Tag Archive for blog

There’s a Twitter Chat for That

There’s a Twitter Chat for That by Naomi Gonzalez, Senior Assistant, INALJ Virginia    For those of you who spend what could be called an inordinate amount of time online (ahem), the world of Twitter chats is probably not new ground to you. For those that prefer to spend your time in the physical realm…

4 questions to ask before applying to a for-profit university job

Four questions to ask before applying to a for-profit university library job by Rebekah Kati, Senior Assistant, INALJ North Carolina   Libraries at for-profit universities are pretty mysterious.  For-profit universities have libraries and some employ MLS-holding librarians, but accounts of for-profit librarianship are scarce.  I spent four years working as a librarian at a large,…

Knowledge is power: an Ideal Library Community Center

Knowledge is power: an Ideal Library Community Center by Angela Piccola, Senior Editor   Libraries often expand programming to best serve the community. Libraries have to be receptive to the needs of patrons and adapt accordingly to maintain relevancy within the community. During difficult times, such as a recession, the unemployment rate goes up causing many…

Prepping for ALA Annual 2015: A Job Seeker’s Perspective

Prepping for ALA Annual 2015: A Job Seeker’s Perspective by Oscar Giurcovich, Senior Editor About 2 weeks before I wrote this blog post, I received an email from ALA asking me to confirm my hotel reservation for Annual in June. “Why are they sending this out so early?” I thought to myself. I then glanced…

7 Tips for Moving Past Job Search Rejection

7 Tips for Moving Past Job Search Rejection by Erin Kinney, Senior Assistant, INALJ Wyoming There are several strategies for coping with rejection of any kind, not just during the job hunt. Rejection on the job hunt has been covered on INALJ, but a refresher is always good. Process Your Emotions It is natural to feel angry…

Off the Beaten Path: a Blueprint for LIS Career Moves

Off the Beaten Path: a Blueprint for LIS Career Moves Q&A with Dr. Sandra Hirsh by Alison Peters, INALJ Contributor As a San José State University iSchool student, I’d heard of Dr. Sandra Hirsh, iSchool Director, and her many, many accomplishments, projects and accolades. But I was not expecting to speak with such a happy,…

Title Awareness in the 21st Century

Title Awareness in the 21st Century by Lisa Iannucci, Senior Editor As a public librarian working part-time hours, I am constantly up against time constraints. Because one of my many responsibilities is collection development, it’s essential for me not only to remain current as far as what’s happening in the book industry but to stay abreast…

Taking Chances and Blooming Where You are Planted

Taking Chances and Blooming Where You are Planted by Heidi Greathouse, Senior Assistant, INALJ New Mexico   So, you may be in a situation in which you haven’t found your dream library job yet or even a library job at all and still are looking.  You may be in library school and will be graduating…

Librarian Certification and Good Vibrations

Librarian Certification and Good Vibrations by Rose Noel, Senior Assistant, INALJ Kentucky I felt the vibrations as I entered the library. There was a new energy pulsing through the beautiful, but normally serene public library building. I wondered as I stuffed my purse into a spare employee locker whether I had forgotten a particularly grand…

March 2015 Roundup (INALJ Stats)

2nd best month EVER & 10.5 million page views! What a great month!  March was such an amazing month at INALJ!  2nd best ever, in fact! Our busiest day in March was 22,633 views on 3/30, and our busiest week had 122,687 views, and our month was 543,482 views, our 2nd best month ever! We also hit 10.5…

Gamification, or adding a little excitement to your work

by Holly Boyer, former Head Editor, INALJ Virginia previously published 4/14/14 Gamification, or adding a little excitement to your work If you’re looking for a librarian position in an academic (or even a public or school) library, you’ve probably seen ads that require familiarity with emerging technologies. And if you’re like me, you aren’t really sure what that…

Susan Sosin: Library Friend Extraordinaire

Celebrating Women’s History Month – Susan Sosin: Library Friend Extraordinaire by Tracy Wasserman, Senior Assistant, INALJ Florida Susan Sosin’s volunteer work for libraries and other community organizations is an important part of her life.  From an early age growing up in Highland Park, New Jersey, Susan learned the significance and impact of volunteering her time…

Q&A with Dr. Sandra Hirsh, Editor of Information Services Today

This interview is over 1 year old and may no longer be up to date or reflect the interviewee/interviewees’ positions Q&A with Dr. Sandra Hirsh, Editor of Information Services Today: An Introduction by Alison Peters, INALJ Contributor Lewis Carroll wrote in Alice in Wonderland: “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will…

A Day in the Life of a Conflicts Information Specialist

Amanda Brooks, former Head Editor, INALJ British Columbia previously published 3/13/14 A Day in the Life of a Conflicts Information Specialist “What is a Conflicts Information Specialist?” you may be asking yourself after reading that title. I certainly was when I stumbled across a job posting for this position. The purpose of a Conflicts Information Specialist…

Have you contributed content to your library’s website?

Have you contributed content to your library’s website? by Katherine Kimball Adelberg, Senior Assistant, INALJ Michigan   If you haven’t yet, it’s only a matter of time. Think of all the pieces of content on your library’s website: event listings, ebook download instructions, lists of services, how to get a library card, research guides, blog posts…that’s…

Resume Missteps & Solutions

Resume Missteps & Solutions by Amy Steinbauer, Senior Assistant, INALJ California The job search is a messy, complicated game of employment. It can seem like all of the hiring factors are out of your control. You get excited at job ads and prospects, send your resume and cover letter in, and wait, and wait, and wait.…

Tips for Boosting Your Presence in the LIS Community

Tips for Boosting Your Presence in the LIS Community by Angie Solis, Senior Editor Being a part of the INALJ team means that I’m surrounded by many amazing people who rock my world every day with their knowledge and ability to be superstars in the LIS community. Seriously, it’s like I know celebrities.  I find…

Mining Your State Library

Mining Your State Library by Tracy Wasserman, Senior Assistant, INALJ Florida State libraries are information resource providers for their state governments, serving the information needs of state agency employees and the state legislature.  That’s their first mission. Their other mission?  To collect and preserve the published history of their state.  The State of Florida, for…

Don’t Discount the Digital Community

Don’t Discount the Digital Community by Sarah Morrison, Senior Assistant, INALJ Alberta and INALJ Manitoba I’ve noticed an underlying feeling that pervades discussion of the internet, introversion, and community. It’s one of those things that isn’t always explicit, and I don’t have one or two “exposé” links to point to for proof. But there seems…

Ask a Special Librarian – March Edition

Ask a Special Librarian – March Edition Tracy Z. Maleeff Library Resources Manager at Duane Morris LLP in Philadelphia @LibrarySherpa & LibrarySherpa.com   Spring cleaning time is almost upon us. It’s a good way to clear out some cobwebs, air some things out and just prepare for a new season of your life. Yes, I’m…