Tag Archive for article

5 Things I’ve Learned Serving on Search Committees

By Bradley Woodruff, Head Editor, INALJ Wisconsin 5 Things I’ve Learned Serving on Search Committees If you’re given a chance to serve on a search committee, do it. Do it for the free meals. Do it for the cross-campus connections you’ll make. But most of all, do it because you’ll learn about life on the other side…

Why I Turned Down my First Professional Library Job Offer

by Natalie Kahn Why I Turned Down my First Professional Library Job Offer They offered me the job. I haven’t even received my MLIS in the mail yet, but a small college has offered me the HEAD Librarian position. They offer a little more money, fine benefits, and the seemingly limitless opportunity to explore every and any…

The Transformative Powers of Library School

Jennifer Reisch, Head Editor, INALJ NYC The Transformative Powers of Library School On the day that my son turned 8 I turned into an idiot. I spent years lost in the abyss of stupid ideas, ridiculous requests, inability to comprehend even the simplest ideas. Really, it was a mystery, even to the know-it-all himself, how two dolts like my husband…

Reader’s Advisory – If You Liked HBO’s True Detective

by Renee Holden, Head Editor, INALJ Nebraska Reader’s Advisory – If You Liked HBO’s True Detective As a fiction librarian in a public library, I often get patrons who have watched compelling shows or movies and want to read fiction books that are similar to what they have seen on TV or at the movies. The latest TV…

Home Collection Conservation Practices and Tips

by Mychal Ludwig, Head Editor, INALJ New Mexico Home Collection Conservation Practices and Tips Whether a children’s librarian, an academic library systems administrator, or a special collections archivist, everyone has physical items and collections that they’d like to protect and preserve at home. As someone with both training in conservation techniques and the proud owner of various personal collections…

5 Tips for Conquering the Exhibits Hall

by Leigh Milligan, Head Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania 5 Tips for Conquering the Exhibits Hall Since its conference season and there are a lot of great conferences coming up such as ALA Annual, SLA’s conference and many others, I figured I would do another conference tips article since my last one Ten Conference Tips for a First Timer was…

Adjusting to Part-Time Work

by Amelia Zavala Vander Heide, Head Editor, INALJ NYC Adjusting to Part-Time Work It does not matter if you are finishing library school, relocating, or just looking to jump to a new position the amount of part-time versus full-time librarian work can be disheartening. It seems like everyone knows someone who is piecing together full-time work through multiple jobs.…

Paying your way through conference season

Angela J.A. Kent, Head Editor, INALJ-Virtual Work Paying your way through conference season Many information professionals and students, myself included, are currently gearing up to attend some of the industry’s largest annual library conferences. While there’s been no shortage of articles on conferences, there is one aspect that I thought was worth adding my two cents. Let’s talk…

How to Thrive After a Set-Back

by Diana La Femina, Head Editor, INALJ South Carolina How to Thrive After a Set-Back Sometimes things happen in your professional life that you have no control over. The secret is to think of how you can turn these events into opportunities. (Easier said than done, I know.) In my usual way, I’ll explain with an example from…

Why SLA is a ‘Must’ Membership for Me

Naomi House standing in front of a mural

by Naomi House, MLIS Why SLA is a ‘Must’ Membership for Me SLA or Special Libraries Association is an organization I really believe in.  I like to call it the “Specialized” Libraries Association, because that is what it truly is; it is an organization for LIS professionals in any field who specialize in something.  Divisions…

Free Advice (Literally) for New Librarians

by Naomi House, MLIS Free Advice (Literally) for New Librarians INALJ along with many other jobs blogs out there, is full of great advice for new and transitioning professionals. Go to conferences! Tailor your resumés and cover letters each time! Take professional development classes!  Network!  Join associations!  Actively participate IN associations!  Volunteer!  Take on an…

Learning how to be a good manager

by Gabrielle Spiers, Head Editor, INALJ Montana Learning how to be a good manager I must admit that managing others was never something that I particularly wanted to do but as sometimes happens in life it is something that I have been doing for quite awhile now. Like many other things it is something that I think you…

Interview Basics for First Time Job Hunters

by Emily Guier, Head Editor, INALJ Wyoming Interview Basics for First Time Job Hunters As the school year winds up, I’ve been thinking a lot about teenagers job hunting for a summer job or internship and approaching the dreaded interview for the first time. A lot of advice I would give a first-time job hunter are…

A Quest: One Productivity App to Rule them All

by Alexis Rohlfing, Head Editor, INALJ New Hampshire A Quest: One Productivity App to Rule them All There must be something in the air in June and July that attacks the productivity apps that I love. Many people scrambled to find a new feed reader last year when Google Reader shuttered, myself among them. I had a similar…

Lessons from Previous Paradigm Shifts

Stephanie Noell, Head Editor, INALJ Texas Lessons from Previous Paradigm Shifts Information professionals tend to be very passionate individuals. We thrive on providing access to information and pointing users to the best possible resources. This enthusiasm can guide us through lengthy, enriching careers filled with paradigm shifts at every level. In an effort to grasp what…

Why Didn’t I Get the Job and What Should I Do Next?

Rebecca Kluberdanz, Head Editor, INALJ New York State Why Didn’t I Get the Job and What Should I Do Next? For me, and I am sure many others, the most frustrating thing about the job search is not hearing why I didn’t get the job or even an interview! Is it my experience level? Is it…

Is Homestuck the future of the digitally-native publication?

by Clayton Hayes, Head Editor, INALJ North Dakota Is Homestuck the future of the digitally-native publication? Several months ago I got into a discussion on reddit about the online comic/story/cult known as Homestuck. For those of you unfamiliar, Homestuck is a label-defying piece of online storytelling created by Andrew Hussie. Started in 2009 as a single page, Hussie…

Slide into Your New Job: How to Ace the Presentation

by Grey Maixner, Head Editor, INALJ Vermont Slide into Your New Job: How to Ace the Presentation One of the most challenging aspects for someone interviewing for an academic librarianship position is the presentation. I have yet to come across someone who hasn’t had to give one, and nearly all of my colleagues, coming straight out…

Applying for public library jobs in the U.K. – What to expect

by Suzanne Schultz Pick, Head Editor, INALJ UK Applying for public library jobs in the U.K. – What to expect There are lots of fellow librarians on social networks such as Twitter, and Facebook. Plenty of librarians can give you insight on what hiring libraries may be looking for in a new employee. I asked public librarians on…