Tag Archive for webcomics

Laugh a little! Webcomics for Librarians

by Yandee Vazquez, former Head Editor, INALJ Texas previously published 6/21/13 Laugh a little! Webcomics for Librarians I am a huge fan of webcomics. The medium is itself fascinating in terms of sustainable self-publishing, the development of the community’s writers/illustrators alongside and yet apart from the more established world of syndicated comic strips and graphic…

Is Homestuck the future of the digitally-native publication?

by Clayton Hayes, Head Editor, INALJ North Dakota Is Homestuck the future of the digitally-native publication? Several months ago I got into a discussion on reddit about the online comic/story/cult known as Homestuck. For those of you unfamiliar, Homestuck is a label-defying piece of online storytelling created by Andrew Hussie. Started in 2009 as a single page, Hussie…