Monthly Archives: July 2014

Four Pieces of Advice from Mary Schmich

by Ashley Mancill, Head Editor, INALJ Alabama Four Pieces of Advice from Mary Schmich When coverage of commencement season began over a month ago, I found myself mentally reciting a few random lines from the late-90s hit “Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen.” Those familiar with the song know it is not actually a song as much as it is…

Why the FCC Needs to Hear from Librarians

by Katherine Kimball Adelberg, Head Editor, INALJ Michigan Why the FCC Needs to Hear from Librarians This summer, the Federal Communications Commission (the FCC) is debating one of the Internet’s founding principles: net neutrality. They’re also giving you a chance to participate. The FCC might appear to be a dinosaur of federal bureaucracy, but they have one…

The Second Time Around

Angela J.A. Kent, Head Editor, INALJ-Virtual Work The Second Time Around I recently returned from a conference that I attended for the first time last year and was very glad to have the opportunity to attend again this year. Last year, everything and practically everyone was new to me. I didn’t know exactly what to expect, and, although…

Acing the job interview: Pre-Interview Prep

Angie Solis, Head Editor, INALJ Missouri  Acing the job interview – Part 1 of 4: Pre-Interview Prep Recently, searching for a job has brought me to really work on perfecting my interview skills. There is a lot of content online that may be maddening to search through and decipher. The whole interview process can be stressful, confusing, scary…

5 Tips to Making the Most of an Internship

by Alexis Stapp, former Head Editor, INALJ Minnesota previously published 4/24/13 5 Tips to Making the Most of an Internship We all know that one of the key things for landing a library or information job is to get experience in the field.  Internships are one of the ways to do this but if you’ve…

When you’re too poor for ALA Las Vegas (but still want to show you care about those libraries!)

Rachel Loria, Head Editor, INALJ Colorado When you’re too poor for ALA Las Vegas (but still want to show you care about those libraries!) Although I understand that most conference attendees are—to at least some extent—sponsored by their respective organizations, I still cannot help but feel slight librarian-envy at the Facebook status and Twitter updates I have been…

Making Library School’s Dirty Little Secret Work for You

by Ruth Kitchin Tillman, former Head Editor, INALJ Maryland previously published 11/13/13 Making Library School’s Dirty Little Secret Work for You  As I finish my final semester of library school and talk to others new to the profession, I realize that library school is hiding a dirty little secret: It’ll teach you a little about…

Say What? Fascinating Oral Histories

by Tracy Wasserman, Head Editor, INALJ Florida Say What? Fascinating Oral Histories Have you ever wondered what those who lived during a specific era or world-altering event in history had to say about that event, in their own words? Or what shared memories certain groups of people have in common? Wonder no more because digital libraries around the…

Why you should and how you are able to partake in American Library Association Annual Conference when not attending

by Jennifer Devine, Head Editor, INALJ Maryland Why you should and how you are able to partake in American Library Association Annual Conference when not attending  If you’re like me and you’re not attending or able to attend the ALA Annual Conference this year you are still probably flooded with information from your e-mail, on Facebook, twitter, other…