Tag Archive for inalj mississippi

Respectfully Declining a Job Offer

by Sarah Deringer, former Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Respectfully Declining a Job Offer There are times when you cannot accept a job offer. Whether it is because you do not feel like you fit into the culture, the job does not fit into your life goals, or the salary or benefits are not enough, you…

Not Feelin’ It: Tips for Improving Your Internship Experience

Not Feelin’ It: Tips for Improving Your Internship Experience by Josh Rimmer, Senior Editor   We’ve all been there. When a job, an internship opportunity, or volunteer experience transpires to be something completely different than what we thought. Rather than developing negative thoughts, it’s best to turn the experience into a learning opportunity. It’s okay…

References Available Upon Request

References Available Upon Request by Deeba Rehman, Senior Assistant INALJ Mississippi Have you seen that line at the end of a resume “References available upon request”? There are a lot of negative implications with that line – you are trying to fill up space to make up for lack of experience, you didn’t take time…

How to Avoid HR’s Wall of Shame. Job Application Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs (advice from non-library HR pros)

by Josh Rimmer, Senior Editor, INALJ Missouri, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Kentucky, Louisiana How to Avoid HR’s Wall of Shame. Job Application Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs  (advice from non-library HR pros) Definitively not a prestigious accomplishment to include on your resume, but mistakes do happen. Did you come across an ideal job opportunity and…

No Ouija Board Required! The Librarian Civil Service Exam

by Josh Rimmer, Senior Editor, INALJ Missouri, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Kentucky, Louisiana No Ouija Board Required! The Librarian Civil Service Exam While I have certainly tried it; however, I have yet to have my mechanical pencil hover over my ScanTron to deliver answers from another realm. Although maybe my lead breaking over the C bubble is…

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation, and…….Preparation.

by Josh Rimmer, Senior Editor, INALJ Missouri, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Kentucky, Louisiana Preparation, Preparation, Preparation, and…….Preparation. Preparing for a job interview is probably the least exciting of tasks to perform, but it should pay off in the long run, if you are diligent. When I think back to my first interview, I remember the mental…

4 Things I Learned My First Year in Library School

by Nicolas Resteiner, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi 4 Things I Learned My First Year in Library School Come early May, I will finally have completed a year at the University of Arizona’s SIRLS program! While I was in school I worked first as a page, then as a library assistant. I also completed an internship with…

Why I Chose to Become a Librarian

by Nicolas Resteiner, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Why I Chose to Become a Librarian I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know why I chose to become a librarian. As prospective librarians, we have people telling us that librarianship is a dying profession (I am reminded of a Parks and Recreation episode where Leslie tells a librarian…

Don’t Discount Library Assistant Experience

by Nicolas Resteiner, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Don’t Discount Library Assistant Experience   When I worked at my local library in high school, I was just a page. I shelved books for a couple of years, went to college and came back home and worked as a movie theater manager before realizing that I did not want to…

Takeaways from Teen Programming

by Nicolas Resteiner, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Takeaways from Teen Programming Just recently I was given a promotion from Page to Library Assistant at my library. Besides giving me a much more varied and depth everyday experience at my job, it opened the door to working with a mentor on some teen programming. After some…

Spirit of Giving: 16 Charities to Consider

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Spirit of Giving: 16 Charities to Consider Are you in the Spirit of giving this holiday season? Or do you not know what you should get your Library and Information friends this Christmas? Consider making a donation to a charity which has a mission of providing information and…

Designing Your Web: Learning HTML, CSS, XHTML, and More

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Designing Your Web: Learning HTML, CSS, XHTML, and More Read many job descriptions these days, and you might find certain skills needed that include being able to design websites using HTML, CSS, XHTML, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, and a number of other coding languages. You may have had some…

Don’t Get Lost on Your Job Search!

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Don’t Get Lost on Your Job Search! Getting lost in the job search can be very easy without a plan. Before beginning a job search (or after getting lost), take a moment to breathe and reflect. It’s easy to rush around trying to apply to every job out…

Back to the Book Shelf: This Librarian’s “To-Read” List

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Back to the Book Shelf: This Librarian’s “To-Read” List If you are anything like me, you have plenty of books on the shelf to read but are always looking for more. I recently ran across a Pinterest item that describes the situation perfectly. It reads, “Abibliophobia: (n). The…

Living Through the Oopsies

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Living Through the Oopsies Librarians live a Hannah Montana life. By day, they’re librarian professionals and information superstars; by night, they’re just normal, laid-back, and relaxed readers in bed. Even in their most shining moments, every librarian is human. Disney’s Hannah Montana sang in “Nobody’s Perfect,” “Everyone makes…

School Librarians Not Done Learning

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi School Librarians Not Done Learning: 5 Professional Development Resources In the LIS 644 class I currently attend, an assignment brought to my attention the various professional development resources available to school librarians. As a future school librarian, I believe that learning is a continual process that involves applying…

The 4 Ps to Pleasing Your Potential Employer

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi The 4 Ps to Pleasing Your Potential Employer For the past three months, I served on a search committee for a children’s minister at my church. Through this experience, I have learned many new insights into what it takes to get the job. The top four areas I…

Finding Hidden Treasure: a Cache of Librarian Blogs

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Finding Hidden Treasure: a Cache of Librarian Blogs Every great once in awhile I find a collection of good blogs to follow, and this week I found four blogs that shine so much that Captain Jack Sparrow would not be able to keep his hands off them. The…

Experience Gets Webby: Webinars Give Experience to Job Hunters

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi Experience Gets Webby: Webinars Give Experience to Job Hunters As a current MSLS student, the biggest fear I have is not being eligible for the job posting due to lack of experience. I worked part-time at Paoli Public Library in Paoli, Indiana, for a year and eleven months…