Tag Archive for Adrith Bedore Bicchieri

When a Sprint Becomes an Ultramarathon

by Adrith Bedore Bicchieri, former head editor, INALJ Maryland previously published 8/9/13 When a Sprint Becomes an Ultramarathon: Tips for an Extended Job Search The end of July marked one year of job searching for me, an anniversary I’d rather not have celebrated.   A job search of any length longer than you had cared,…

Three Things I Can’t Do Without

by Adrith Bedore Bicchieri, Head Editor, INALJ Maryland Three Things I Can’t Do Without I will freely admit that right now stress has me by the tail, instead of me having stress by the tail. In addition to my job search going into the fourteenth inning, my husband is now deployed and I’m home alone…

So You’re Going to Your First Big Conference!

by Adrith Bedore Bicchieri, Head Editor, INALJ Maryland So You’re Going to Your First Big Conference! Are you getting ready to attend ALA’s Annual Conference tomorrow? My suitcase is already packed. If you are attending your first conference, be it ALA or any other organization, I want to share some helpful resources and personal suggestions…

Keeping Current: Low-Cost Professional Development, May Edition

by Adrith Bedore Bicchieri, Head Editor, INALJ Nevada Keeping Current: Low-Cost Professional Development Opportunities in May May is a busy month for many people. If you find yourself with an extra hour, you may be interested in one or more of these free webinars: Extending Access to E-books for Public Libraries: New Strategies, hosted by…

Keeping Current: Low-Cost Professional Development, March/April Edition

by Adrith Bedore Bicchieri, Head Editor, INALJ Nevada Keeping Current: Low-Cost Professional Development, March/April Edition Professional development opportunities can be difficult to take advantage of if you’re unemployed or underemployed. Here are some avenues for gaining new ideas, skills, or perspectives without breaking the bank. Free online webinars, on a variety of topics: Student Advisors,…