJ had nearly 300,000 page views in May! Sixty-four fans reported that they found jobs! In May the total page visits were over 299,000!!!  Half way through 2013 and we already have nearly doubled the page views for 2011 and 2012 combined!  And we reached 1.5 million views total on May 12.  May…

Poppy Louthan … Youth Services Librarian

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions by Melanie Masserant, Head Editor, INALJ NYC Poppy Louthan … Youth Services Librarian 1. Please tell INALJ readers about your position and responsibilities at Sacramento Public Library. I’m a Youth Services Librarian and Volunteer Coordinator…

How to Deliver a Presentation: Lessons from MARAC

by Rebecca Crago, Head Editor, INALJ Virginia How to Deliver a Presentation: Lessons from MARAC At the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) last April I attended a half-day seminar called “Let’s Go On With the Show: Skills for Developing and Delivering Conference Presentations.” The title alone grabbed my attention, but I had to register because…

Searching for Jobs Using Apps

by Elena Bubelich, Head Editor, INALJ Quebec Searching for Jobs Using Apps (for smartphones and tablets) Over the last few years, smartphones and tablets have become accessible for most people. For owners of these devices they have even become an essential tool, especially after many useful applications appeared (here application means software for a mobile…

Nichole Rosamilia …Librarian: Pushing Boundaries and Blending Disciplines at FDA

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions by Jessica N. Hernandez, Program Analyst, Office of the Director, Office of Science & Engineering Laboratories, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, U.S. Food & Drug Administration Nichole Rosamilia …Librarian: Pushing Boundaries and Blending Disciplines…

Finding your Niche in 3

by Lisa Huntsha, Head Editor, INALJ Sweden Finding your Niche in 3 For my first blog post, I thought I’d write to you about something that greatly affected my job hunt: finding my niche within the library/archives/museum field. First, I have a confession. I don’t have an MLS and I do have a full-time position…

Susannah Peareth-Kinston.. Success Story

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily  Naomi House’s interview with success story Susannah. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Susannah:  After applying for what seemed like a million…

Freya Lucas …Success Story

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Freya. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Freya:  My current job was advertised on seek.com.au, and…

April 2013 Roundup (INALJ Stats )

What a great month it has been!  INALJ had over a Quarter of a Million page views in April! Fifty-six fans reported that they found jobs! In April the daily page visits totaled over a 250,000!!! Some fast stats for April 2013: 1,400,538 total INALJ.com page views (all time) and 280,004 in April alone over…

So….what is an adjunct faculty job fair?

by Holly Lipschultz, Head Editor, INALJ Illinois  So….what is an adjunct faculty job fair? (updated 5/2/13) While searching for jobs, I ran across an intriguing posting for the City Colleges of Chicago. They were holding something called an adjunct career fair at one of the City Colleges, and the word “librarian” was nestled among the…

Finding and Explaining Your Strengths

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Finding and Explaining Your Strengths Finding your strengths and knowing how to explain them can be an excellent resource in finding a new job. It may seem like a simple idea, but I find that during hard times, it is easy to forget what you’re good at and…

Billy Cook …Success Story

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Billy. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Billy:  The INALJ Jobs list. The position was only…

The Buddy System

by Caitlin Moen, Head Editor, INALJ Louisiana The Buddy System Job hunting is exhausting. Job hunting is life-consuming. Job hunting can eat up your entire identity until you cannot think or talk about anything else. And here’s a hint: your friends and family will get sick of hearing about that awesome job you hope will…

Career Counselor

Career Counselor by Kelly Quaye I just returned from the ALA Midwinter Meeting (this was 2012) so my mind is still abuzz with the many great programs and services on offer.  Did you know that ALA has a Conference Placement Service where you can meet with a professional career counselor during conference?  I highly recommend…