Tag Archive for the signal

Kate Theimer …of ArchivesNext

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions Naomi House’s interview with Kate of ArchivesNext formerly entitled Kate Theimer …In Six and published on 2/13/12 Naomi: What blogs should we be reading? Kate: Well, mine of course (http://archivesnext.com )! I’m sure your readers…

Jonathan Manton …Success Story

My interview with success story, Jonathan Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Jonathan:  – Code4lib jobs website (http://jobs.code4lib.org/) Naomi:  Favorite library you have been to? Jonathan:  – Difficult to pick one. It would be between the Bodleian Library in Oxford UK, Sterling Memorial Library at Yale, or Green Library at Stanford. Naomi:  Favorite…