Tag Archive for Bio

Liz Koehler …In Six

My interview with success story Liz Naomi: How did you find your current job? Liz: The posting for my current job was sent out through my library school listserv in February of my final semester. It landed in my lap–I had barely begun my job search at that point. Naomi: Favorite library you have been…

Tammy Ivins …In Six

My interview with success story Tammy Naomi: How did you find your current job? Tammy: I believe that I found the job posting on libgig.com, pulled from ALA. I did not know anyone affiliated with or anything about Francis Marion, but (after researching it) the university sounded like a great fit. The head of reference…

Emily Stephens …In Six

My interview with success story Emily Naomi: How did you find your current job? Emily: I found my job as a Gensler Knowledge Support Specialist by setting up an email feed from Indeed.com that sent me any job post in my area that included the word “library.” The Gensler job description mentioned that a Library…

Dina Herbert …In Six

My interview with success story Dina! Naomi: How did you find your current job? Dina: I found my job the old fashioned way – my mother told me to email a friend of hers who had a friend in the DC area who’s sister was a librarian (seriously). Basically, I sent a networking email to…

Maria M. Bonet …In Six

My interview with INALJ success story Maria Naomi: How did you find your current job? Maria: While I had been looking through the LAC Group’s job adverts for a while, I actually saw the job I was hired for–a contract with the Library of Congress as a Library Assistant or Library Materials Handler–in the INALJ…

Andy Woodworth …In Six

Reposting from 1/10/12 My interview with the fabulous blogger Andy Woodworth of Agnostic, Maybe . Naomi: What is your dream job and why? Andy: If I could do my blog as a full time job, I’d be ecstatic. I enjoy the conversations around these issues as well as the analysis and reactions. It would be…

Jennifer Randles …In Six

My interview with success story Jennifer Naomi: How did you find your current job? Jennifer: My new position is actually where I worked as a graduate student assistant while earning my MSIS degree. One of the supervisors left her position to pursue another career, and I applied for it. I was thrilled that the position…

Dee Krasnansky …In Six

My interview with success story Dee Naomi: How did you find my current job? Dee: Answered ad in local paper Naomi: Favorite library? Dee: Finksburg Library in Carroll County. It offers lots of parking, plenty of computers with no problem about asking for extra time. Most importantly, the staff is knowledgeable, friendly and eager to…

Maureen Carroll …In Six

My interview with success story Maureen Naomi: How did you find your current job? Maureen: I found my current job through Indeed.com, which is a site that has served me well for both my first job in a private corporation to my current job in a public school. Naomi: Favorite library you have been to?…

Brian Mathews …In Six

My interview with Brian Matthews, the Ubiquitous Librarian Naomi: What is your dream job and why? Brian: My “dream” job is to be the founder and CEO of a wildly successful startup company. I’m addicted to entrepreneurialism. I love meeting, brainstorming and hanging out with innovators and creative types. I love watching ideas grow into…

Kristen Kennedy …In Six

My interview with success story Kristen Naomi: How did you find your current job? Kristen: I interned at the ACLU in my last semester of library school and really enjoyed it, but they had no plans to hire more staff in the near future. Then a few months after I graduated, a posting came up…

Brian Rogers …In Six

My interview with success story Brian Naomi: How did you find your current job? Brian: Similar to others, I followed INALJ, various blogs, organizational job boards, and listservs. I also benefited from my girlfriend and a small network of colleagues forwarding announcements on a weekly basis. My impending position resulted from one of these email…

Margo Kulseth Klein …In Six

My interview with success story Margo Naomi: How did you find your current job? Margo: I found my new job on the website of Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. Naomi: Favorite library? Margo: I don’t have a favorite library. I love them all. Naomi: Favorite book? Margo: I have many favorite books, but one that stands…

Michael Hughes …In Six

My interview with success story Michael Naomi: How did you find your current job? Michael: I first found it on LISjobs.com, but it showed up in the INALJ, too. Naomi: Favorite library you have been to? Michael: I’m a Shakespeare nerd, so the Folger Library in D.C. is a real treat. Just look at this…

AnnMarie Hurtado …In Six

My interview with INALJ success story AnnMarie Naomi: How did you find your current job? AnnMarie: I actually found my new job at Pasadena using INALJ! I have used your listserv for about a year when it was recommended to me by a librarian friend who I knew from LISSTEN (a student organization I was…

Amy Neeser …In Six

My interview with success story Amy Naomi: How did you find your current job? Amy I identified an institution I wanted to work for and formed as many connections with it as possible. I am an alumna from the University of Minnesota so I knew their vision and philosophies were in line with my own.…

Lindsey Fresta …In Six

My interview with success story Lindsey! Naomi: How did you find your current job? Lindsey: I must say, prior to landing this job at the American Institute of Physics’ Emilio Segre Visual Archives, I was… what’s the word… incessant about checking job boards! I found this job through the Society of American Archivists job board.…

Mia Breitkopf …In Six

Reposted froim 1/13/12 My interview with Mia Breitkopf whose article “61 non-librarian jobs for LIS Grads” is catching on fire. Naomi: What is your dream job and why? Mia: Last year, when I was itching to define my career goals, I went to the bookstore and walked away with Life’s A Bitch and Then You…

Ben Neal …In Six

My interview with success story Ben Naomi: How did you find your current job? Ben: I found the job posting on the Northeast Tennessee Library Network. Within a few hours of sending in my resume and cover letter, they had contacted me for an interview for the next week. The day after I interviewed I…

Ilana Barnes …In Six

My interview with success story Ilana Naomi: How did you find your current job? Ilana: I keep a very large Google reader feed going from a lot of different sources, so I’m not entirely sure where it was posted originally. I got my current group of feeds from my friend/awesome person Emily Johnson. You can…

Christopher Schmit …In Six

INALJ success story Christopher! Naomi: How did you find your current job? Christopher: I actually found it by looking through the daily INALJ email. I have a bunch of RSS feeds set up with a variety of organizations and joblists, but this one wasn’t posted on one of those feeds, and I was glad to…

Paul Vinelli …In Six

My interview with Paul Vinelli, the author of the Unofficial SXSWi Primer for Rowdy Librarians. Naomi: What made you interested in creating this guide for SXSW? Paul: Last year was my first time at Interactive, and in the blur I was fortunate to connect with Jessamyn West and Paul Jones (UNC-Chapel Hill & iBiblio). After…

Elizabeth Andrews …In Six

My interview with success story Elizabeth Naomi: How did you find your current job? Elizabeth: During my job hunt, I not only subscribed to the INALJ e-mail, but used my Google Reader to follow something like 20+ job feeds. So to be honest, I don’t remember exactly where I first saw my current job listed!…

Kathy Fester …In Six

Success story Kathy Fester Naomi: How did you find your current job? Kathy: I am on every job search site imaginable but when I found INALJ I realized that every position I had seen was now in one place! It was in INALJ that I first saw the vacancy for my current position at Adelphi…

Amanda Fensch …In Six

My interview with Girls in the Stacks Amanda! Naomi: What made you interested in blogging for or starting Girls in the Stacks?: Amanda: I’d been reading the blog for some time and always thought the ladies of GiTS were funny and interesting. I also really liked the fact that they predominantly reviewed YA lit, which…