Tag Archive for naomi house mlis

10 MILLION page views!

by Naomi House, MLIS 10 MILLION page views! We did it!  We reached 10 million page views today, just 3 years into this website (4 years + all together)!  Thanks to all our fans and volunteers over the past few years. We are THRILLED to have helped so many find jobs and hope that many MANY…

INALJ Volunteers for 2016: Seeking Canada & non-US volunteers

SEEKING VOLUNTEERS for INALJ Round 1: Canada Content Editors + Submissions and Formatting Editors (non-Canada) Seeking volunteers for the following positions in February: Canada Content Editors– unpaid volunteers to format jobs for assigned Canadian provinces – 3 days a week, 1 hr each day.  1 calendar year commitment. Submissions Content Editors– unpaid volunteers to format…

Top 25 INALJ Articles of 2014

by Naomi House, MLIS Top 25 INALJ Articles of 2014 We are very lucky at INALJ to have some amazing bloggers and guest bloggers.  In 2014 these were the most widely read articles/blog posts.  At the very end of this posting you will find the top 125 blog posts for 2014 along with their page…

Top 10 Interviews of 2014

by Naomi House, MLIS Top 10 Interviews of 2014 We interviewed and profiled some amazing people in 2014 and before, and these 10 interviews/profiles were the most widely read in 2014.  Just like a countdown I am listing them from 10 to 1, in reverse order. You can find them all on Twitter with the hashtag #INALJ2014TopInterviews.…

Things I Don’t (and Things I Won’t) in 2015

by Naomi House, MLIS Things I Don’t (and Things I Won’t) in 2015 Most lists of resolutions that I have come across focus on things that the authors will change or DO in the New Year. Diet and exercise. Read more. Get rid of those who are negative in their lives. Whatever it is they are…

INALJ 2015 Leadership Team!

by Naomi House, MLIS INALJ 2015 Leadership Team!  Update: as of 8/31/15 Rachael Altman & Ashley Mancill resigned – I (Naomi House) went back to never resting, lol and running INALJ daily I began INALJ (initially called I need a library job) in October 2010 as a list of jobs for my fellow Rutgers classmates.…

Another Year Older & I Have an Exciting New Job!

by Naomi House, MLIS Another Year Older &  I Have an Exciting New Job! Thanks for all the birthday wishes!!! If you followed me on social media this weekend you’ll know I have ONE birthday wish!  It is that the INALJ community (because we are all in this together) spreads the word about my latest…

Life After Quitting My Library Job

by Naomi House, MLIS updated to include details about my housing situation Life After Quitting My Library Job One year ago yesterday, on November 20th, 2013 I came into work at the federal library I was working at for one last half-day to train my awesome new replacement. It had been a roller-coaster 2 months…

What Do You Support Beyond Libraries?

by Naomi House, MLIS What Do You Support Beyond Libraries? Librarians are often passionate advocates in the LIS world, for their patrons, for their jobs, for the field as a whole. The advocacy I have seen in person and in social media has been impressive. But we are passionate about more than just the work…

INALJ Turns 4 Today!

by Naomi House, MLIS INALJ Turns 4 Today! This year I just want to say Thanks! We have no way of accurately knowing exactly how many people we have helped find jobs. We know it is significantly more than the 1500 we count but the job hunting process is stressful and often times job hunters…

The Very 1st INALJ Jobs List

by Naomi House, MLIS The Very 1st INALJ Jobs List On October 16th, 2010 I emailed a bunch of my Rutgers classmates about sharing jobs with each other. I decided on a listserv format and wanted to share with you the very first email I ever sent of jobs, sent October 18, 2010 at 10:14am…

So I had another miscarriage

by Naomi House, MLIS updated 9/22/14 So I had another miscarriage On Thursday I went in for my 10 week ultrasound. Because I am higher risk we had an ultrasound every two weeks or so and had seen the fetus and heard its heartbeat at 6 weeks and 4 days.  Apparently a week later the…

For the Love of “Librarian”

Naomi House standing in front of a mural

by Naomi House, MLIS For the Love of “Librarian” Anyone who has been following INALJ even for a short period of time will have come to know just how passionate I can be about outside-the-box and non-traditional jobs for librarians and library staff. I even have a list of mostly non-Librarian Keywords for Job Searching…

The Day I Was a Mover (not a Shaker)

by Naomi House, MLIS The Day I Was a Mover (not a Shaker) I have done many odd and not-so-odd jobs over the years. I sold vacuum cleaners by phone and door to door for all of 3 days in the mid-1990s. I worked food service twice and have no stomach for the smell of…

Health and the Job Hunt: On Blood Sugar & Carbs & Me

Naomi House standing in front of a mural

by Naomi House, MLIS Health and the Job Hunt: On Blood Sugar & Carbs & Me One of the things I admire about many LIS professionals and librarians on social media is that they often discuss their own physical and mental health challenges. Their candor helps others. I have learned more from their stories and…

