
Sponsored Job Ads now on INALJ

Sponsored Job Ads now on INALJ INALJ will always offer free job ads to anyone wishing to share an LIS related job, but now we will offer Sponsored ads as well!  Why? demand for quick turnaround time from HR professionals who want to advertise with us but don’t want to wait 4 business days for…

Social Media and the Job Search

by Jennifer Devine, Senior Assistant, INALJ Maryland Social Media and the Job Search Today’s internet driven world gives a whole new component to the job search! When applying to a job or if there is an institution that I want to work for there are several actions that I take with social media. One of the first…

Volunteer to Boost Your Career

by Christina Wilson, Senior Assistant, INALJ Alberta and INALJ Manitoba Volunteer to Boost Your Career Although I’ve worked full time in my field as a library and information professional since graduating from library school, I’ve always found time to volunteer as well. While I enjoy contributing to my community, volunteering has helped me gain valuable experience and learning opportunities that were…

Easy Tips for Time Management – er, Maximizing Your Productivity

by Kate Kosturski, Senior Editor, INALJ Ontario and INALJ Quebec Easy Tips for Time Management – er, Maximizing Your Productivity The Doctor and the TARDIS.   Cher’s belief that she could turn back time.   Marty McFly in Back to the Future. Bill and Ted and their Excellent Adventures.    All these people make the concept of time travel – and by…

3 Secret Ingredient Brownies to bring to your Office Party

by Rachael Altman, Senior Assistant, INALJ Illinois, and INALJ Volunteer Coordinator 3 Secret Ingredient Brownies to bring to your Office Party Food brings people together and allows for office bonding and comradery. Midday office parties are fun, but usually filled with unhealthy foods, filled with sugars and processed junk, that make you sluggish for the rest of the…

How You’re Screwing Up Your Job Search

by Rebecca Kluberdanz, Senior Editor, INALJ Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey,  New Mexico, and Wyoming How You’re Screwing Up Your Job Search Like many of you out there I am ALWAYS looking for ways to improve my job searching and interview skills. That often involves reading all of the fabulous blog posts written for, as well as Googling around looking for any…

“You want to work, but where?”

by Amy Steinbauer, Senior Assistant, INALJ California “You want to work, but where?” Dear Desperate Job Searchers, I know you want a job, badly. You’ve applied for what feels like millions and millions of jobs. You’ve chatted awkwardly with alumni from your program, trying not to ask for leads, and smiling when they describe how much they love…

Say What, Again? Awesome Nature Sound Libraries

by Tracy Wasserman, Senior Assistant, INALJ Florida Say What, Again? Awesome Nature Sound Libraries In a previous post, I shared some truly wonderful oral history libraries of all kinds that capture the major events of humankind through the collective voices of those who lived through them. But what about the voices of our animal friends? Have you…

Some Advice Across the Board: Job Hunting Advice for Everyone!

by Diana La Femina, Senior Editor, INALJ Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, New Brunswick, Manitoba, British Columbia, Alberta Some Advice Across the Board: Job Hunting Advice for Everyone! I’ve been giving some advice to a job hunter in my life outside of librarianship, and I realized that a lot of the advice I’m giving him can…

Keeping a Record

by Sarah Dashow, Senior Assistant, INALJ Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon Keeping a Record Sometimes, it’s just time to move on from whatever job you have. Maybe you are tired of the same old thing, or maybe you just feel like your position is stagnant and you want a job where you can move up. Then,…

Health and the Job Hunt: On Blood Sugar & Carbs & Me

Naomi House standing in front of a mural

by Naomi House, MLIS Health and the Job Hunt: On Blood Sugar & Carbs & Me One of the things I admire about many LIS professionals and librarians on social media is that they often discuss their own physical and mental health challenges. Their candor helps others. I have learned more from their stories and…

