Tag Archive for blog

The Job Hunter’s Guide to Positivity

by Claire Schmieder, Volunteer Manager Previously published 11/11/14 The Job Hunter’s Guide to Positivity Just about one year ago, I started working at my current job. Hooray! This upcoming anniversary has gotten me reflecting on the time BEFORE I started working, when I was a verging-on-desperate job hunter. After I earned my MLIS, I spent nearly…

Wanted: The Next Librarian of Congress

Wanted: The Next Librarian of Congress by Andy Woodworth The next Librarian of Congress will be the most important job placement in our career lifetimes. Originally, I had written “may be” instead of “will be” because I thought the latter would be a bit hyperbolic. Upon further reflection, I made the decision to remove any…

Over Prepare Then Go with the Flow

by Sarah Porter, former Head Editor, INALJ California previously published 12/17/13 Over Prepare Then Go with the Flow Yesterday I opened a fortune cookie with ideal advice for someone prepping for a job interview. It read: “over prepare then go with the flow”. I am actively seeking jobs and interviewing, as I am relocating to…

Happy Eid to All the Librarians Celebrating!

by Naomi House, MLIS So grateful for another peaceful, uneventful Ramadan for my husband, Sana!  It was hot here in New Orleans but we are lucky this year to be in a finished home, with AC and fans. May everyone’s Eid be blessed and here is to another year!

Bloggers Desired

by Naomi House, MLIS Bloggers Desired INALJ.com is a platform for anyone in the LIS spheres, whether they are students, patrons, staff, or in tangential fields. Our main goal and focus is finding and sharing jobs on the Jobs pages, however the blog posts have been nearly as popular over the past few years. Until…

Library Bucket List: On loving all libraries

Library Bucket List: On loving all libraries by Jen Li, INALJ Contributor I have a ‘library bucket list’. Although my PhD research focuses on three case study libraries in Sydney, my reading and travels have taken me beyond Sydney and those three libraries. I have a mental list of libraries that I would like to…

You & Me & Library Makes Three: Negotiating Dual-Career Households

by Alphild Dick, former Head Editor, INALJ Washington previously published 6/9/14 You and Me and Library Makes Three: Negotiating Dual-Career Households When I started library school, I was under few illusions that finding the traditional librarian position that I wanted would be easy. And time consuming. And frustrating. It was the reality of pursuing work that I was…

Secrets of a Tech Therapist

by Rebekah Kati, former Head Editor, INALJ North Carolina previously published 6/5/14 Secrets of a Tech Therapist My previous job was the Information Technology Librarian for an online university. One of the most difficult aspects of this job was helping patrons troubleshoot technical problems with the online databases. At times, I felt like a therapist as I listened…

How INALJ Can Help You Get a Job

Naomi House standing in front of a mural

by Naomi House, MLIS How INALJ Can Help You Get a Job Our extensive jobs lists for the US, Canada and a few virtual & international jobs (6000-9000+ jobs a month) Our advice in articles & blog posts Sponsored jobs Tweets & Facebook posts Private LinkedIn group advice Yup, that about covers it!  INALJ, one…

Making the Case to Attend ALA Annual Conference…to Yourself

by Sara Dixon, former Head Editor, INALJ Kansas previously published 5/21/13 & 6/16/14 Making the Case to Attend ALA Annual Conference…to Yourself If you are like me, you have been weighing the pros and cons of attending the ALA Annual Conference.  ALA says, “Expand your network. Build your knowledge. Improve your profession.”  Why, yes, ALA, I would…

Avoiding the Resume Black Hole

by Rebecca Kluberdanz, former Senior Editor previously published 11/11/14 Avoiding the Resume Black Hole As job seekers in an increasing technological world we are all familiar with the dreaded online job application. You’re asked to fill about everything you could ever know about yourself, insert your resume in five different places, take a questionnaire that lasts 24…

Happy Ramadan Librarians!

by Naomi House, MLIS Happy Ramadan Librarians! Happy Ramadan! Many of you know my husband, Sana, is Muslim and from Pakistan. Usually Pakistan is a day behind the US for starting Ramadan, but only the moon shall tell. 🙂  I have observed Ramadan 3 times, only once successfully, and certainly not in the heat of…

Library Maker Fest! #librarymakerfest

Library Maker Fest!  June 18, 2015 by Michele LeSure Hey, guess what?  I’m going to go to the Library Maker Fest this Thursday, June 18th, from 9:00am to 3:00pm at the Plant City Strawberry Festival Arthur Boring Civic Center.  And, if you were going to tell me that Plant City has a drive-in restaurant, I…

Resilience During (and Beyond) the Job Hunt

Resilience During (and Beyond) the Job Hunt by Julia Feerrar I once applied for a job that, in many ways, felt like it had been made just for me. I progressed through a phone interview and then an on-campus interview, feeling confident and excited. While of course I knew that there must be quite a…

Managing Student Employees in your 20s

Managing Student Employees in your 20s by Laura Birkenhauer Going from a being a student to managing students can be tough, especially when you still have the baby face and unbounded enthusiasm of a newbie 20-something. So, here are some of the upsides (and cons to steer clear of!) of managing student employees in your…

Libraries, hey? That could be a dissertation topic

Libraries, hey? That could be a dissertation topic by Jen Li, INALJ Contributor I begin with a confession. I claim to be a lover of books, reading, and libraries, and indeed during the course of my PhD research, I have visited over seventy libraries in several countries, amassed a number of library cards, and borrowed…

Conflict in the Job Interview: How to Approach the Tricky Questions

by Ruth Lincoln, former Senior Assistant, INALJ Washington, DC  previously published 10/4/13 & 8/29/14 Conflict in the Job Interview: How to Approach the Tricky Questions A job interview isn’t complete without a little conflict. That is, questions about how you handle conflict. A great employee knows how to stay calm when plans go awry, attitudes clash,…

Your Career Statement Of Purpose: a SOP Story

by Christina Wilson, former Head Editor of INALJ Alberta and INALJ Manitoba previously published 2/27/14 Your Career Statement Of Purpose: a SOP Story At a recent library conference, l learned a new approach towards the all-important career summary that all job seekers are expected to deliver during an interview. Typically, interviews begin with a request to provide a career overview. Most…

Avoiding Cinderella Syndrome: Why Every Job Doesn’t Have to be a ‘Perfect’ Fit

by Krystal Corbray, Managing Librarian with Yakima Valley Libraries in Washington State previously published 7/15/14 Avoiding Cinderella Syndrome:  Why Every Job Doesn’t Have to be a ‘Perfect’ Fit Once you’ve been job hunting for a while, things can get a bit…intense. Many job-seekers talk about their employment search as if it’s a full-time job—which is an…

More On Mentoring: Ask a Special Librarian – May Edition (Pt 2)

Ask a Special Librarian – May Edition (Part 2 of 2) Tracy Z. Maleeff Library Resources Manager at Duane Morris LLP in Philadelphia @LibrarySherpa & LibrarySherpa.com Joshua LaPorte Law Library Assistant – University of Connecticut @joshualaporte & https://www.youtube.com/user/JoshuaLaPorte It’s a banner month for all you INALJ.com readers. You get not one but two editions of…