Tag Archive for inalj wyoming

Avoiding the Resume Black Hole

by Rebecca Kluberdanz, former Senior Editor previously published 11/11/14 Avoiding the Resume Black Hole As job seekers in an increasing technological world we are all familiar with the dreaded online job application. You’re asked to fill about everything you could ever know about yourself, insert your resume in five different places, take a questionnaire that lasts 24…

Prepping for ALA Annual 2015: A Job Seeker’s Perspective

Prepping for ALA Annual 2015: A Job Seeker’s Perspective by Oscar Giurcovich, Senior Editor About 2 weeks before I wrote this blog post, I received an email from ALA asking me to confirm my hotel reservation for Annual in June. “Why are they sending this out so early?” I thought to myself. I then glanced…

7 Tips for Moving Past Job Search Rejection

7 Tips for Moving Past Job Search Rejection by Erin Kinney, Senior Assistant, INALJ Wyoming There are several strategies for coping with rejection of any kind, not just during the job hunt. Rejection on the job hunt has been covered on INALJ, but a refresher is always good. Process Your Emotions It is natural to feel angry…

Addressing Diversity in the Job Search Process

Addressing Diversity in the Job Search Process by Oscar Giurcovich, Senior Editor As an LIS job seeker, I come across something along the lines of the following quite frequently when looking at the requirements of a position: interest or ability to work in a multicultural environment. What does this mean? What are they looking for?…

3 Writing Resources for LIS Job Seekers and MLIS Applicants

Writing Resources for LIS Job Seekers and MLIS Applicants by Oscar Giurcovich, Senior Editor   Error-free resumes and cover letters are paramount in the job hunt. I think this is more important than ever in our everyday world of texting and social media where acronyms and shorthand rule. Unfortunately, the spelling and grammar checkers in…

Library Makerspaces: libraries are places to learn and create

Library Makerspaces: libraries are places to learn and create by Erin Kinney, Senior Assistant, INALJ Wyoming   Makerspaces, also known as hackerspaces, hackspaces, or fablabs, are DIY creative spaces where people gather to invent, create, and learn.  As David Lankes said “imagine libraries are places to learn and create, not consume and check out.” Library makerspaces have been…

How I Survived Library School

by Oscar Giurcovich, Senior Editor   How I Survived Library School For my first blog post, I thought I’d talk about something that has recently happened in my life: finishing library school. Before I continue, let’s set the scene: I live in a state that does not have a MLIS-type program, so I had to…

Creating a Library Oasis

by Rebecca Kluberdanz, Senior Editor, INALJ Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey,  New Mexico, and Wyoming Creating a Library Oasis The civil unrest going on in Ferguson, MO right now is no doubt scary but there is one important thing I have learned during all this turmoil. The role of a library can truly never be defined. In the wake of all this destruction…

Retail Customer Service Skills in the Library

by Erin Kinney, Senior Assistant, INALJ Wyoming Retail Customer Service Skills in the Library I recently took a seasonal job at a national retailer. This retailer prides itself on exemplary customer service. This got me thinking of how such customer service skills could be applied to a library setting. Respect This retailer has cashiers that look…

To Intern or Not to Intern…

by Rebecca Kluberdanz, Senior Editor, INALJ Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey,  New Mexico, and Wyoming To Intern or Not to Intern… As a graduate school student I’m always hearing about new internships becoming available, peers that are working internships, how valuable internships are for your resume and so on and so on. When I first started my program I was working in a…

Don’t Be Afraid to Relocate

by Erin Kinney, Senior Assistant, INALJ Wyoming Don’t Be Afraid to Relocate My husband and I are both originally from San Diego. He grew up in Nebraska, and I spent time in the Four Corners area of Colorado. We wanted to get back to that general area after graduating from library school in Florida, so we targeted…

How You’re Screwing Up Your Job Search

by Rebecca Kluberdanz, Senior Editor, INALJ Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey,  New Mexico, and Wyoming How You’re Screwing Up Your Job Search Like many of you out there I am ALWAYS looking for ways to improve my job searching and interview skills. That often involves reading all of the fabulous blog posts written for INALJ.com, as well as Googling around looking for any…

What I Learned from Working in a Special Library

by Rebecca Kluberdanz, Senior Editor, INALJ Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey,  New Mexico, and Wyoming What I Learned from Working in a Special Library I’m sure everyone has an image in their head of their ideal job. Honestly, the job I have right doesn’t fit that image but I’m loving it anyway! I currently work in what I would consider a special…

Interview Basics for First Time Job Hunters

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Interview Basics for First Time Job Hunters As the school year winds up, I’ve been thinking a lot about teenagers job hunting for a summer job or internship and approaching the dreaded interview for the first time. A lot of advice I would give a first-time job hunter are…

Genealogy and Public Libraries

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Genealogy and Public Libraries In my first year of taking classes for my MLIS, I was working full-time as a legal assistant. In order to get some library experience, I volunteered with my local public library. The woman who was in charge of assigning volunteers tasks thought I would…

Staying Relevant Outside the Profession

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Staying Relevant Outside the Profession I graduated from my library program in 2011 and have yet to be employed as a professional librarian. I worked as a legal assistant while getting my degree and then moved to a job in student affairs shortly after receiving my MLIS. I have…

Job Hunting Over the Holidays

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Job Hunting Over the Holidays It seems like job postings have really slowed down over the past few weeks, at least in Wyoming. I would expect hiring takes a backseat during this busy season, which can be difficult for job seekers. Rather than becoming disheartened in one’s search, I…

Conference Tips: An Interview with Sarah Mailloux

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Conference Tips: An Interview with Sarah Mailloux Emily: As a first-time library conference attendee, what were you expecting? Sarah: I think I was expecting more people. There were…

Halloween Book Round-Up

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Halloween Book Round-Up In the spirit of the season, I’ve rounded up a list of spooky(ish) reads to get you in the mood for October. I will note that these are mostly YA, and chosen because I’ve read them (Forever YA, anyone?) and can offer an opinion. Beautiful…

Interview with Janssen of Everyday Reading

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions . . by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Interview with Janssen of Everyday Reading Emily’s interview with Janssen, of the blog Everday-Reading.com, who started blogging in 2006 to chronicle the books they were reading and…

INALJ Book Club : 5 Recommended Reads

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming INALJ Book Club I recently moved to a new town, and in doing so, left my established book club in Laramie. I’m going through book club withdrawal and have subsequently been brainstorming different book club scenarios I could create in my new town. That got me thinking about…

What I Should Have Learned in Library School

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming What I Should Have Learned in Library School Like me, my sister is a librarian. Unlike me, she’s gainfully employed (minor detail), and so I like to live my librarian life vicariously through her. She was recently telling me that her boss wanted to put something together entitled,…

Library Superstar Dream Jobs

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Library Superstar Dream Jobs Often, I’ll see a news story about a cool space and know that a librarian is the unsung superstar. That’s right, I said superstar. The following is a list of some dream jobs: 1)      GM Heritage Center, http://www.gmheritagecenter.com/about-gm-heritage-center/. I heard about this archive on…

Confessions of a well-educated stay-at-home mom

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Confessions of a well-educated stay-at-home mom Confession: I’m a library and information professional who has never actually been a library and information professional. Coming out of undergrad, I knew I wanted to get my MLIS, but since I was geographically limited—my husband was getting his JD at the…

On Being Versatile

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming On Being Versatile As information professionals, we often engage in conversations justifying our existence or questioning if we have a future in a world with Google. On both sides of the argument, we discuss our versatility. After all, information is everywhere. Being versatile professionals, there are exciting new…