186 search results for "volunteering"

What to Expect When You’re Interviewing: The Fabulous Five

by Amanda Marie Yetter, former INALJ Maryland Head Editor previously published 5/20/13 What to Expect When You’re Interviewing: The Fabulous Five This blog posting was designed for individuals who already have their degree and are now trying to determine the best possible ways to market, flaunt, and gloat about having an MSLS.  So, let me…

4 Steps to Impress in Your Cover Letters

by Scottie Kapel, former Head Editor, INALJ Oregon previously published 5/1/13 4 Steps to Impress in Your Cover Letters Remember last month when I wrote on and on about how difficult resume writing can be? Well, I lied. Writing a resume is nothing in comparison to writing a cover letter. That said, writing a cover…

Closing the Digital Educational Divide

by Josh Rimmer, Head Editor, INALJ West Virginia Closing the Digital Educational Divide Whether your degree is obtained through online schooling, or acquired the traditional route in person is irrelevant in the end after you graduate –academic pitchforks up. What matters is being active in the professional librarian conversation. What do I mean by being active? Local…

Paying your way through conference season

Angela J.A. Kent, Head Editor, INALJ-Virtual Work Paying your way through conference season Many information professionals and students, myself included, are currently gearing up to attend some of the industry’s largest annual library conferences. While there’s been no shortage of articles on conferences, there is one aspect that I thought was worth adding my two cents. Let’s talk…

Why Didn’t I Get the Job and What Should I Do Next?

Rebecca Kluberdanz, Head Editor, INALJ New York State Why Didn’t I Get the Job and What Should I Do Next? For me, and I am sure many others, the most frustrating thing about the job search is not hearing why I didn’t get the job or even an interview! Is it my experience level? Is it…

Applying for public library jobs in the U.K. – What to expect

by Suzanne Schultz Pick, Head Editor, INALJ UK Applying for public library jobs in the U.K. – What to expect There are lots of fellow librarians on social networks such as Twitter, and Facebook. Plenty of librarians can give you insight on what hiring libraries may be looking for in a new employee. I asked public librarians on…

Knowledge Is Power: Awesome Websites for Learning Library Skills

by Ashley Mancill, Head Editor, INALJ Alabama previously published 9/19/13 Knowledge Is Power: Awesome Websites for Learning Library Skills I became interested in library work shortly after leaving the fast-paced and closely related field of publishing. Although I was confident that my work experience was relevant and that I had quite a few transferable skills,…

INALJ is Going Global: and we need international volunteers

by Naomi House, MLIS INALJ is Going Global: and we need international volunteers Since the beginning INALJ has included jobs in several foreign countries as well as jobs that US citizens could be hired for internationally.  We have fantastic participation from our INALJ Canada editors and we have been growing a few other country pages. …

A Primer For Conference Volunteers

Amanda Brooks, Head Editor, INALJ British Columbia A Primer For Conference Volunteers The INALJ community’s recent discussions about the ALA conference and Lisa Huntsha’s How Volunteering May Actually Be Hurting Your Job Hunt were added incentives to write my planned recommendation for volunteering for conferences. As Lisa pointed out, you should not volunteer in a role which replaces a…

Tips to be professionally successful

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut Tips to be professionally successful Being successful in our profession is what we all strive for. Whether in a library setting or any professional setting, keeping ourselves focused on being successful at what we do is important in our professional development. I would like to share some tips I use daily…

So I’ve graduated library school… Now what?

Angie Solis, Head Editor, INALJ Missouri  So I’ve graduated library school… Now what? As I write this on the eve of my graduation from library school I find myself caught up in feelings of joy, fear, worry, happiness and relief. The feelings of elation come from the fact that I can stand up and proudly announce: “I have…

Search Smarter: becoming an information detective using advanced job searches

by Sarah Porter, former Head Editor, INALJ California previously published 5/15/13 Search Smarter: becoming an information detective using advanced job searches One exciting aspect of volunteering as a head editor for INALJ is being an “information detective”: solving the mystery of where some of the hidden non-traditional LIS (Library and Information Science) jobs are and…

7 (Must-Have) Tools for Your Job Hunting Kit

by Naomi House, MLIS 7 (Must-Have) Tools for Your Job Hunting Kit Most of us already use tools in our job hunt but what we may not be doing is using them together.  Tools are different from characteristics and attitudes because they are things that you use- not aspects of who you are.  Especially where…

The Less Trap: 8 Tips on Combating Doing the Same with Less

by Naomi House, MLIS The Less Trap:  8 Tips on Combating Doing the Same with Less Last May I was invited to speak at the National Press Club by LexisNexis.  My passion for volunteer work and reality of staffing cuts at my workplace at the time were colliding.  I spoke to the group about building versatility…

Ulla de Stricker, on getting noticed

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions Anastasia Gould, Head Editor, INALJ Nunavut, INALJ Yukon, INALJ Northwest Territories Ulla de Stricker, on getting noticed Anastasia: What is your dream job and why? Ulla: Your question provokes reflection: If I were to imagine myself in any…

Confidence Goes a Long Way

by Leigh Milligan, Head Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania Confidence Goes a Long Way Once upon a time back in 2011, I graduated library school. I was getting called into interviews left and right. I had been volunteering at a public library and had many great skills and qualifications to share. But it never got back the interview stage. I…

9 Ways to Brand Yourself

by Sandra Hoyer, former Head Editor, INALJ Washington previously published 5/9/13 9 Ways to Brand Yourself: A Few Thoughts on Personal Branding and Standing Out Having survived the last year in the Washington, D.C. area in a large library, I spent much of that time absorbing and writing down what makes people successful in the…

Zen and the Art of Unemployment-or-Catcher in the Wry

by John Jay Miller, librarian Zen and the Art of Unemployment-or-Catcher in the Wry February 3, 2014 Dear reader: “I am a sick man… I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man”. It is 2:00AM on a Tuesday and I am unemployed. I have applied for over 70 jobs and remain unemployed after…

Professional Advancement for Shallow Pockets

by Rebecca Crago, former Head Editor, INALJ Virginia Professional Advancement for Shallow Pockets In the LIS field there is a huge emphasis on professional advancement, but the cost of doing so can be a barrier for many of us. Workshops and conferences are not cheap; they often require travel, registration and supplies costs. In many…

How does a membership to a field-specific society/association help your career?

by Roselle Pendergast, Head Editor, INALJ Minnesota How does a membership to a field-specific society/association help your career? There are TONS of different library societies/associations out there (large and small) and I have no doubt at all that there’s also societies founded within your own state; look at Minnesota for an example, Minnesota Library Association or Twin Cities…

So you’ve been laid off, what now?

by Lauren Bourdages, Head Editor, INALJ Ontario So you’ve been laid off, what now? On February 4 2014 my, now former manager called me into her office at around 11am, it was a Tuesday, so this was normal, we had a regular 1-on-1 scheduled every Tuesday. Because it was normal I wasn’t mentally prepared for what…

#inaljchat is now #LISprochat

As of February 2016 #inaljchat founders Leigh & Lauren have grown the chat and changed it to #LISprochat  follow them at @LISprochat   —- What: #inaljchat Where: Twitter.com  follow @inaljchat When: Mondays at 9-10:00pm EDT every other week Why:  Crowd-sourcing the best of the web from the best on the web (ie: librarians) on job…