Tag Archive for employers

The Less Trap: 8 Tips on Combating Doing the Same with Less

by Naomi House, MLIS The Less Trap:  8 Tips on Combating Doing the Same with Less Last May I was invited to speak at the National Press Club by LexisNexis.  My passion for volunteer work and reality of staffing cuts at my workplace at the time were colliding.  I spoke to the group about building versatility…

Micro-managers and How to Deal

Aimee Graham, Head Editor, INALJ New York State  Micro-managers and How to Deal Let’s face it, regardless of what sector of employment you may find yourself, there is the potential to work with less than agreeable coworkers and supervisors. As an individual it can be degrading, having your every strength criticized and the experience in general can…

The 4 Ps to Pleasing Your Potential Employer

by Sarah Deringer, Head Editor, INALJ Mississippi The 4 Ps to Pleasing Your Potential Employer For the past three months, I served on a search committee for a children’s minister at my church. Through this experience, I have learned many new insights into what it takes to get the job. The top four areas I…