Tag Archive for Chelsea Jordan-Makely

Informational Interview

by Chelsea Jordan-Makely . . . . .Informational Interview These past few months, I’ve been practicing off-road job searching, pursuing a library job through unconventional means. I live in Oregon, a slow library job market, and days would pass when no new jobs were posted. So, I took it upon myself to “knock on some…

Informational Interviewing: A Unique Way to Learn …

by Leigh Milligan, Head Editor, INALJ Pennsylvania and former Head Editor of INALJ Wisconsin Informational Interviewing: A Unique Way to Learn about Libraries and Network at the Same Time One technique in networking and job-hunting that I have been interested in as of late is informational interviewing.  I read a blog post on INALJ last…

The Road Less Traveled By Chelsea Jordan-Makely

The Road Less Traveled (Postcards from a Library Job Seeker) By Chelsea Jordan-Makely reposted from 9/26/2012 It has been a busy month. Less than four weeks ago, I resigned from two library jobs I adored, received my MLIS, and moved to Oregon with my husband, who accepted a faculty position at a small university here.…

Chelsea Jordan-Makely …Success Story

All Jobs for INALJ can be found here: http://inalj.com/?p=1441 Updated daily Naomi House’s interview with success story Chelsea. Naomi:  How did you find your current job? Chelsea:  I actually found two part-time jobs. The first was posted on the Oregon State Library Jobline and on INALJ. The other position is to do a research project…