INALJ Michigan

Naomi House & Sana Khan- Co-Head Editors


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New Jobs

ALL individual jobs are found in pdf format at this link

All lists of additional sites to check will remain below, here on this page


Websites for Jobs

Job Banks

Individual Libraries Here is an extensive list of public Michigan libraries. Below are libraries that often have openings.

Information Providers

Government Libraries

Academic Libraries This is not a complete list of colleges and universities in Michigan.

Museums and Archives

Other Ideas

 Contact Us

If you have a job or website you want us to add email us at  Always put the state/province/country In The Subject Line of emails

This list of websites is based on resources compiled by Rachel Singer Gordon- edited, updated and added to on 11/4/12 by Naomi House.  Nicole Usiondek and Katherine Kimball Adelberg were instrumental in growing and curating this page!  Now curated and maintained by the Editor of this page.