Tag Archive for job application

Avoiding the Resume Black Hole

by Rebecca Kluberdanz, former Senior Editor previously published 11/11/14 Avoiding the Resume Black Hole As job seekers in an increasing technological world we are all familiar with the dreaded online job application. You’re asked to fill about everything you could ever know about yourself, insert your resume in five different places, take a questionnaire that lasts 24…

Federal Job Application 101

by Holly Boyer, Senior Editor, INALJ Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia  Federal Job Application 101 Let’s say in your quest to find a job (any job in your field!) you stumble across the perfect dream job for you. Yay! I know how exciting this is and that you’ve already told all your family and friends. So…

Being Prepared: Building a Better Application Portfolio

by Brad McNally, Head Editor, INALJ Ohio Being Prepared: Building a Better Application Portfolio “Be Prepared” – it is the motto of the scouts and no doubt you have heard it countless times throughout your life. For any job related situation, from application submission to interview and job offer, it is better to have more…