
Alaska Resources Library & Information Services (ARLIS)

by Ryan Nitz, Head Editor, INALJ Alaska Alaska Resources Library & Information Services (ARLIS) Hi there. My name is Ryan and I’m the INALJ Head Editor for Alaska. As you may know if you’ve checked out the INALJ Alaska page, I am a Library Administrator for the Bureau of Land Management in Anchorage. In this…

LinkedUp to LinkedIn

by Amanda Marie Yetter, Head Editor, INALJ Maryland LinkedUp to LinkedIn Welcome to 2013 where networking is important, but you have to break down the hidden wall of the Internet to get a job interview, deal with Web crawlers before you can be hired, and have to use keywords in context (KWIC) to have your…

Why You Should Attend Conferences

by Fallon Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Oklahoma Why You Should Attend Conferences As a job searcher and library student, one of the most valuable resources I’ve managed to gain and utilize is conferences. While they can be overwhelming, I think they have helped build my confidence in my job skills and have taught me the…

New Mexico State Librarian Certification

by Mychal Ludwig, Head Editor, INALJ New Mexico New Mexico State Librarian Certification  updated 6/25/13  18-2-8 Certification of librarians.   The state librarian is hereby authorized to issue certificates to librarians. He shall have authority to prescribe and hold examinations, or require submission of credentials to establish the qualifications of those seeking certificates as librarians, and…

How I Organize My Job Search

by Marlena Barber, Head Editor, INALJ Tennessee How I Organize My Job Search As a new graduate, I have been applying for fellowships and academic positions.  These positions go through what can be a long review process with the institutions’ hiring committees.  An interview can come at any time, whether sooner or later, so I…

Phasing Out Formats

by Courtney Butler, Head Editor, INALJ Idaho Phasing Out Formats For my first entry I’d like to talk about books. In particular, I’d like to talk about the idea that printed materials are becoming outdated and should be phased out in the face of burgeoning technology. I’ll start out by saying that e-books and all…

How to Embrace Being an Emerging Professional

by Claire Schmieder, Head Editor, INALJ New Jersey How to Embrace Being an Emerging Professional So, you’ve got that brand-new degree. Hooray! Except…how are you going to use it? I know, because I am one, that being an emerging professional can be just a little scary and frustrating. That old catch-22 kicks in: you can’t…

New York, the state

by Pam Ameigh, former Head Editor, INALJ New York State New York, the state Several weeks has flown by! I’m delighted that Naomi shared the opportunity with me to be a state page editor, and I’m thankful to all the volunteers and visitors helping me improve every day.     New York is a pretty…

Work Style Preferences

by Nicole Usiondek, Head Editor, INALJ Michigan Work Style Preferences I recently attended a seminar that focused on work style preferences. This was the first session of a leadership series. The premise of the seminar was to teach leadership skills by being able to identify the different work style preferences people have and how to…

Learn From My Mistakes

by Diana La Femina, Head Editor, INALJ South Carolina Learn From My Mistakes I figured this first blog post was a good time to introduce myself and my employment journey so far. I realized, however, that a lot of what I had to say was cautionary, so I’ve decided to tell you about myself while…

HR and Honesty

by Sarah Porter, Head Editor, INALJ California HR and Honesty I just finished listening to the irreverently funny chapter about working in Human Resources in the audiobook “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened” by the Bloggess, Jenny Lawson. While I do not share the same sort of interesting stories that Jenny gathered from working over a…

Looking for Jobs On the Go

by Matthew Tansek, Head Editor, INALJ Rhode Island Looking for Jobs On the Go For this blog post I thought that it would be helpful to get to know a few job seeker applications for your smartphone.  I took a look at four that I had not heard of, and I purposefully avoided apps that…

Shift Happens

by Christina Wilson, Head Editor, INALJ Alberta Shift Happens Recently I attended a student-run conference at the School of Library Science (SLIS), University of Alberta (Friday, February 8th), motivated by the opportunity to re-connect with colleagues and network for my next job, given that I’ve just re-located to the community.   It was useful to meet…

Soft Skills = Success

by Julie Watson, Head Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania Soft Skills = Success This is the first of a series of articles on soft skills. Part One: What are Soft Skills? To land a job, you need a solid knowledge base in your area of expertise, but that’s not all. Employers are also looking for soft skills.…

I Love These Blogs

by Sheela Sur, Head Editor, INALJ Washington, DC I Love These Blogs I realize these blogs are already listed on INALJ, but I really cannot stress enough how much I LOVE them.  I really encourage everyone (especially recent graduates/newcomers to the library job hunt) to check out these two great resources: and Even…

Sponsor INALJ

Become an Sponsor! Weekly rates Your ad will run in the Header (right side) and appear on every page, you provide the image An acknowledgement posting on the Sunday before your Mon-Sun sponsorship run thanking you INALJ pages are viewed over 50,000 times a week!  In March we will hit 1 Million + views…

February 2013 Roundup (INALJ Stats )

What a great month it has been! I reached 880,000 page views the fourth week of February! Forty-eight fans reported to me that they found jobs! In February I launched state, province and country pages and my site traffic more than doubled, sometimes it was 4x the old average! Also in late February I launched…

Why Lifelong Learning is Important

by Aingeal Stone, Head Editor, INALJ Northwest Territories Why Lifelong Learning is Important We all have different reasons for pursuing, or not pursuing, continuing education in our fields.  In my post today I want to tell you about my personal educational journey and I have a few relevant links in support of personal development to…

Follow-up Emails for Novice Networkers

by Veda Darby Soberman, Head Editor, INALJ Hawaii Follow-up Emails for Novice Networkers So, you have submitted a number of resumes to potential employees, and now you just need to sit back and wait for the phone calls to begin pouring in, right?  Yes…no…maybe?  What do you do once your resume is submitted?  Is a…

Diigo a great online tool to keep your job search organized!

by Mary-Michelle Moore, Head Editor, INALJ Vermont Diigo a great online tool to keep your job search organized! Juggling everything needed to get an application packet together for any of the jobs found on INALJ can be a little daunting, even to the most organized among us.  At the beginning of my job search, I…

Spread the Love

by Shelley Macon, Head Editor, INALJ Florida Spread the Love In honor of February and Valentine’s Day this month, I have been thinking a lot about love.  One of  the most important duties of a librarian is to spread love.  The kind of love that makes your heart beat fast and your palms sweat.  The…

How to get library experience volunteering from your home

by Duda Trickovic, Head Editor, Prince Edward Island How to get library experience volunteering from your home Finding that first job in a library can be challenging. I just wanted to mention some of the less conventional ways for getting some a relevant experience. Thanks to the widespread use of technology, there are ways to…

On the Job Hunt in CT

by Jennifer Crutchfield, Head Editor, INALJ Connecticut On the Job Hunt in CT Hi CT library and information science professionals! Let’s talk about our job situations. I feel like the amount of job openings is getting a little better.  I graduated in 2008 with my MLIS with an archives management specialization and have been searching…