186 search results for "volunteering"

Self-Care for Job-Seekers

by Elinor Crosby previously published 5/17/13 & 6/19/14 & 12/9/15 Self-Care for Job-Seekers Job searching is a difficult task, and sometimes it seems Sisyphean. There are points in the process where even the toughest, most dedicated seeker becomes disheartened and begins to spiral into despair. Many factors contribute to this, and under- and over-employment are…

How to stay positive during a long job hunt

by Scottie Kapel, former Head Editor, INALJ Oregon previously published 6/20/13 & 9/26/14 Keeping your head above water: How to stay positive during a long job hunt For many of you reading, you may very well be on your fourth, fifth, or sixth month of your job hunt. For others, you may have passed that…

8 Reasons Informational Interviews are Useful

by Rebecca Ciota 8 Reasons Informational Interviews are Useful I have always been a thinker and a planner.  My mother recounts several times when, as a child, in a toy store, I would consider which toy would be the best purchase.  If I was like that before I can even remember, it is no wonder…

You Worry About You (Taking Charge of My Narrative)

by Claire Schmieder, Volunteer Manager previously published 8/5/14 You Worry About You (Taking Charge of My Narrative) Both of my boys had the same wonderful Kindergarten teacher. Like most educators, she has tons of bite-sized bits of knowledge for her students. Occassionally, I would end up applying those bits to my own life and one in particular…

July 2015 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

12.5 million page views! What a great month!  July was such an amazing month at INALJ!  It was the one year anniversary of my most popular personal blog post ever, Why I Quit My Library Job and Why I No Longer Want One.  My how time flies.  It was also the end of an INALJ era…

The Job Hunter’s Guide to Positivity

by Claire Schmieder, Volunteer Manager Previously published 11/11/14 The Job Hunter’s Guide to Positivity Just about one year ago, I started working at my current job. Hooray! This upcoming anniversary has gotten me reflecting on the time BEFORE I started working, when I was a verging-on-desperate job hunter. After I earned my MLIS, I spent nearly…

Making the Case to Attend ALA Annual Conference…to Yourself

by Sara Dixon, former Head Editor, INALJ Kansas previously published 5/21/13 & 6/16/14 Making the Case to Attend ALA Annual Conference…to Yourself If you are like me, you have been weighing the pros and cons of attending the ALA Annual Conference.  ALA says, “Expand your network. Build your knowledge. Improve your profession.”  Why, yes, ALA, I would…

More On Mentoring: Ask a Special Librarian – May Edition (Pt 2)

Ask a Special Librarian – May Edition (Part 2 of 2) Tracy Z. Maleeff Library Resources Manager at Duane Morris LLP in Philadelphia @LibrarySherpa & LibrarySherpa.com Joshua LaPorte Law Library Assistant – University of Connecticut @joshualaporte & https://www.youtube.com/user/JoshuaLaPorte It’s a banner month for all you INALJ.com readers. You get not one but two editions of…

On Mentoring: Ask a Special Librarian – May Edition (Pt 1)

Ask a Special Librarian – May Edition (Part 1 of 2) Tracy Z. Maleeff Library Resources Manager at Duane Morris LLP in Philadelphia @LibrarySherpa & LibrarySherpa.com   Mentoring. It’s a word that seems to strike fear in the hearts of new and experienced professionals alike. If you are just starting out, you probably often hear…

Professional Shadowing for Your Toolbox

by Ryan Nitz, former Head Editor, INALJ Alaska previously published 5/14/14 Professional Shadowing for Your Toolbox As part of a training program at work, I recently had the opportunity to spend a day shadowing someone in a leadership position in my organization. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it turned out to be one of the…

Taking the TARDIS back to the Start of My MLIS Program

by Kathleen Kosiec previously published 11/8/13 & 6/30/14 Taking the TARDIS back to the Start of My MLIS Program My fellow Doctor Who fans know the British sci-fi show celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. For those unfamiliar with the show, it’s about a time-traveling alien with a time machine that resembles an old telephone…

