Tag Archive for miscarriage

Welcome to the world, Johannes!!! Early, but healthy

by Naomi House Welcome to the world, Johannes!!! Early, but healthy 🙂 Phew! Only 1 day after announcing that INALJ / I was expecting a baby, I was sent by the ultrasound doctor to the big city hospital and, in just under 24 more hours, I had delivered baby #2.  At just shy of 37 weeks! …

INALJ is expecting another baby! Well, I am!

Multiple photos of Naomi House of INALJ

by Naomi House INALJ is expecting baby #2!!! Well, my husband, Sana (who turns 50 today,) and I are!  As many of you know from my Tweeting and blogging about it, I have had 5 unexplained miscarriages in the past 6 years, and we have had one child, back in July of 2017, so we are…

Chappell was born! Early, but healthy :)

Our baby sleeping in the NICU, a few days old and hooked to an I V.

by Naomi House Chappell was born! Early, but healthy 🙂 What a few weeks it has been!  Only 13 days after announcing that INALJ / I was expecting a baby, my water broke.  At 34 weeks!  I was rushed to the hospital and transferred to a bigger hospital nearby.  I was told the Doctors wanted…

INALJ is expecting a baby! Well, I am!

Two images made into one with Microsoft Paint, most likely. On the left is an ultrasound photo of our baby at around 30 weeks and on the right are Sana and Naomi smiling.

by Naomi House INALJ is expecting a baby!!!  Well, my husband, Sana, and I are!  As many of you know from my Tweeting and blogging about it, I have had 5 unexplained miscarriages in the past 4 years, so we are delighted to be over 33 weeks pregnant and expecting a wee baby boy* at…

#SLALeftBehind for #SLA2015

by Naomi House, MLIS #SLALeftBehind for #SLA2015 I was supposed to present at SLA in Boston on Sunday, June 14th, but on May 29th changed any chance I had of attending.  I had my 4th miscarriage and with the blood clotting disorder I have my Doctor recommended I not fly.  We didn’t announce this miscarriage…

So I had another miscarriage

by Naomi House, MLIS updated 9/22/14 So I had another miscarriage On Thursday I went in for my 10 week ultrasound. Because I am higher risk we had an ultrasound every two weeks or so and had seen the fetus and heard its heartbeat at 6 weeks and 4 days.  Apparently a week later the…