186 search results for "volunteering"

Kathy Elliott …In Six

My interview with success story, Kathy Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Kathy:  As soon as I was accepted into an MLIS program, I joined the San Diego Chapter of the Special Libraries Association (SLA-SD). And it paid off. I met San Diego Zoo Global librarian Talitha Matlin, asked if she needed volunteers,…

Mara Egherman …In Six

My interview with success story, Mara M J Egherman, MA, MLIS Naomi: How did you find your current job? Mara:  I was told about a potential opening at my current place of employment, a small liberal arts college, by a librarian at that college while attending an Iowa ACRL conference hosted at that same college.…

Christa Ruth-Coleman …In Six

My interview with INALJ success story, Christa Naomi: How did you find your current job? Christa: I found my current job through the INALJ digest! I looked through the states I was interested in and then went through the list of websites on the resource page. After so much time job searching, I had a…

Naomi House, MLIS

Being the change: innovating and creating solutions from the grassroots up. Finding and filling a need on the fly. Connecting info pros with job opportunities. Nearly 20 years of experience in libraries, information centers, and related fields. Social media strategist and former CMO. Crowdfunding and patrimony/heritage supporter. Naomi House, MLIS  Work Experience / INALJ Partnerships…

How I Landed a Job

 by Stephanie Altbie r Like many of us, I had job interviews that looked as if I might receive a job offer, but no job offer came. Until one day I went on a job interview, and I was offered the job two days later. What was different this time? Job Announcement I applied to…

Lacy McDonald …In Six

My interview with success story Lacy Naomi: How did you find your current job? Lacy: I moved to Alton, IL last November when my husband got a job in the area. I started volunteering at the Hayner Public Library District in January, and clicked with the Volunteer Coordinator right away. Soon, the library posted an…


I recently received the following tweets from an ‘aspiring’ librarian. “Not to be nasty, but do any of the volunteers check links? I have been clicking on a lot of dead links in today’s digest :(” “This isn’t something to get volunteers for? What good is a 150+ document if no one bothers to see…

Alicia Schofield …In Six

My interview with success story Alicia Naomi: How did you find your current job? Alicia: I found the job posting through a job listserv that the U of I’s library school hosts. Naomi: Favorite library you have been to? Alicia: The closed stacks of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library. Naomi: Favorite book? Alicia: This month…

The Interns are Coming!

I am so grateful to Caity Bauer and Katherine Vitlin for volunteering to be the new INALJ interns and Associate editors. They will be formatting the daily jobs digest and I couldn’t be happier. I am hoping to profile them on here soon and start featuring articles and blog postings by them too! Thanks a…

Jennifer Randles …In Six

My interview with success story Jennifer Naomi: How did you find your current job? Jennifer: My new position is actually where I worked as a graduate student assistant while earning my MSIS degree. One of the supervisors left her position to pursue another career, and I applied for it. I was thrilled that the position…

Kathy Fester …In Six

Success story Kathy Fester Naomi: How did you find your current job? Kathy: I am on every job search site imaginable but when I found INALJ I realized that every position I had seen was now in one place! It was in INALJ that I first saw the vacancy for my current position at Adelphi…