Tag Archive for INALJ

Cover Letters: They’re Kind of a BIG DEAL!

Cover Letters: They’re Kind of a BIG DEAL! by Natalie Browning, Senior Assistant, INALJ DC Cover Letter. Letter of Interest. I dare you to find a job posting that does not require you to write a letter about your qualifications. Sending in a resume is not enough; the hiring committee wants to see not only…

Open thank you note to past search participants

Open thank you note to past search participants by Mary-Michelle Moore, Senior Editor It takes many people in the library to successfully hire a new librarian. While the head of the search committee (and sometimes the whole committee) gets a thank you note, many people involved in the interview day do not get much recognition.…

Threading the Corkscrew: Non-Ladder/Non-Lateral Job Advancement

by Naomi House, MLIS previously published 4/24/14 Threading the Corkscrew: Non-Ladder/Non-Lateral Job Advancement I have not had the most traditional work-life for a librarian.  I didn’t get my undergrad degree, then my MLIS and then get a job in a library or information center.  I spent years in grocery stores and import stores working the…

So, you have an interview?

So, you have an interview? by Amy Steinbauer, Senior Assistant, INALJ California I am having a bit of an interview streak. In the past month, I have been on 8 job interviews, and they have all been extremely different. Hopefully, one will pan out into a real job! The following examples mostly pertain to a public…

JP Porcaro – Candidate for President of the American Library Association

JP Porcaro – Candidate for President of the American Library Association All information taken from the candidate’s website.  Also check out his mention of INALJ here! “JP Porcaro’s ALA Presidential Platform! My platform for my time as ALA President revolves around ensuring a stronger future for librarianship. Presidential initiative: We know from the data [OCLC…

Jamie LaRue – Candidate for President of ALA

Jamie LaRue – Candidate for President of the American Library Association   When I was 22, at the end of the 70s, I hitchhiked out to Arizona to look for work. At that time, I had a double major in Philosophy and English (mostly creative writing). It turns out there wasn’t a lot of demand…

Joe Janes – Candidate for President of ALA

Joe Janes – Candidate for President of the American Library Association Let’s start with things we all already know:  The job market in libraries has been rocky for a while, though it is getting somewhat better as time goes on and budgets stabilize and occasionally even improve.  There’s lots of guidance about how to pursue…

Julie Todaro – Candidate for President of ALA

Julie Todaro – Candidate for President of the American Library Association I Needed A Library Job, Too! Do I want you to vote for me for ALA President? Yes, I do. And I could spend a great deal of time articulating why I think I am the best candidate, but instead let me just say…

Bringing Humanity into Libraries

Bringing Humanity into Libraries by Angela Piccola, Senior Editor Libraries function as a common ground to nurture knowledge and foster community. The idea of the library being a brick and mortar storage house for books has shifted in the new digital age. What more can we do as a profession other than to provide answers…

Ask a Special Librarian – April Edition

Ask a Special Librarian – April Edition Tracy Z. Maleeff Library Resources Manager at Duane Morris LLP in Philadelphia @LibrarySherpa & LibrarySherpa.com   No money, more problems? I once overheard someone lament, “I can’t even afford to job hunt right now.” It’s true that it could be a costly proposition to get new clothes, business cards and…

Crowdsourcing, Digital Volunteering and Science

Crowdsourcing, Digital Volunteering and Science by Gabrielle Spiers, Senior Editor One of the great things about the internet is that it brings people together from all over the world and allows them to collaborate on projects. Many people have heard of the Citizen Archivist Dashboard, which is part of the National Archives. It allows people…

Not Feelin’ It: Tips for Improving Your Internship Experience

Not Feelin’ It: Tips for Improving Your Internship Experience by Josh Rimmer, Senior Editor   We’ve all been there. When a job, an internship opportunity, or volunteer experience transpires to be something completely different than what we thought. Rather than developing negative thoughts, it’s best to turn the experience into a learning opportunity. It’s okay…

There’s a Twitter Chat for That

There’s a Twitter Chat for That by Naomi Gonzalez, Senior Assistant, INALJ Virginia    For those of you who spend what could be called an inordinate amount of time online (ahem), the world of Twitter chats is probably not new ground to you. For those that prefer to spend your time in the physical realm…

4 questions to ask before applying to a for-profit university job

Four questions to ask before applying to a for-profit university library job by Rebekah Kati, Senior Assistant, INALJ North Carolina   Libraries at for-profit universities are pretty mysterious.  For-profit universities have libraries and some employ MLS-holding librarians, but accounts of for-profit librarianship are scarce.  I spent four years working as a librarian at a large,…

Knowledge is power: an Ideal Library Community Center

Knowledge is power: an Ideal Library Community Center by Angela Piccola, Senior Editor   Libraries often expand programming to best serve the community. Libraries have to be receptive to the needs of patrons and adapt accordingly to maintain relevancy within the community. During difficult times, such as a recession, the unemployment rate goes up causing many…

7 Tips for Moving Past Job Search Rejection

7 Tips for Moving Past Job Search Rejection by Erin Kinney, Senior Assistant, INALJ Wyoming There are several strategies for coping with rejection of any kind, not just during the job hunt. Rejection on the job hunt has been covered on INALJ, but a refresher is always good. Process Your Emotions It is natural to feel angry…

Off the Beaten Path: a Blueprint for LIS Career Moves

Off the Beaten Path: a Blueprint for LIS Career Moves Q&A with Dr. Sandra Hirsh by Alison Peters, INALJ Contributor As a San José State University iSchool student, I’d heard of Dr. Sandra Hirsh, iSchool Director, and her many, many accomplishments, projects and accolades. But I was not expecting to speak with such a happy,…

Title Awareness in the 21st Century

Title Awareness in the 21st Century by Lisa Iannucci, Senior Editor As a public librarian working part-time hours, I am constantly up against time constraints. Because one of my many responsibilities is collection development, it’s essential for me not only to remain current as far as what’s happening in the book industry but to stay abreast…

Taking Chances and Blooming Where You are Planted

Taking Chances and Blooming Where You are Planted by Heidi Greathouse, Senior Assistant, INALJ New Mexico   So, you may be in a situation in which you haven’t found your dream library job yet or even a library job at all and still are looking.  You may be in library school and will be graduating…

Librarian Certification and Good Vibrations

Librarian Certification and Good Vibrations by Rose Noel, Senior Assistant, INALJ Kentucky I felt the vibrations as I entered the library. There was a new energy pulsing through the beautiful, but normally serene public library building. I wondered as I stuffed my purse into a spare employee locker whether I had forgotten a particularly grand…