Tag Archive for Naomi House

INALJ is having a baby (well, I am)

* updated 10/20/13 – Sadly we had a miscarriage.  Thanks for all your support.  Now, to get healthy again!   Hi everyone, Great news- my husband and I are expecting a baby in late April, early May 2014.  This is a bit earlier than I wanted to tell everyone but we are very excited!  Also…

Ask Naomi: How Did You find Your Job?

Ask Naomi: How Did You find Your Job? I am often asked how I found my job. I work for a government contractor as a reference and acquisitions librarian at a federal library. What many people don’t realize is I got that job while I was only half way done with my MLIS. That kismet…

Who has found a job so far?

Who has found a job so far? Back in November of 2011, when INALJ the jobs resource was a year old but INALJ.com was less than a month old, I wrote an article about how many people had found jobs.  My how far we have come.  I have updated it below and hope it gives…

On SLA, Both Near and Far

by Naomi House On SLA, Both Near and Far I am missing SLA Annual this year in San Diego.  I am frankly much the worse for it.  I am blessed to have been able to speak and travel so much this year and my time-off requests finally caught up with me.  Next year, I promise…

Leaving Librarianship: some recent blog posts

by Naomi House, MLIS Leaving Librarianship: some recent blog posts This past weekend I read three excellent blog postings by librarians and info pros who have left or are considering leaving the library field.  Money is a huge part of the equation.  Librarians, Masters holders that we are, are grossly under-compensated and often wrestle with…

Naomi House …In Six

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions A self-directed interview 😉 Reposted from 12/29/2011 and 1/27/12 A snapshot of my vision for INALJ from 2011 What is your dream job and why? Naomi: This! I love being able to do reference by…

So I Didn’t Win the Lotto, This Time

Last night when I insisted my chances of winning the lottery, Powerball to be specific, were pretty good (I had a feeling), my husband reminded me it isn’t safe to build castles in the clouds.  I didn’t win but I still disagree 🙂  Even without the massive influx of cash (donations can be made anytime,…

So How Do I Get Experience?

Having served on search committees I know one of the key things looked at on resumes is whether or not a candidate has experience (with the ILS, in libraries, etc). I know this can be a big challenge these days as many MLIS/MLS students work full time and take night classes or online classes. Also…

Top 5 LinkedIn Groups for Library Job Seekers

There are many places you can interact online with other library job seekers. What I love about LinkedIn is that overall the discussions tend to lean towards being more professional than they do on Facebook, Twitter and other sites. In no particular order: INALJ- The I need a Library job Group : I founded this…

Naomi House : Library Journal Mover & Shaker Award Winner 2013

* Naomi House RECEIVES PRESTIGIOUS “MOVER & SHAKER” AWARD FROM LIBRARY JOURNAL MAGAZINE Naomi House founder of INALJ.com has been named a “Mover & Shaker” in the library industry by the national publication, Library Journal. In its March 15, 2013 issue, Library Journal named 50 outstanding professionals committed to providing excellent service to meet the…

1 Million (1,000,000) page views!!!

1,000,000 So excited to be typing this!  INALJ.com started as a small webspace to host my daily jobs and share success stories in November of 2011.  Just over a year later, on March 17th, 2013, I have hit 1 million page views!!! Here is to sharing more jobs, advice, tips & tricks and getting to…

Naomi House, MLIS

Being the change: innovating and creating solutions from the grassroots up. Finding and filling a need on the fly. Connecting info pros with job opportunities. Nearly 20 years of experience in libraries, information centers, and related fields. Social media strategist and former CMO. Crowdfunding and patrimony/heritage supporter. Naomi House, MLIS  Work Experience / INALJ Partnerships…

Need a house? Metro Washington, DC area

It is that time of year again where my husband and I sell our house. It just went up for sale today and you can view the listing here. Six bedrooms and three bathrooms! Walk to metro, MARC, Busboys and Poets, Hyattsville Arts District, Yes! Organic Market, Chipotle, Shagga Ethiopian restaurant and much more. The…

Safe and Sound

We had a bit of a scare on Saturday. Our little Toyota Corolla was sideswiped by a semi truck on 495N on Saturday just before 6pm when we were returning from a daytrip to Fredericksburg, VA. We are so lucky that all we lost was the front bumper of our car, some of the front…

Gone to look for America

We just got back from a whirlwind four day trip from suburban DC (MD) to Chattanooga, Nashville, Memphis, Little Rock, back to Memphis, St Louis, Charleston and back home again. 3,000 miles later we are madly addicted to the open road. Perhaps there is some way we can combine trucking and librarianship? We spent this…


INALJ Jobs  Our most extensive online resource for jobs for information professionals, librarians, knowledge managers and those in related fields USA   •   Canada •   International •   Post a Job JOBS 2024 INALJ Jobs 2023 INALJ Jobs 2016-2022 INALJ Jobs State pages with more resources USA – Remote / Telework Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado…

New Year, New Habits

This year I shall try and look at and update my LinkedIn profile and resume every single weekend. I shall also try and be active on various LinkedIn groups, add interviews and articles to INALJ.com for the upcoming week and sleep. Come join the discussion about new habits in this new year on INALJ LinkedIn…

Ask Naomi: Why not post all jobs online?

One question I get often is why is the daily digest the format I settled on instead of posting all jobs on Twitter or online? My goal long term is to make an online database but one that is sortable and searchable. One of the key components of INALJ the digest as a service is…

My New Year Wish

2011 has been a magnificent year full of blessings, stress, madness, luck, hard work, mistakes, successes and hope and I wouldn’t change most of it. I am happy that I learned many lessons the hard way. When I began the daily email, right up until late summer, I was doing every aspect of it for…

♦ Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays ♦

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all of you! Whether you are looking for a job, or active on my LinkedIn Group, Facebook page, Twitter feed, or just get the daily email I am thankful to have you along for this journey. Here is to a wonderful new year and jobs for everyone in 2012!…


Welcome to the INALJ (I Need a Library Job) webpage/journal. This is a one stop shop where fans could find all of my pages and email information as well as bios, interviews, book reviews and original articles by my friends, colleagues and fans. Every day I will add more to this website so stop by,…

INALJ is on SLA’s Future Ready 365!

Today on SLA’s Future Ready 365 blog my article from earlier this year I Need a Library Job: Finding and Filling a Need on the Fly was republished! Since it went to press a few months back INALJ has grown in leaps and bounds. Over 3,800 FB fans, over 1,800 Twitter fans, over 600 LinkedIn…