Naomi House

Naomi House, MLIS, is the founder and publisher of the popular webzine and jobs list (formerly I Need a Library Job) and former CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) of, a crowdfunding platform focused on African patrimony, heritage and cultural projects. INALJ was founded in October 2010 with the assistance of her fellow Rutgers classmate, Elizabeth Leonard. Its social media presence has grown to include Facebook (retired in 2016), Twitter and a LinkedIn group, in addition to the interviews, articles and jobs found on INALJ. INALJ has had over 21 Million page hits and helped many, many thousands of librarians find employment! Through grassroots marketing, word of mouth and a real focus on exploring unconventional resources for job leads, INALJ grew from a subscription base of 20 friends to a website with over 500,000 visits in one month. Naomi believes that well-sourced quantity is quality in this narrow job market and INALJ reflects this with many new jobs published daily. She has also written for the 2011, 2012 and 2013 LexisNexis Government Info Pro and many other publications in the past decade. She presents whenever she can, including serving on three panels at the American Library Association's Annual Conference in Las Vegas; as breakout presenter at OCLC EMEA in Cape Town, South Africa; as a keynote speaker at the Virginia Library Association annual meeting; at the National Press Club in Washington DC; McGill University in Montreal, Canada; the University of the Emirates, Dubai, MLIS program and the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Naomi was a Reference, Marketing and Acquisitions Librarian for a contractor at a federal library outside Washington, DC, and has been living and working in Budapest, Hungary and Western New York State. She spent years running her husband’s moving labor website, fixed and sold old houses and assisted her husband cooking delicious Pakistani food. She is preparing to re-enter the workforce and is job hunting. Her husband is now the co-editor of INALJ, a true support!  She has heard of spare time but hasn’t encountered it lately. She pronounces INALJ as eye-na-elle-jay.

Ask Naomi: Where else can I look?

Say you have signed up for the daily INALJ jobs digest email, and subscribe to many listservs/rss feeds, and scan through, and follow companies on LinkedIn but you are feeling like there is something more you can be doing. There is. One tool I used in previous job hunts was to find the website…

Spotlight: Nebraska-Wyoming Jobs Pages

You can find more job resources for states from Nebraska-Wyoming on the states page here: Jobs Pages: NE-WY. I wanted to highlight one of the resources offered here at, the state and international jobs pages. These are lists originally compiled and hosted on by Rachel Singer Gordon. I have taken over site…

Aaron Nelson …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Must Follow: Archives Gig

When I first began working on the daily INALJ jobs email it was less than 20 pages long in no small part because I had no idea about the wealth of resources available for librarians, library staff, archivists and other information professionals seeking work. It was actually a Smithsonian Librarian who turned me on to…

Meghan Duffy …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Spotlight: Idaho-Montana Jobs Pages

You can find more job resources for states from Idaho-Montana on the states page here: Jobs Pages: IL-MT. I wanted to highlight one of the resources offered here at, the state and international jobs pages. These are lists originally compiled and hosted on by Rachel Singer Gordon. We have taken over site…

Matt Shangler …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Spotlight: Alabama-Hawaii jobs websites

You can find more job resources for states from Alabama-Hawaii on the states page here: Jobs Pages: AL-HI. I wanted to highlight one of the resources offered here at, the state and international jobs pages. These are lists originally compiled and hosted on by Rachel Singer Gordon. We have taken over site…

Rebecca Borowski …In Six

My interview with my former colleague Rebecca Borowski! Naomi: If you could take any of your hobbies and create a job out of them or integrate it into your job what would it be? And how? Rebecca: I love taking pictures of food/restaurants, cooking, parties, friends, events, art and nature. I also take pictures of…

How Far We Have Come in One Year

Wow- just out of curiosity this weekend I decided to look at a copy of the INALJ daily jobs digest that I sent out in January of 2011. It was 37 pages long and it was sent to 167 email subscribers. Now, only one short year later we range from 150-215 pages of jobs each…

Chris Bourg …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

The Dark Shadows of Unemployment

by Amy Dittman The Dark Shadows of Unemployment In the spring of 2010, it looked like my husband was going to get a new job out-of-state. It wasn’t a sure thing, mind you, but the prospect looked very promising. I had a tough decision to make. Did I keep my teaching position knowing there was…

Emily Singley …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Bobbi Newman …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Fans who found jobs!

What a great start to the new year! 39 INALJ fans found jobs in January and over 289 have found jobs since we started! This more than made my day 🙂 You can read some of the tips and suggestions from success stories here on’s Success Stories tab. Good luck to all the job…

Stephanie Altbier …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Ask Naomi: Duplications

One aspect of the daily digest that we are always behind on is duplications. I am often asked why there are several duplicate jobs posted in each version of the daily jobs digest. Part of the reason is time- it is more important to me to get the most jobs on the list that I…

Emily Ford …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

New Year, New Habits

This year I shall try and look at and update my LinkedIn profile and resume every single weekend. I shall also try and be active on various LinkedIn groups, add interviews and articles to for the upcoming week and sleep. Come join the discussion about new habits in this new year on INALJ LinkedIn…

We are Librarians …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Ellie Collier …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Hannah Q. Parris …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…

Do you have any questions for us?

One of the most important parts of an interview comes at the end. Most committees you interview with will ask “do you have any questions for us” and how you answer can make a difference. There is also a discussion going on on LinkedIn on this topic here: INALJ LinkedIn page My tips are: Always…

Laurie Zark-Seigel …In Six

In order to better reflect how LIS folk currently feel I am removing all interviews that are more than 1 year old. This interview may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions, so it has been harvested to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (see link below) and removed from INALJ. All…