Tag Archive for inalj south dakota

Jobs! Got to Catch Them All!!

by Leigh Milligan, Senior Editor previously published 8/11/14 Jobs! Got to Catch Them All!! I love Pokémon games! I have been playing Pokémon since the red and blue editions were on Game Boy. I am now playing the newest one Pokémon X for 3DS and I can’t put it down. I love that there are so many…

Creative Ideas for Selling at Comic Cons

Creative Ideas for Selling at Comic Cons by Leigh Milligan, Senior Editor Creativity is one of my strongest skills.  I just never really knew how to use it in my everyday life. And then I met my fiancé.  He’s really into old school video games and making things, I love pop culture and making things.…

What to do when you are #ALAleftbehind

What to do when you are #ALAleftbehind by Leigh Milligan, Senior Editor   Unfortunately, I rarely get to go to ALA conferences, unless it’s local in or near Philadelphia. I currently don’t work in a library so my employer will not pay for it and I have yet to receive funding from different conference sponsorship…

What your “Friends” can do for you?

by Shayna Monnens, former Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota previously published 1/16/14 What your “Friends” can do for you? Does your library have a Friends of the Library? Chances are good that there is! If so, are you a member? Do you know how to join? Are there opportunities to improve your volunteer skills (because…

Jennifer Lau-Bond…ipl2 Manager of Reference Services

by Leigh Milligan, Senior Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee Jennifer Lau-Bond…ipl2 Manager of Reference Services I have been volunteering with the Internet Public Library (ipl2) since I started library classes at Drexel University in 2009. I loved volunteering with the ipl2 so much, I continued volunteering after I graduated and…

Five Tips for Interviewing Candidates Who Use a Wheelchair

by Leigh Milligan, Senior Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee Five Tips for Interviewing Candidates Who Use a Wheelchair In September I wrote the blog, Five Tips on Going on an Interview in A Wheelchair. The blog actually was a success, and I received some very positive feedback. One of…

Positivity and Leadership through Tweet Chats

by Leigh Milligan, Senior Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee Positivity and Leadership through Tweet Chats So a few months ago, Naomi announced that she would be starting #INALJchat. I did not really know what this would entail, as I never did a tweet chat before or spend much time on…

My Right to Read – Banned Books Week

by Shayna Monnens, previous Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota previously published 9/22/13 My Right to Read – Banned Books Week It’s that amazing time of year again, the last week of September, in which libraries around the country celebrate their patrons’ right to read. It doesn’t matter who you are, a librarian, a student, or…

Five Tips on Going on an Interview in a Wheelchair

by Leigh Milligan, Senior Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee Five Tips on Going on an Interview in a Wheelchair I work in an accessible library in a rehabilitation hospital that caters specifically to patrons in wheelchairs. Most of these patients suffer from spinal cord injury, brain injury or amputation. Some…

Getting Friendly in the Reference Section

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Getting Friendly in the Reference Section Unless one is a librarian, a student in the past 15 years, or an avid library user, you probably don’t know much about electronic resources. What are they? What can they do for the library? What can they do for the library patrons? We all…

Teens LOVE Welcome to Night Vale

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Teens LOVE Welcome to Night Vale If you haven’t experienced the phenomenon that is sweeping the podcast world, be ready for one of the most interesting teen friendly things out there. As a teen librarian, I am ALWAYS searching for new things that will hook the teens,…

Illicit Activity in the Library – the PORN!

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Illicit Activity in the Library – the PORN! And it happens…again! There is always someone, without fail, who just seems to not understand the concept of (please choose one of the choices listed: decency, privacy, common sense, propriety, FREE WI-FI IS NOT FOR PORN VIEWAGE). I honestly…

Talking Up the Book Talks

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Talking Up the Book Talks Yay! School is in session, and they are filled with kids eager and waiting to learn! Ok, might be a big of a stretch, but they are there and they are waiting. Waiting for something (or someone) awesome to come see them.…

Spotted the Perfect Job? So Did Your Friend …

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Spotted the Perfect Job? So Did Your Friend – The SAME Perfect Job This is it. You are at the stage where you are looking at open positions. Your head is 100% in the game. You have scoured the job market. The market is plumb for the…

Teen Programming – The Biggest Gamble in the Library

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Teen Programming – The Biggest Gamble in the Library As everyone in the library/reading world knows, teen literature is the hottest thing since the invention of the sandwich. Every day it seems to be the best and hottest new YA release has come out, and everyone is…

Summer Reading Magic: Bring on the Kids ..and the DIRT!

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Summer Reading Magic: Bring on the Kids ..and the DIRT! It’s that mystical time of year again where libraries and their staff are working diligently and quickly to finalize and implement their library summer reading program. As a children’s librarian and one who handles teen programming, I…

Lasting Final Impression – Ask Those Questions

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Lasting Final Impression – Ask Those Questions I came across this very interesting article the other day by BrazenCareerist.com, and I was so blown away by the content that I had to share. You may have already seen this article. I know that I have seen it…

Be A Volunteer (aka. Getting your foot in the door)

by Shayna Monnens, Head Editor, INALJ South Dakota Be A Volunteer (aka. Getting your foot in the door) More than likely you are in this profession because you love books. You love the idea of reading and sharing these ideas with the others around you. Maybe you have even gone on to receive a degree…