Tag Archive for this is what a librarian looks like

Add 220 Librarians to Your Bookshelves Today!

A version of the cover of Kyle Cassidy's book, This Is What A Librarian Looks Like . Over 20 photos of librarians photographed against a grey background.

by Naomi House, MLIS Yesterday is a day I have long waited for, publication day of Kyle Cassidy‘s,This Is What a Librarian Looks Like: A Celebration of Libraries, Communities, and Access to Information!  How excited was I for a May 17th release?  I pre-ordered on January 3rd.  So, that excited.  🙂  You can order it…

Susanne Markgren of LISJobs Career Q&A …In Six

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions My interview with Susanne of LISJobs Career Q&A Naomi: What made you interested in starting your online Career Q&A? Susanne: Career Q&A with the Library Career People began as a column in the online newsletter…

Amanda Fensch …In Six

My interview with Girls in the Stacks Amanda! Naomi: What made you interested in blogging for or starting Girls in the Stacks?: Amanda: I’d been reading the blog for some time and always thought the ladies of GiTS were funny and interesting. I also really liked the fact that they predominantly reviewed YA lit, which…