Tag Archive for SXSWi

Paul Vinelli …In Six

My interview with Paul Vinelli, the author of the Unofficial SXSWi Primer for Rowdy Librarians. Naomi: What made you interested in creating this guide for SXSW? Paul: Last year was my first time at Interactive, and in the blur I was fortunate to connect with Jessamyn West and Paul Jones (UNC-Chapel Hill & iBiblio). After…

Librarians Swarm Austin! A Handy SXSW Interactive Primer

by Paul Vinelli, graduate student in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin Librarians Swarm Austin! A Handy SXSW Interactive Primer SXSW Interactive is an overwhelming assault on the senses. Fortunately, over the past few months a team of top library professionals from across the country has worked incredibly hard to…