347 search results for "lying"

The Skinny on Cruise Ship Librarianship

by Rebecca Vogler, Head Editor, INALJ Nevada The Skinny on Cruise Ship Librarianship If you’ve been around INALJ.com since the beginning of last year, you may remember a couple of Success Stories that were written about newly minted MLIS graduates going to work as a cruise ship librarian.  One was written about me.  That article,…

January 2014 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

Over 4 million total page views reached in January! What a great month!  The big news is we reached over 4 million page views at INALJ.com on 1/13!  In addition it was the best month at INALJ.com for many stats! January’s busiest day was 15,556 views on 1/27, and our busiest week EVER at 86,866 views…

Darn those Tough Interview Questions!

by Roselle Pendergast, Head Editor, INALJ Minnesota Darn those Tough Interview Questions! We’ve all had those questions asking us to describe a certain situation or experience and how we handled it.  Time and again, we’ve either sailed through it or froze up and stammered out our answer. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been seeing…

Taking a Career Inventory

by Christina Wilson, Head Editor of INALJ Alberta and INALJ Manitoba Taking a Career Inventory The beginning of a new year is a reminder to reflect on your career over the last year.  It’s also a good time to conduct an inventory how things went over the preceding year.  What went well?  Of which accomplishments…

A Year in Review: my own

by R.C.Miessler, Head Editor, INALJ Indiana A Year in Review: my own So, 2013 wasn’t the year I was hoping it would be. A year after graduating, I didn’t score a professional library gig (although I was able to turn my volunteer work into a part time job in a library). However, I had plenty…

Stephen X. Flynn of Open Cover Letters

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions My interview with Stephen X. Flynn, founder of OpenCoverLetters.com.  I was fortunate to be able to meet and chat with him at ALA 2013 Naomi: What made you start your blog? Stephen: While applying for…

Meredith Lowe of Archives Gig

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions My interview with the founder of Archives Gig, Meredith Lowe! Naomi: What made you start your blog? Meredith: I was already gathering archives job announcements for the job listserv at University of Wisconsin – Madison…

INALJ Arkansas

INALJ AR logo in brown and light brown with a magnifying glass icon to the left

Naomi House & Sana Khan- Co-Head Editors Sponsored Jobs New Job Listings Websites for Jobs Contact Us SPONSORED JOBS Have your job seen by the most job hunters! Get more qualified applicants! Place a sponsored ad today! Details here! New Jobs ALL individual jobs are found in pdf format at this link All lists of additional sites to check…

December 2013 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

Over 3.75 million total page views reached in December! What a great month!  we reached over 3.75 million page views at INALJ.com! December’s busiest day was 12,895 views on 12/3, and our busiest week had 69,787 views the 49th week of the year, and for the month  INALJ.com had 241,055 views! Some fast stats for December…

Job Hunting Over the Holidays

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Job Hunting Over the Holidays It seems like job postings have really slowed down over the past few weeks, at least in Wyoming. I would expect hiring takes a backseat during this busy season, which can be difficult for job seekers. Rather than becoming disheartened in one’s search, I…

November 2013 Roundup (INALJ Stats )

Over 3.5 million total page views reached in November! What a great month!  we reached over 3.5 million page views at INALJ.com!  November’s busiest day was 13,879 views on 11/18, and our busiest week had 73,380 views the 45th week of the year, and for the month  INALJ.com had 281,501 views! Some fast stats for November 2013:…

Avoiding Managerial Mistakes with Cooperation and Consistency

by Courtney Butler, Head Editor, INALJ Idaho  Avoiding Managerial Mistakes with Cooperation and Consistency I am in a supervisory position for the first time in my professional career, and it is interesting being on the other side. We have all had bosses and supervisors that were belittling, incompetent, unrealistic, or just plain unpleasant to work…

All about Accreditation

by Kate Kosturski, Head Editor, INALJ NYC All about Accreditation Do you know what library school accreditation is? Perhaps you are applying to library school and heard how important it is to go to an “ALA Accredited Library School.” Or you may have perused job listings on INALJ and noticed that one of the requirements…

Extreme Resume Makeover: Library Technician Edition

by Lauren Bourdages, Head Editor, INALJ Ontario Extreme Resume Makeover: Library Technician Edition As a job seeker, one thing I inevitably spend a lot of time doing is reading career advice blogs and one take away from them is new advice and tips for resume writing. I enjoy writing, and I think, hope, that I…

Finding the Right Library Job Is Kind of Like Dating

by Kathleen Kosiec  Finding the Right Library Job Is Kind of Like Dating Ok, I can’t take credit for this analogy, but if you really think about it, isn’t finding the right library job a lot like dating? Let me count the ways. Searching and applying for jobs (Flirting) Ahh, the fun stage. You’re searching…

Keep in Touch with Your References

by Tiffany Newton, Head Editor, INALJ Missouri  Keep in Touch with Your References  One of the most important parts of getting a job is your references. Usually prospective employers will wait until after the interview to call your references, but occasionally, they will call before. I just spoke with one of my references, Keith, and…

October 2013 Roundup (INALJ Stats )

3.3 million total page views & over 322,000 page views this month alone!   October was incredible!  It was our 3rd busiest month ever at INALJ.com!  October’s busiest day was 13,704 views on 10/1, and our busiest week had 76,666 views the 40th week of the year, and for the month  INALJ.com had 322,197 views! Some fast stats…

New York ComicCon: A Rewarding Experience for Librarians

by Leigh Milligan, Head Editor, INALJ Wisconsin New York Comic Con: A Rewarding Experience for Librarians On October 10th, I attended New York Comic Con (NYCC) for the first time. I have always heard about it and wanted to go, but never had an opportunity to until this year. NYCC includes pop culture related vendors and artists, as…

How Many Jobs Should You Apply For?

by Tiffany Newton, Head Editor, INALJ Missouri How Many Jobs Should You Apply For? I’ve been without a job for several months now. I had a student position while getting my MLS, and when I graduated, I lost my job. That’s just how student positions go. I was recently talking to a colleague and I…

How I Jumped in with Both Feet

by Lauren Bourdages, Head Editor, INALJ Ontario How I Jumped in with Both Feet Every library and information professional has that moment in their life where, with 100% certainty, they realise that the LIS industry really is where they belong. That moment happened for me in the midst of what was the most intense year…

Take a Risk and Follow Through

by Diana La Femina, Head Editor, INALJ South Carolina Take a Risk and Follow Through Putting yourself out there is never a comfortable thing. However, wonderful things can happen when you take the risk. For example I’ve been searching for a volunteer position in New York City. You’d think this would be easy to find,…