Librarians Are Superheroes (Literally and Figuratively)

by Claire Schmieder, Volunteer Coordinator previously published 10/22/14 Librarians Are Superheroes (Literally and Figuratively) Last year, I spent just one day at New York Comic Con, and it was absolutely not enough time for me to take it all in. This year, I snagged a four-day Professional Badge. During those four days, I spent a lot of…

7 Tips for Moving Past Job Search Rejection

7 Tips for Moving Past Job Search Rejection by Erin Kinney, Senior Assistant, INALJ Wyoming There are several strategies for coping with rejection of any kind, not just during the job hunt. Rejection on the job hunt has been covered on INALJ, but a refresher is always good. Process Your Emotions It is natural to feel angry…

Susan Sosin: Library Friend Extraordinaire

Celebrating Women’s History Month – Susan Sosin: Library Friend Extraordinaire by Tracy Wasserman, Senior Assistant, INALJ Florida Susan Sosin’s volunteer work for libraries and other community organizations is an important part of her life.  From an early age growing up in Highland Park, New Jersey, Susan learned the significance and impact of volunteering her time…

5 Ways to Take Control of Your Job Search

5 Ways to Take Control of Your Job Search by Brad McNally, Senior Editor    A job search is an extremely large undertaking. It is easy to let it get out of control and become overwhelming. Recently, a friend of mine was in a show (The Art of Acting Out) about a young man that…

On celebrating all victories in the job hunt

On celebrating all victories in the job hunt by Mary-Michelle Moore, Senior Editor One of the greatest things about volunteering as a senior editor for INALJ is the opportunity to see and work with people who have found jobs/internships/volunteer opportunities using our site.   My favorite INALJ articles to read and to write are the success…

Top 25 INALJ Articles of 2014

by Naomi House, MLIS Top 25 INALJ Articles of 2014 We are very lucky at INALJ to have some amazing bloggers and guest bloggers.  In 2014 these were the most widely read articles/blog posts.  At the very end of this posting you will find the top 125 blog posts for 2014 along with their page…

Why I Love INALJ

By Angie Solis, Senior Editor Why I Love INALJ One year ago I began volunteering for an amazing organization – INALJ.  My time at INALJ has been not only a fulfilling one, but an educational one.  I never thought that I would volunteer for an organization that would allow me to help other professionals in…

Is Honesty Really the Best Policy in Interviews?

by Caitlin Moen, former Head Editor, INALJ Louisiana previously published 2/13/14 Is Honesty Really the Best Policy in Interviews? I’ve been thinking a lot about HOW honest to be in a job interview or in a conversation with someone who is a possible contact for an opportunity. This came up recently for me as I…

Ten Conference Tips for a First Timer

by Leigh Milligan, Head Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania previously published 2/21/14 Ten Conference Tips for a First Timer Last weekend, I went to my first big library conference, ALA Mid-Winter in Philadelphia, PA. I was very nervous and jittery going into this conference. It was my first conference, and I went by myself since my other librarian friends had…

The Art of Finding Room to Grow in Your Current Job

by Kristen Jaques, former Head Editor, INALJ Maine previously published 1/16/14 The Art of Finding Room to Grow in Your Current Job While those of us who currently have jobs in or related to our field are fortunate, many underemployed librarians and information professionals will tell you that this can be a mixed blessing.  Harsh…

INALJ 2015 Leadership Team!

by Naomi House, MLIS INALJ 2015 Leadership Team!  Update: as of 8/31/15 Rachael Altman & Ashley Mancill resigned – I (Naomi House) went back to never resting, lol and running INALJ daily I began INALJ (initially called I need a library job) in October 2010 as a list of jobs for my fellow Rutgers classmates.…

Resume Review Service

by Paula Pergament, Volunteer for ALA’s NMRT Resume Review Committee Resume Review Service We hear this job-seeking advice all the time: it’s important to make the most of professional conferences by networking, and to have your resume and cover letter reviewed by an experienced professional in your field. However, finding the right professional to look over your resume…

Associating with State and Regional Associations

by Cassidy Charles, Senior Assistant, INALJ NYC Associating with State and Regional Associations Last Spring, Mary-Michelle Moore wrote a series about Professional Organizations. She highlighted the different division in ALA, diverse professional LIS associations, and additional professional LIS associations. When looking down the long list of professional organizations to connect with you may want to consider reaching out…