The Power of Organization

by Ryan Nitz, Head Editor, INALJ Alaska

The Power of Organization

ryannitz_photoI recently attended a meeting of FLIP, the Future Library and Information Professionals at the University of Alaska Anchorage, to visit and share with the group about what I do as a contributor here on INALJ. It was a great experience and a lot of fun. It also reminded me of the importance of groups like FLIP and other LIS student/future professional organizations.

Groups like these help connect current and prospective LIS workers, which is almost always a very good thing for all involved. I know I realized great benefit from the mentoring of my professors in library school, as well as from connecting with LIS professionals who had an interest in helping guide and inform the next generation entering the field.

If you’re in library school, or maybe even just thinking about attending one, and not yet familiar with the LIS student organization affiliated with your institution, start with this list compiled by the ALA.

Happy trails!