Tag Archive for clayton hayes

Keeping your library skills cultivated outside of the library

by Clayton Hayes, Senior Assistant, INALJ North Dakota Keeping your library skills cultivated outside of the library The job search can be a long and drawn-out process, and for many it begins as soon as they settle into a new position. A large part of the job search process is identifying and maintaining important professional skills. For…

The Job Search is like Online Dating

by Clayton Hayes, Senior Assistant, INALJ North Dakota The Job Search is like Online Dating To me, the process of searching for a job is like online dating. Think about it: you search online for something that seems attractive. You delve a little bit deeper to see what kind of person they are, to see who they…

Is Homestuck the future of the digitally-native publication?

by Clayton Hayes, Head Editor, INALJ North Dakota Is Homestuck the future of the digitally-native publication? Several months ago I got into a discussion on reddit about the online comic/story/cult known as Homestuck. For those of you unfamiliar, Homestuck is a label-defying piece of online storytelling created by Andrew Hussie. Started in 2009 as a single page, Hussie…

Combating satisficing through relevance: Facebook, Reddit, and beyond

by Clayton Hayes, Head Editor, INALJ North Dakota Combating satisficing through relevance: Facebook, Reddit, and beyond The increased availability of information online has presented information seekers with an often overwhelming array of sources to choose from. This (along with other factors) has led to a growing concern in the academic world with satisficing. Satisficing, put briefly, is the…

Digital Monographs: There’s Still a Long Way to Go

by Clayton Hayes, Head Editor, INALJ North Dakota Digital Monographs: There’s Still a Long Way to Go In many libraries, especially academic libraries, remote resources have become more or less a standard.  It has come to be expected that an academic library will have access to a wide variety of scholarly materials, both in the…