347 search results for "lying"

So, you think you might want an MLIS?

by Sarah Porter, former Head Editor, INALJ California previously published 4/5/13 So, you think you might want an MLIS? A few months ago, an acquaintance thinking about pursuing an MLIS sent an email inquiring about my personal experience with earning an MLIS. Her main objective was to hear if I thought it was worthwhile. More…

5 Attitudes to Change on the Job Hunt

by Nena Schvaneveldt, former Head Editor, INALJ Utah previously published 4/2/13 5 Attitudes to Change on the Job Hunt Last month, I wrote about how changing my attitude and viewing my circumstances as choices really made me feel a lot less helpless. The line between a good attitude and a bad attitude can be really…

4 Steps to Impress in Your Cover Letters

by Scottie Kapel, former Head Editor, INALJ Oregon previously published 5/1/13 4 Steps to Impress in Your Cover Letters Remember last month when I wrote on and on about how difficult resume writing can be? Well, I lied. Writing a resume is nothing in comparison to writing a cover letter. That said, writing a cover…

5 Things I’ve Learned Serving on Search Committees

By Bradley Woodruff, Head Editor, INALJ Wisconsin 5 Things I’ve Learned Serving on Search Committees If you’re given a chance to serve on a search committee, do it. Do it for the free meals. Do it for the cross-campus connections you’ll make. But most of all, do it because you’ll learn about life on the other side…

May 2014 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

6 million page views total / 500,000+ in May alone What a great month!  The big news is we reached over 6 million page views on INALJ.com and we broke 500,000 page views in a single month for the first time ever! In addition it was the best month at INALJ.com for all other stats! Our busiest day EVER was 23,771 views on 5/27, and our…

Goldilocks Jobs: don’t wait for ‘just right’ to apply

Charissa Brammer, Head Editor, INALJ Maine Goldilocks Jobs: don’t wait for ‘just right’ to apply As a new professional, it can be difficult to find a job that matches your knowledge and experience exactly. Personally, I have a tendency to always look for that Goldilocks job position: the one that will fit everything that I have…

Why You Should Apply for the ALA Emerging Leader Program

by Fallon Bleich, Head Editor, INALJ Arkansas Why You Should Apply for the ALA Emerging Leader Program Last year, I was luckily chosen to participate in the ALA Emerging Leader program. It was a great experience and has really supercharged my career both within and outside of ALA. The following is a list of the…

Leaving Archives for Corporate Work, and Loving It

by Sarah Roark Schott, Head Editor, INALJ Arizona Leaving Archives for Corporate Work, and Loving It There have been a few posts here at INALJ about leaving the Library profession. Veda Darby Soberman, Head Editor of the Hawaii page wrote about it in July last year, and Naomi House, Head of INALJ, wrote a short piece…

Attitude Will Get You Hired (or Fired)

by Naomi House, MLIS Attitude Will Get You Hired (or Fired) I have two basic rules for all my volunteers: 1) do the work assigned and be honest about it and 2) be constructive, have a good attitude and treat each other with respect The first is pretty easy to understand and follow, and we…

A Rejection Letter to the Rejection Letter

by R.C. Miessler, Head Editor, INALJ Indiana previously published 7/8/13 A Rejection Letter to the Rejection Letter Dear HR Departments, I regret to inform you that getting four job rejection letters last week was a bit of a downer. My applications weren’t really close to each other timewise, but I figure that since the new…

My Experience Leaving the MLS off My Resume

by Sarah Roark Schott, Head Editor, INALJ Arizona previously published 10/1/2013 My Experience Leaving the MLS off My Resume Last month I wrote about leaving the MLS off your resume when applying for entry level library jobs and non-library positions. Many of you shared your stories and commented on that article, so I thought I…

I Found my Dream Job but I’m Not Qualified

by Courtney Baron, former Head Editor, INALJ Georgia formerly published 7/26/13 I Found my Dream Job but I’m Not Qualified Sound familiar? As Head Editor of the INALJ Georgia page, I post jobs in the LIS field on a daily basis. Of course, many catch my eye. It can be difficult to see these amazing…

