Monthly Archives: November 2011

Ask Naomi: What does INALJ cover?

What websites, RSS feeds and Listservs do we cover? Listservs We Cover Websites We Cover There are more that I have yet to add to this list but if you notice something missing, something you think we should cover email it to me at

Keywords for Job Searching

I have added a new permanent list to the right-hand sidebar called Keywords for Job Searching. I will add more as I find them or as they are suggested to me. Please drop me a line at if you have any other terms you think I should add. h/t to Mallory for the idea-…

Carrie Price …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

A Huge Thanks to MD SLA!

I had the pleasure of speaking at today’s Maryland SLA Jobs Workshop and I met so many great librarians and heard so many great tips and suggestions. I very much wish to thank Cindy Sheffield and Judy Taperio for this opportunity. I mentioned at the workshop that if you are interested anyone is welcome to…

Francesca Francis …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Kelli Bragg …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Ask Naomi: What do you do in your spare time?

Glad you asked! First of all what exactly is spare time? LOL- I don’t think I have found any in the last few years. In addition to my work as a reference librarian for a DC area government contractor and my work on INALJ (I Need a Library Job) I work on my husband’s moving…

Carla Sarratt …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

What People Don’t Get About …

working in a library. A few months back I read an article in The Atlantic by Derek Thompson called What People Don’t Get About Working in a Library and wanted to share it here. One of our INALJ fans is actually Librarian #1 in the article.

Jazmin Idakaar …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Philly and Detroit INALJ Meetups in November

Hi Everyone- there are 2 scheduled INALJ meetups for librarians, library staff and library students in November. Upcoming INALJ Philadelphia meetup 11/5- Phillybrarians/INALJ – Tria Wine Bar, November 5th. Located at 3131 Walnut Street at 4:30pm. Please RSVP to so Jazmin can give Tria a head’s up on group size. As always, feel free…

Emilee Mathews …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Ask Naomi: Why all the websites?

One question I get a lot is why all the different websites/portals? There is INALJ Facebook & INALJ Twitter & INALJ LinkedIn & INALJ (Naomi House) on Google + & now why? And what distinguishes the daily email from all of these? Each one serves a different purpose or community. -One stop shop…