Tag Archive for inalj oklahoma

5 Ways to Take Control of Your Job Search

5 Ways to Take Control of Your Job Search by Brad McNally, Senior Editor    A job search is an extremely large undertaking. It is easy to let it get out of control and become overwhelming. Recently, a friend of mine was in a show (The Art of Acting Out) about a young man that…

5 Tips for Handling Bad News at Work

5 Tips for Handling Bad News at Work by Brad McNally, Senior Editor    It’s a  difficult topic to deal with, but bad news does sometimes come out in the workplace. In any job, this is a possibility. Many in the library world have felt the effects of budget cuts, for example. While no one…

5 ways to de-stress during a long job search

By Brad McNally, Senior Editor 5 ways to de-stress during a long job search Searching for a job takes a huge amount of effort. When the job search is unexpected, or goes longer than you originally thought it would, you can definitely begin feeling the stress. Some people even feel like finding a new job…

What Does a Librarian Do – Academic

by Rebecca Tischler, Senior Editor, INALJ North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon What Does a Librarian Do – Academic I recently wrote an article about what a librarian does, so I thought I would continue that with a series of articles exploring what different types of librarians do. Because while all librarians share a central duty…

What Does a Librarian Do?

by Rebecca Tischler, Senior Editor, INALJ North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon What Does a Librarian Do? A while ago, I wrote an article about the 5 Things That People Don’t Realize their Librarians Do, and one of my grad school teachers pointed out that I had not included the most important duty of a…

Getting Your Foot in the Door

by Rebecca Tischler, Senior Editor, INALJ North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon Getting Your Foot in the Door At a library that I previously worked at, I started as a part-time assistant. I was really excited to get that job because I had been told that once I got my foot in the door, I…

4 Sites That Every Librarian Should Know and Show

by Fallon Bleich, Senior Assistant for and former Head Editor of, INALJ Arkansas previously published 3/18/13 4 Sites That Every Librarian Should Know and Show I’m a giant techie and love discovering new sites and sharing them. As a librarian in training, it is even more fun to share the findings with patrons. Below are…

The Cross-Country On-Campus Interview

by Michele Frasier-Robinson, Head Editor, INALJ Oklahoma The Cross-Country On-Campus Interview You have successfully navigated the telephone and/or Skype interviews and you have been invited for an on-campus interview—on the other side of the country! Congratulations! This often means you are one of two or three other candidates that received the same invitation. The cross-country or long distance on-campus…

Problem Patrons

by Michele Frasier-Robinson, Head Editor, INALJ Oklahoma Problem Patrons Before I was a librarian, I naively believed that academic libraries did not face the same problem patron issues that are so common to public libraries. I was wrong. We have had our share of incidents—a few of them quite alarming. I have witnessed unassuming patrons…

Internet Resources for Education

by Michele Frasier-Robinson, Head Editor, INALJ Oklahoma Internet Resources for Education As an academic librarian, one of my responsibilities is creating and maintaining subject research guides for multiple disciplines. Part of this task requires locating quality Internet resources to add to each guide. Thus, I am always on the hunt for accurate and reliable Internet…

On Library Advocacy: You Don’t Need to Work There to Support Your Library

by Fallon Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Oklahoma On Library Advocacy: You Don’t Need to Work There to Support Your Library Recently, there has been a kerfuffle in the library world over an article written by Michael Rosenblum for Huffpost (seen here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-rosenblum/whats-a-library_b_3239502.html) and what that means for libraries as a whole. I will admit that…

On Thinking Outside the Box

by Fallon Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Oklahoma On Thinking Outside the Box Now, obviously, as librarians, we all love books and libraries, but many of us also get very specific with our career paths. I can’t tell you how many fellow MLIS students start their intro posts in each class with “I’m getting this degree…

Why You Should Attend Conferences

by Fallon Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Oklahoma Why You Should Attend Conferences As a job searcher and library student, one of the most valuable resources I’ve managed to gain and utilize is conferences. While they can be overwhelming, I think they have helped build my confidence in my job skills and have taught me the…