A Job App a Day and Other Job Hunting Strategies

Naomi House standing in front of a mural

by Naomi House, MLIS A Job App a Day and Other Job Hunting Strategies One of my pet peeves about job hunting advice articles is that many of them seem to equate their advice with guaranteed success, when actually there is no one bit of advice out there that works for every person in every…

MLSing the Good Old Days– A Retrospective on the Degrees

by Alphild Dick, Head Editor, INALJ Washington MLSing the Good Old Days– A Retrospective on the Degrees It was with no small amount of relief that a year ago this month I wrapped up my final year of graduate school and started working. It was the end of five years of graduate education, having (ridiculously) subjected myself to…

Talking It Out: Thoughts On Professional Writing

Angela J.A. Kent, Head Editor, INALJ-Virtual Work Talking It Out: Thoughts On Professional Writing The dreaded blank screen and blinking cursor. Whether it’s preparing a cover letter, writing a paper for class, creating a work presentation, or drafting a report for your boss, professional writing can be tough. Sometimes the link between your thoughts in your…

So I’ve graduated library school… Now what?

Angie Solis, Head Editor, INALJ Missouri  So I’ve graduated library school… Now what? As I write this on the eve of my graduation from library school I find myself caught up in feelings of joy, fear, worry, happiness and relief. The feelings of elation come from the fact that I can stand up and proudly announce: “I have…

April 2014 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

Our best month Ever! What a great month!  The big news is we reached over 5.5 million page views on INALJ.com! In addition it was the best month at INALJ.com for all stats! Our busiest day EVER was 21,863 views on 4/14, and our busiest week EVER at 116,111 views, and our busiest month EVER…

The “In” Crowd: Librarian Jobs Beyond the Library

Naomi House standing in front of a mural

by Naomi House, MLIS The “In” Crowd: Librarian Jobs Beyond the Library As a long time member of SLA and someone who got their start in a specialized library I have been aware my entire library career that ‘librarian’ was just one title LIS grads can have.  One thing I want to emphasize is that…

Networking on LinkedIn: Informational Interviews vs. Librarianesque Stalking

by Kasia Piasecka reposting from 1/26/12 and 3/28/12 Networking on LinkedIn: Informational Interviews vs. Librarianesque Stalking Personally, I enjoy meeting new people online in the interest of making new friends, business associates, tennis partners, pals to toss hackey sack, and yes, you guessed it, for the purpose of gaining knowledge from an informational interview. I…

Qraig’s Quest – Information (Mis)Management

by Qraig De Groot previously published 12/5/12 Information (Mis)Management Please bear with me for a moment. I’m writing this column mere moments after applying for a job online.  As has become the norm, I had to fill out a lengthy application with all the information that is already clearly highlighted on my résumé.  But before…

4 things I Learned About Library Service by Leaving the Country

by Rachel Wightman, Assistant Editor, INALJ Washington previously published on 5/4/13 4 things  I Learned About Library Service by Leaving the Country At the end of 2009, when I received my MLIS, the economy wasn’t great. But I started looking for and applying to jobs and was fairly optimistic. I had worked as a paraprofessional…

Why Co-op Libraries Are the Greatest Gift to Your Career

aimee graham

by Aimee Graham, Head Editor, INALJ New York State Why Co-op Libraries Are the Greatest Gift to Your Career One of the most important questions I was asked during my time at the University at Albany in the MSIS program was “what type of library do you want to work for?” Not having much experience in the…

Job Hunting 300 Miles Away

by Amelia Zavala Vander Heide, Head Editor, INALJ NYC Job Hunting 300 Miles Away In my last semester of library school I seemed to hear over and over again that I should be applying for jobs. The application process can be so arduous and time-consuming that it is best to start early, but I had a problem. I…