by Kiersten Bryant, former Head Editor, INALJ California
previously published 9/25/13
14 Twitter Feeds for Job Seekers to Follow
Need career or job hunting advice? Looking for a new job? Make social media work for you and use Twitter! There are a lot of people out there that are full of professional advice that use Twitter to share it with the masses. Twitter is also a great resource for finding out about job openings when they first become available, and sometimes they are posted on Twitter before they are listed anywhere else. Twitter is one of the resources that I use to find jobs for the California Jobs page.
Follow these Twitter feeds for current LIS-related job postings:
Academic Library Jobs – @AcadLibJobs
Code4lib – @code4lib
ALA Job List Library Jobs – @ALA_JobLIST
Special Libraries Association – @SLAhq
Lib Gig Library Jobs – @libgig_jobs
LAC Group Jobs – @LAC_Jobs
Archives Gig – @ArchivesGig
Get Archivist Jobs – @GetArchivisJobs
For job announcements that are not library and information science focused, but still might be of interest to LIS professionals, follow:
National Public Radio Jobs – @NPRjobs
For career advice and resources follow these feeds:
Hiring Librarians – @HiringLib
The Daily Muse – @dailymuse
Mashable Jobs – @mashablejobs
Alison Green of Ask A Manager – @AskAManager
And, of course, the Twitter feeds for all of the INALJ state pages!
These are the Twitter feeds that I follow, but I’m sure there are many more good ones out there. I would love to hear about them! Post your recommendations in the comments.
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