Why I Quit My Library Job and Why I No Longer Want One

by Naomi House, MLIS Why I Quit My Library Job and Why I No Longer Want One I have worked in libraries for the last ten years but as of December 2013 I have been working only outside of libraries doing my other job, renovating and selling old houses, and forming a new partnership.  I have…

Strategizing for the Job Hunt

by Naomi House, MLIS, INALJ Founder and Editor Strategizing for the Job Hunt In October 2013 I was not only furloughed but also lost my job in the great and tremendously wasteful federal government shutdown.  I wrote an article Furloughed & Job Hunting: why strategizing 1st is the key to success, with advice about what…

A Change You Might Not Even Notice

by Naomi House, MLIS A Change You Might Not Even Notice Next week INALJ will undergo a significant change in its volunteer structure…and if I was not sharing this with you you might not even notice once it happened.  That is intentional.  The change is to lesson the time each volunteer spends on INALJ, while concentrating…

Why SLA is a ‘Must’ Membership for Me

Naomi House standing in front of a mural

by Naomi House, MLIS Why SLA is a ‘Must’ Membership for Me SLA or Special Libraries Association is an organization I really believe in.  I like to call it the “Specialized” Libraries Association, because that is what it truly is; it is an organization for LIS professionals in any field who specialize in something.  Divisions…

Free Advice (Literally) for New Librarians

by Naomi House, MLIS Free Advice (Literally) for New Librarians INALJ along with many other jobs blogs out there, is full of great advice for new and transitioning professionals. Go to conferences! Tailor your resumés and cover letters each time! Take professional development classes!  Network!  Join associations!  Actively participate IN associations!  Volunteer!  Take on an…

Attitude Will Get You Hired (or Fired)

by Naomi House, MLIS Attitude Will Get You Hired (or Fired) I have two basic rules for all my volunteers: 1) do the work assigned and be honest about it and 2) be constructive, have a good attitude and treat each other with respect The first is pretty easy to understand and follow, and we…

A Job App a Day and Other Job Hunting Strategies

Naomi House standing in front of a mural

by Naomi House, MLIS A Job App a Day and Other Job Hunting Strategies One of my pet peeves about job hunting advice articles is that many of them seem to equate their advice with guaranteed success, when actually there is no one bit of advice out there that works for every person in every…

The “In” Crowd: Librarian Jobs Beyond the Library

Naomi House standing in front of a mural

by Naomi House, MLIS The “In” Crowd: Librarian Jobs Beyond the Library As a long time member of SLA and someone who got their start in a specialized library I have been aware my entire library career that ‘librarian’ was just one title LIS grads can have.  One thing I want to emphasize is that…

Letting Go of “Librarian”

by Naomi House, MLIS Letting Go of “Librarian” I love discussing INALJ’s scope and strategy for finding jobs with anyone and everyone I meet.  Often those who are familiar with our INALJ Jobs pages are curious as to why we post more than just the traditional librarian jobs.  Either they are unfamiliar with some of…

The Less Trap: 8 Tips on Combating Doing the Same with Less

by Naomi House, MLIS The Less Trap:  8 Tips on Combating Doing the Same with Less Last May I was invited to speak at the National Press Club by LexisNexis.  My passion for volunteer work and reality of staffing cuts at my workplace at the time were colliding.  I spoke to the group about building versatility…

We Built a Community (on the rocky sea)

by Naomi House, MLIS We Built a Community (on the rocky sea) Community building can happen at unexpected times and in unexpected ways. I was a breakout speaker at OCLC EMEA‘s regional conference in Cape Town, South Africa on February 24.  I was speaking in a session called “We Built a Community” and the day…

Lessons Learned: DC/SLA & Careers in Federal Libraries

by Naomi House, MLIS Reposted from 11/29/12 and 2/13/13 Lessons Learned: DC SLA & Careers in Federal Libraries event 9/27/12 by Naomi House On September 27 Leadership Directories sponsored the Careers in Federal Libraries DC SLA event held at the National Geographic Society Library. About the Program: Panelists working at the Library of Congress, National…

Matching Needs with Wants

Matching Needs with Wants: or how job hunting makes sense to me by Naomi House, MLIS We all need to work to pay the bills, or at least most of us do.  We do not think to apply to every single job out there because we (as info pros) have degrees (MLS, MLIS) and skillsets…

Leaving Librarianship: some recent blog posts

by Naomi House, MLIS Leaving Librarianship: some recent blog posts This past weekend I read three excellent blog postings by librarians and info pros who have left or are considering leaving the library field.  Money is a huge part of the equation.  Librarians, Masters holders that we are, are grossly under-compensated and often wrestle with…

Naomi House, MLIS

Being the change: innovating and creating solutions from the grassroots up. Finding and filling a need on the fly. Connecting info pros with job opportunities. Nearly 20 years of experience in libraries, information centers, and related fields. Social media strategist and former CMO. Crowdfunding and patrimony/heritage supporter. Naomi House, MLIS  Work Experience / INALJ Partnerships…