August 2014 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

Another fantastic 500,000+ page view month! 7.5 million page views total! What a great month!  Another fantastic August! Our busiest day in August was 22,768 views on 8/5, and our busiest week Ever with 133,894 views, and our 2nd busiest month EVER at with 505,807 views!  We also hit 7.5 million page views in total. In the…

Writing Begets More Writing

by Africa Hands, former Head Editor, INALJ Kentucky previously published 9/9/13 Writing Begets More Writing In this, my last post as Head Editor of the Kentucky INALJ page, I wrap up my three-part series on writing, with my notes from the third speaker on the ALA NMRT Writing and Publishing webinar. As you will recall,…

Why Archives are Awesome: A Top 5 List

by Courtney Butler, former Head Editor, INALJ Idaho previously published 7/12/13 Why Archives are Awesome: A Top 5 List This past week I began an internship with the Missouri State Archives – the very last stepping stone before receiving my MLS with a specialization in Archives and Records Management. Though graduate archives programs have undoubtedly…

An open letter to my fellow job hunters for when you get discouraged

by Lauren Bourdages, Senior Assistant, INALJ Ontario previously published 6/25/13 Lauren has since found a job!!! An open letter to my fellow job hunters for when you get discouraged If you’re like me, sometimes you start internally freaking out because here you are in your mid-to-late-twenties-to-early-to-mid-thirties and you’ve got all of this education but here…

Know the Difference: Identifying Obstacles to Employment

by Ellen Mehling previously published 10/14/13 “Know the Difference: Identifying Obstacles to Employment” There is a curious thing I see frequently among those I advise: job hunters focusing on a smaller, though possible, less likely obstacle to employment and ignoring a much larger, definite difficulty – some have an almost superstitious fixation on a certain…

14 Twitter Feeds for Job Seekers to Follow

by Kiersten Bryant, former Head Editor, INALJ California previously published 9/25/13 14 Twitter Feeds for Job Seekers to Follow Need career or job hunting advice? Looking for a new job? Make social media work for you and use Twitter!  There are a lot of people out there that are full of professional advice that use…

Real Job Titles of Information Specialists in French

by Elena Bubelich, Senior Assistant, INALJ Quebec previously published 8/15/13 Real Job Titles of Information Specialists in French Since I’ve volunteered for I Need A Library Job, I have language issues. Quebec is a French-speaking province, so I assume that the most of the audience of INALJ Quebec are French-speaking too. As a result, I think…

Getting Your Foot in the Door

by Rebecca Tischler, Senior Editor, INALJ North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon Getting Your Foot in the Door At a library that I previously worked at, I started as a part-time assistant. I was really excited to get that job because I had been told that once I got my foot in the door, I…

How to Ask for a Reference

by Ruth Kitchin Tillman, former Head Editor, INALJ Maryland previously published 10/16/13 How to Ask for a Reference Asking for references can be as nerve-wracking as applying for a job. But if you collect yourself and prepare beforehand, it shouldn’t be. From a boss: Most hiring managers will want to talk to at least one…

The Job Hunter’s Lament

by Mary-Michelle Moore, Senior Editor previously published 8/29/13 The Job Hunter’s Lament Being a job hunter is not easy. In any economy, in any environment, this is one of the hardest things that you can undergo, job searching is tough. When you think about it, your job influences the rest of your life and relationships…

7 of My Favorite Professional Development Websites

by Sean O’Brien, former Head Editor, INALJ Colorado previously published 8/6/13 7 of My Favorite Professional Development Websites Summer is here, and that means we’ve probably all got a little bit of extra free time.  You could spend that time outside, but why would you want to do that?  It’s hot out there, and there…

Should You Accept That Job with the Unattractive Pay Scale?

by Kristen Jaques, former Head Editor, INALJ Maine previously published 9/30/13 Should You Accept That Job with the Unattractive Pay Scale?  When browsing through library job postings, it is easy to see that jobs for librarians vary greatly in pay.  Narrow it down to entry level jobs suitable for the newly-minted librarian, and you will…